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Status Updates posted by Terminus

  1. So, I'm getting the fourth season of The Mentalist tomorrow, which I love watching with my Dad. Well, I know how I'll be spending evenings up until my high school graduation in a few weeks!

  2. The hardest thing about playing a video game in a language you don't know is navigating the menus. And figuring out what the heck the tutorials want you to do...

  3. New Kingdom Hearts in 3 Days! YESZ!

  4. Well, finished Devil Survivor 2 last night, just in time to start Soul Hackers tomorrow! Anyways, the Anguished One had a pretty good route, and I wasn't expecting what happened after the Final Boss. Gonna most likely go the Daichi route next.

  5. School's out for a second day due to Sandy; fortunately, nowhere around me got hit too hard.

  6. The latest twist in Kill la Kill came as no surprie... But I loved every second of it.

  7. So, I just have to survive two days of school this week and write one paper, then I finally get a much-needed break... And my favorite American holiday, Black Friday!

  8. Just got my new disc drive for my Wii! Now It'll be fixed for only $30 instead of $80!

  9. Just got Skyrim for my PC, $7.50 on Steam. Not much of a PC gamer, so I pretty much have no idea what I'm doing...

  10. A sequel to The World Ends Wit You seems to be in the works. YESSS!

  11. Super Bowl plans: get lots of snacks, watch all the commercials. Occasionally follow the game, if I feel like it.

  12. FINALLY getting to putting the music I lost from the iOS6 update back on my iPod... Gonna take a while...

  13. College lectures on how to make rectangles in Photoshop are EXTREMELY boring...

  14. You Should Lose SERIOUS Proto..... Posting Illegal Pictures ON PURPOSE KNOWING THEY'RE ILLEGAL Can Lose You Serious Proto Or Worse- Get You BANNED!!!!!

  15. Ugh, the game is still stopped due to a power outage... Still, the Ravens are winning, so can't complain there.

  16. I finally started following Outbreak Company last night, and wondered why I hadn't sooner (because I've had the fansubs sitting on my laptop for weeks). Anyways, It's quite funny. This fall is a good season for anime.

  17. Knew from the first TD... RAVENS WIN THE SUPER BOWL!

  18. Hopefully Amazon will still have PS4s in stock on Tuesday. Bacause I'll FINALLY have the money to get one then!

  19. I'm doing some hand-drawn animation work for my film class final project. After spending over two hours to make about three seconds of footage, I totally have a newfound respect for people who do this kind of animation.

  20. Finally got started on my new computer, works great so far!

  21. Just listened to This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee with an English translation, and... The lyrics are way more psychotic than I was expecting...

  22. My copy of X:15: an Ambage anthology arrived in the mail today! Quite excited to read it, I've read a bit of the Ambage stuff here, and it's pretty good.

  23. Here's my rankings of this season's anime (of what I've seen) 1. WATAMOTE ~No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys Fault I’m Not Popular!~, 2. Hyperdimension Neptunia, 3. Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen, 4. Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya

  24. Wow, Square Enix is STILL planning on bringing Final Fantasy Type-0 to North America and Europe. They just don't know when the heck when. JUST TAKE MY MONEY, SQUEENIX!

  25. Downloading the Lightning Returns demo on my PS3. Pretty excited to try it out.

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