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Status Updates posted by Terminus

  1. So after trying out the demo version of Meiko V3, I feel like I could get moderately proficient in using the Vocaloid software. Guess I'll probably be purchasing Hatsune Miku V3 English soon, then.

  2. Recently stated playing the Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine FTP-MMO. If anyone else plays Imagine, let me know.

  3. Finally got caught up on Psych, I'd missed about the last four episodes of Season Six. The finale was fantastic (as usual, and it made up for the slightly-disappointing Yang finale last season), and what happened at the very end was a real shocker, and I'm now Psyched (pun intended) for Season 7.

  4. Shin Megami Tensei IV is not only the best RPG I've played since Persona 4, but it's also one of the hardest PRGs I've ever played.

  5. Had a great Christmas with my friends and family! Now I'm waiting for Thursday, going to hang out with some friends, go to the mall, and see the Hobbit! Gonna be great!

  6. The PlayStation 4 event was AWESOME! Really excited for inFamous: Second Son, big fan of the series.

  7. So, I have to think up a proposal for my final project in my Photography class... I'm kinda getting the feeling that the actual project will be easier than coming up with the proposal...

  8. Just finished up a stage production of The Phantom of the Opera, it was awesome. Nearly broke my leg in a stage accident, but it was a fantastic performance. And I learned I'm a better and funnier actor than about 90% of my school.

  9. Operation Rainfall is a success! Pandora's Tower is coming to North America this Spring!

  10. I absolute love working in Maya. But I also hate it with a burning passion.

  11. I've finally beaten Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked 100%! Going to get the sequel sometime soon...

  12. With the addition of my three most recent manga volumes (Sailor Moon 8, Puella Magi Madoka Magica 3, and Haganai 1), my manga collection is now at 43 volumes! Plan to be at 50 by the beginning of February.


  14. Third Platinum! Although, Xblaze was really quite an easy one...

  15. Nine days 'till summer!

  16. Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus US Physical Limited Edition release confirmed! EXCITEMENT!

  17. Happy 2013, everyone!

  18. Started playing Catherine, It's the first game I've played in a while that makes me want to throw the controller... And yet, the gameplay is so addictive it's hard to put down.

  19. If someone figured out the studying techniques for the Main Character in Persona 4, they'd be loved by students everywhere.

  20. Eh twr blx uilj yfek, twr flvi yww zrbr huoo yezi.

  21. So, I finally got Corpse Princess on DVD after seeing and enjoying the first few episodes a while ago, and OMG THE FEELS. And that's just the first half.

  22. Final Fantasy XV demo coming with Type-0 HD next year? HYPE.

  23. Just got Persona 4 Golden earlier today. So far, it's better than the original in every way imaginable and unimaginable. Which I wasn't expecting, since the original was already pretty much perfect.

  24. Just got back into The Last Story, and loving it. Most powerful weapon at the moment is a chair. =P

  25. Yay... Just blew a fuse with my GBA charger after I tried to fix it... The fuse is back to normal, but I'll need to buy a new charger...

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