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Blog Entries posted by CamVFX

  1. CamVFX
    Ladies and Gentlemen......Hardy has returned! Respect coming from Canada. I live there. I collected all 6 Mahri and I got some pics of Nuparu! I'll show them later.
  2. CamVFX
    Dun dun dun. There's my intro. Yesterday, I went on a bold daring tale(which I'll get to later)and before the adventure, I went mini golfing! I had to show the putts who is boss! I got hole in 2's, holes in 3's,holes in 4's and almost a hole in 1!(When I said hole in 2's,3's and 4's that's just I how I keep score.) Now the daring tale. I entered the car. And drove off to Zellers in search of the Mahri!But when I came there, they had no Mahri or 2007 titans!
    My mom told me we needed some stuff for our trip so I followed here. After Zellers, I had to be re-hungerfied with Mcdonalds! It was a refreshing stop. Then I entered Price Chopper! We gathered food and some other stuff for our trip! Then Beforre we left we looked for beach toys and we got a water football.(Basically a football that's spongey)And we left for home.
    Hardy siging out.Peace.
  3. CamVFX
    I'm going camping in 5 days and I'm so excited! Wait I forgot the intro! Dun dun dun. Anyways I may get Jaller Mahri on the way up or back. Or another Toa Mahri. But if they don't have them I'll faint. I won't actually faint. I'm bringing some bionicles with me to make my camping special comic in Hardy's comics!
    Hardy signing out. Peace out.
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