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Blog Entries posted by Rarity

  1. Rarity
    I made it through the week of blogs, without getting involved in any of the usual BZDrama.
    Going to remove this, as that site is still not appropriate as per BZPower rules.-Nukaya
  2. Rarity
    ...Unless Steam has anything good on sale, that my laptop will actually run.
    Might just go 6 month, instead of a year.
    Also, is it just me, or did they used to have a 3 month option?
    And, does steam have any good OLDER games on sale?
  3. Rarity
    *Puts on sunglasses* Probably(and hopefully) my last day on BZP for awhile. In my time here, I've seen the site change, I've changed, everything has changed. I've decided to TRY to leave BZP, because I no longer have an interest in Lego, or Bionicle.
    There are some members here, that really don't like me, and will be happy, but there are some BZFriends that will see this... And still be happy!
    This forum isn't like it was when I first joined, while I wanted to leave earlier in the year due to the drama, nothing like that is my reason. I simply do feel like I belong here, my time needs to be devoted to real life problems, and I'm spending more and more time at another forum, that is more active then BZP, and is more relevant to my interests.
    Again, not gonna say a "real" goodbye, because I'll probably be back again one day.
    Like they say, you never forget your first forum.
    Cya on the flipside guys. B)
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