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Status Updates posted by Terminus

  1. Just got Skyrim for my PC, $7.50 on Steam. Not much of a PC gamer, so I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing...

  2. Just had a giant lunch, now I'm dreading the three birthday cakes waiting for me (I got one from my friends, one from work, and one from my family)... Pretty sure I'll be stuffed for the rest of the day... >.

  3. Just had my first meal (or food of any sort) in about two days, been rather sick and stuck in bed... Doesn't really matter now though, I'm feeling almost perfect again.

  4. Just hit 1,000 trophies on PSN! Quite the achievement, if I do say so myself.

  5. Just listened to This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee with an English translation, and... The lyrics are way more psychotic than I was expecting...

  6. Just preordered Dead or Alive 5 on PS3, getting it the 25th-26th. I'll be ready to take anyone who wants to challenge me.

  7. Just preordered The Last Story on Amazon with overnight shipping, so excited! Been waiting for this since I first heard about it, and I'm so glad it's finally coming to America!

  8. Just saw the final episode of Robotics;Notes. While the show wasn't as well paced as Steins;Gate, it still had a fantastic ending. I'm not expecting next week's Vividred Operation finale to be anywhere close (the whole series was kinda underwhelming), but I'm definitely really exctited for Devil Survivor 2 and Gargantia on the Verdant Planet.

  9. Kill La Kill's recap episode was mind-blowingly amazing. I was absolutely shocked by how much I loved it.

  10. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix confirmed for NA release this fall! It'll be a wonderful way to start off college...

  11. Knew from the first TD... RAVENS WIN THE SUPER BOWL!


  13. Linkin Park and Incubus were AWESOME last night!

  14. My copy of X:15: an Ambage anthology arrived in the mail today! Quite excited to read it, I've read a bit of the Ambage stuff here, and it's pretty good.

  15. My final project for my 3D modeling class was nearly done being modeled, when i looked at it and felt it was too... boring. I then decided that it needed more guns. What it looks like in it's current state: http://www.bzpower.com/board/gallery/image/679-vehic5/

  16. My laptop is slowly self destructing ._.

  17. My microwave is broken. And that makes me extremely happy.

  18. My PS3 copy of Mass Effect 3 that I just bought won't work. Which is extremely disappointing.

  19. My Wii is broken. About two hours into Xenoblade. And It'll be about a month till it'll be fixed.

    1. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      That's too bad... =/ What happened, disk read error?

    2. Terminus


      Nope, the disk drive just doesn't work. Can't even put in any other disks, really wanted to finish Zelda...

    3. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      That's odd. =/ That's not good at all, then.

  20. New Kingdom Hearts in 3 Days! YESZ!

  21. Nine days 'till summer!

  22. Not getting the New 3DS as soon as I was hoping because I had to replace my iPod... Meh, I don't really use my 3DS much, anyways, and I don't really plan to until Xenoblade 3D.

  23. Now that I have Windows 7 on my personal computer, I really like it. Now to see if I can get it to run Skyrim...

  24. OH SNAP. Kill la Kill got real this week...

  25. OH YEAH! Red Sox win the World Series! *insert absurd amounts of hype here*

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