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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    Can you imagine how good going through with this will make you feel?
    No one will ever know.
    There will be no chance of you ever getting caught.
    They never loved you anyway,
    So come on, be a man and do what you are compelled to do.
  2. Boogie Monsta
    calvinsauce: shaq is holding a panda, YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID
    Ferhago: Unless YOUR happens to reference..
    calvinsauce: *fireworks in background*
  3. Boogie Monsta
    So my youth group is now letting the members invent one month's activity each.
    I'm gonna get about 20 standard issue nerf guns, 1 Vulcan chaingun-type, and 3 or 4 lightsabers. Hide the vulcan and lightsabers in the church somewhere, and send in the youth group, each with a SI gun, and have an all-out war in the church with all the lights off.
    And take video of them rushing in, put it in slow motion and black and white, and set it to Our Truth by Lacuna Coil.
  4. Boogie Monsta
    Tell them your name.
    Hewkii.. Inika.
    Are you the real Axonn?
    Then why to you wield like him?
    He's a symbol.. that we don't have to be afraid of scum like you.
    Oh, you do, Hewkii. You REALLY do!
    Look at me.
    You see, this is how crazy Axonn's made Voya Nui. You want order, on Voya Nui, Axonn must take off his mask, and turn himself in. Oh, and every day he doesn't, Matoran will die. Starting tonight. I'm a man of my word. Hee hee aHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!
  5. Boogie Monsta
    "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am tonight's.. entertainment. I only have one question for you. Where is Tahu Nuva?
    You know who Tahu is? You know where he is?
    You know where I can find Tahu? I need to talk to him about something. Just something. Little.
    You know, I'll settle for his loved ones."
    "We're not intimidated by Dark Hunters!"
    "You know.. You remind me of my master. And I HATED my master."
    "Okay, stop."
    *turns to see Gali*
    "Well, hello beautiful. You must be Tahu's squeeze. And you are beautiful.
    You look nervous. Is it the eyes? You wanna know how I got 'em? Come 'ere. Look at me.
    So I had a partner. He was noble, like you, who tells me I think too much. Who tells me I ought to obey more. Who never does anything against the will of Mata Nui. One day he refuses to work with me. I have no problem with that, but he can't take it. I just want him to leave me alone, hm? I just want him to know that I don't need him anymore. So I take a Zamor launcher and do this to myself. And you know what? He can't stay away from me! He tries to help. Now I see the funny side. Now I can take him down."
    *water blast to the chest*
    "A little fight in you. I like that."
    "Then you're gonna love me."
  6. Boogie Monsta
    I went to Busch Gardens' (my super-awesome amusement park) super-awesome Halloween thing of awesomeness. Dressed in full costume as Batman. I got several hundred "HAY BATMAN"s and a few hundred "WHAT'S UP BATMAN"s and a few "I LOVE YOU BATMAN"s and some other things.
    Including kicked out of the park.
    Srsly, we came out of a haunted-mansion thing and 6 security guards are there and they're like SIR. Stand over there. So I stand over there.
    Then one asks me all these official-type questions while the others stand in a circle and keep glancing at me like I'm going to stab them.
    So the HEAD OF SECURITY comes and he's like Yeah, you can't come in with a costume and I'm like DUDE I've had it on for like 2 hours and they let me through the front gates with it on and he's like 'Kay but I'm'a have to kick you out anyways.
    So I go through one of those secret doors in the fence and there's an escort of 2 POLICE SUVs WITH THEIR LIGHTS FLASHING waiting. Cal and me get in and we're taken directly to my car.
    So yeah!
    My summer is complete. I've been kicked out of somewhere
  7. Boogie Monsta
    Hay guyz, I have my idea for BBC#51, I'll tell if you promise not to copy..
    I was thinking about doing the homeless guy from Even Flow, but the 1-solitary-MOC rule shut that down, since he'd need the alleyway to show he was homeless.
    The Guy from Indestructible - Disturbed would be too much responsibility, so when I screwed it up I'd get even more contempt..
    The Pretender from the Foo Fighters song was tempting, but the description could go basically anywhere.
    So.. The final decision?
    King of Everything - Anarchy Club.
    "I'm walking on the sky, for all to see, I know the secret of eternity, make all the devils cry, and angels sing, because I am the King of Everything."
    There's more, but if I pull this off it'll be an epic MOC. 'specially "Breath of God, they all applaud, my fire-eyed inferno."
    And my name's changed nao! =D
  8. Boogie Monsta
    First order of business: I'm thinking about changing my name to Ferhago the Stone Temple Pilot. Assuming it's not too long, d'you guy think it sounds cool? I think it does. Deliciously random, still Ferhago, and awesome hard rock riffs. Comment at least on this, please.
    Second.. Angel likez me! =D my evidence? Spoke to her 3 times, with these reactions:
    She was really happy when I talked to her, the first time she smiled so hard she looked she might explode. She didn't really try to hide it that time, either. For like 20 minutes after that she acted all animated and happy and laughing, too. Which is unusual since usually at church she looks like her dog just died.. The second time she didn't try to hide her happiness, either, even though I just said hey. She replied in a pretty loud voice, even tho she usually talks really softly. And the third time, she kinda walked away a few steps, slowly, tossed her hair over her shoulder, and then turned her head to answer the question.
    So I'm happier than I've been in.. ever.
    Pleased to meet you, nice to know me,
    What's the message? Can ya show me?
    I've been waiting, a long time now,
    What is the answer? You're all mine now.
    Yeaaah, I've been waitin' for my Sunday Girl,
    Yeaaah, I've been waitin' for my Sunday Girl, now.
  9. Boogie Monsta
    Yeah, so I'm back now. Thankfully the absence was short-term rather than long. Anyways, the FSPOT should resume soon. And you guys need to tell your friends about it! We need more people.
  10. Boogie Monsta
    I'm back with severals of more dollars and not severals of hours of conciousness left..
    So all I can do is be on here to stay awake, and it rips my life away, but it's a great escape.. [/blindmelon] (kudos if you know the song)
    Anybody know some reasonably easy songs for guitar that I would know?
  11. Boogie Monsta
    Well, thank goodness it was only for a day. Thanks in some part to Dad being in England for a week.
    Finally changed my compy background, it has Iron Man on it now.
    Oh, and that entry, <_>? It's a song by Suicidal Tendencies. Brush up on your Guitar Hero playing.
    And imagining the look on all you guys' faces was worth it.
  12. Boogie Monsta
    Well, it's the first of the month, and I'm finally back. I will answer PMs and everything now. I doubt if I'll recover my 5 posts per day ratio tho...
  13. Boogie Monsta
    I FINALLY unlocked Biolante in G-zilla! She is totally awesome to play as. Her attack rating is the highest it can be, and with good reason. Her huge maw full of teeth and whipping vines hurt a lot. All of her other attacks are strong, likewise. For her throw, she inhales the enemy's head, hurls them up in the air, hits them with vines, and lets them fall. Her only downside is that she can just barely move. Having no legs makes it tough...
    This is Biolante, for those who don't know.

  14. Boogie Monsta
    I'm heading to Wal-Mart to stake out my spot at 2:30a. Why, you ask? Well let me tell you.
    Xbox 360 Elite
    Halo ODST
    Batman: Arkham Asylum
    Dirt 2
    Rock Band
    All Rock Band instruments for the 360
    All for $250 bucks off. That's paying $430 for $680 worth of stuff =D
    I'm PUMPED. Some frenzied mom tries to jack my 360, I'll be like LADY'S FACE, MEET MY KNEECAP. KNEECAP, LADY'S FACE. GET ACQUAINTED
  15. Boogie Monsta
    Ok! So I was bored and decided to write a blog entry! It took over 100 Board messages to get here...
    I got a Facebook! You could possibly add me if you want. Just tell me your name and I'll add ya.
    So... I'm eating popcorn and watching a TV special on Water Parks. They've got some pretty unique rides on here. But I've still never seen anything as unique as something at King's Dominion, called the Tornado. They put you in a 4-person tube (not the big circular type, but 4 normal inner tubes stuck together in the center. It's kind of strange. And really hard to carry up steps...
    Anyway. You go down a run-of-the-mill giant cylindrical water ride, nothing impressive at the beginning. But then you go down a probably-more-than-60-degree drop, and are spit out of the tube into a...
    GIANT FUNNEL! You're spit out on one side, and you go up the other one, almost to a 90 degree angle. Once you peak, you go back down, and continue until you make it through the mouth of the funnel. It's awesome!
    In closing:
    It's a relocation sale! Fifty percent off all badly beaten Homestars! - Bubs
  16. Boogie Monsta
    So hey guys, my premiership runs out in a few days (I'm not allowed to buy it for myself again), and with it goes blogging.. Which is pretty much the only reason why I stay on BZP nowadays..
    SO unless I somehow get premier idk how much I'll be around. It's been fun!
  17. Boogie Monsta
    So I hung out with Ryuujin and Avohkah Tamer and Turakii and a lot of other awesome people at Brickfair on Saturday, which was awesome. I totally forgot what an awesome group of people I left here, I should def log on more often.
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