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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    I realized that dinosaurs and sharks make everything better.
    I have no dinosaur.
    Thus, life is not better.
    So, as soon as I can, I'm'a go find meself a dinosaur keychain. He'll be on my belt at all times along with my car key.
    How to be happeh in 1 easy step!
  2. Boogie Monsta
    First and before I forget:
    @NEKU: I like both those songs (Breed and SLTS), but my parents are really strict about what I legally listen to, so.. I meant them. I'll look those up, tho, I know a bit from each of them already.
    Ok, so me and Tom were talking last nite about how there hasn't been a dream in a while. Of course, there's no better way to make one happen, then..
    I only remember snatches of this one, but it started in some kind of camp, like a 4-H center. Me and my friend Stephen were camping, and all this weird stuff kept showing up in the trash can in our hut.. Next thing I remember is me and Stephen driving seperate campers, each holding these giant empty cardboard boxes, and we traveled around doing some kind of show with them.. Like a magic show or something, I don't quite remember. The third part is the one I remember most vividly. I was a Wall-e, working on a luxury cruise ship (like over Titanic size). EVE was there, too, she helped, never let her out of my sight. Then one day this killer bat that had stripes like a bee showed up and started breaking things on the ship. (The bat was about human size, a bit smaller.) So me and EVE and my cat Tiffy, who had grown double-sized, went off to fight the bat. Its hair insulated it from mine and EVE's laser blasts, but Tiffy just bit it, and pulled, and its hair came off like in Tom and Jerry cartoons, revealing hairless cartoon skin underneath. Me and EVE blasted it, and the bat ran away. This happened several more times, before I got called to the maintenance room, and they told me I wasn't doing my job, or something like that, and I was going to be dissassembled, so I was sad, and so was EVE, and we were moping around and I woke up.
    So yeah. I think this is the first recorded one ever without Angel in it, although with me being Wall-E, EVE could've represented her.. I've actually saw an FB bumper sticker that said "You're the EVE to my Wall-E." last night, that may have something to do with it..
    Anyways. Tom's back in business! =D
  3. Boogie Monsta
    Me: Just found your house! =D
    E: lol.. and that's not creepy at all.
    Me: Nope. We were taking furniture froma friend and they live on the same street as your Mustang.. You're not on my stalk list =D
    E: I live down across the entrance, there's no parking at my house
    Me: Ah, okie. Not that I'll use the knowlege of where you live or anything <=D Btw you left a light on on the west side..
    E: Ooh, ok. I's sorry I quite literally just woke up..
    Me: I know =D Don't forget to make your bed, you did that a lot last week..
    E: I always get in trouble for that..
    Me: I'd help but I haven't managed to find where you hide your outside key
    E: Really? it's not that difficult. A stalker of your caliber should've had no problem.. tsk tsk dave.
    Me: =[ It's under the mat, isn't it? I thought that was just an urban legend.. Never checked there..
    E: dave dave dave.. never reject the classics.
    Me: True dat. Don't worry about your bed, then, just go about your business..
    E: aye-aye comrade.. Just do me one favor: spare the box on the shelf
    Me: Oh THAT box. The fun box. =D Sure. Can I have the cat, tho? I luv to cuddle it.. It smells like you..
    E: There's a cat?! huh..
    Me: You didn't know you had a cat? His name is Arnold, he's quite friendly
    E: Oh god.. This scares and intrigues me all at the same time..
    Me: I can't believe you never noticed him.. Maybe it's cuz I always clean the cat hair off your bed before you get home
    E: You know.. that could be it.. the missing yarn all makes sense now
    Me: >_< Can't believe I forgot to replace that.. Go to work and it'll be back.
    E: Ooh okay, thank you very much.. I was behind in my holiday scarf-making
    Me: No problem. Ooh Ooh, what color is mine? 8D
    E: lol.. what color would you like.. i might be able to plug one out.. maybe.
    Me: How about that black one with a bee on it at the bottom of the basket? It'll help me blend in with the outside-your-window at night.
    E: basket? and black w/ bee? ummm. i think you might be confusing my house with your other stalkee..
    Me: Nah, the basket in your mom's closet where all the knitting stuff is. Isn't that what you use?
    E: oh no.. that hasn't been touched in ages. My mom gave up knitting forever ago. mine would be the sloppy crochet-work on the desk.
    Me: Oh, ok. That explains it then. I don't usually pay attention to what your mom is doing.. That'd be creepy.
    E: you know.. i don't think creepy can even define it anymore..
    Me: You're probably right. We need a new word that means the level of creepy when you put on someone's nail polish.. My thumb is still shiny.
    E: lol. That's rad.. despite your protesting i always knew you liked it
    Me: Lol yup. Tell anyone you know that and the fun box gets it tho..
    E: lol. dang.. everytime you get something good you can't use it..
    Me: =P That's because you're not me =D and if you were that'd be weird and I'd have to stalk myself.. Which would be too easy..
    E: not necessarily.. you could make stalking yourself a challenge and that could be somewhat fun
    Me: "Hmm.. What was my favorite type of cookie? Better leave some out for myself.." Could be beneficial! =D
    E: it could be.. it would be like a new fun game..
    Me: Yep, I'm totally doing that now. Although that'll take away my stalking time from you =[
    E: it's okay.. i think i can relinquish it to a worthy adversary..
    Me: Alrite, I gotta study for finals now.. Don't move the key, I have to get this nail polish off later.
    E: okie dokie.. have fun
  4. Boogie Monsta
    Yeah, so I'm back now. Thankfully the absence was short-term rather than long. Anyways, the FSPOT should resume soon. And you guys need to tell your friends about it! We need more people.
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