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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    Well, I've seen how people like my jokes and things I post here, and decided to give you guys more. But, this time, it'll be better.
    In the form of pictures! From now until...whenever I run out/get bored of doing it, I'll post pics of funny signs, stuff, shirts, and all that.
    So...you have that to look forward to!
    Let's start off with one of my personal favorites.
    Always remember your priorities!

    Comments welcome on this and all.
  2. Boogie Monsta
    Well, that's up to you. It's definitely not great, but I think for the first time in years it's ok. Later I'll take a picture of Hahli's actual pose (my camera's out of batteries atm..) so you can judge better.

    Comments? Criticism?
    Don't you dare look and leave, even if you're inexperienced you may see something that needs improvement..
    Everything has been said before,
    There's nothing left to say any more,
    When it's all the same you can ask for it by name.
  3. Boogie Monsta
    So, at the beginning, I don't remember much.. I remember a trailer, darkness, and an old man I think I know in real life, but I can't quite identify. My friend Calvin was there was well. Then we came to my church, which had something different about the lights.. and the back part, which has a lot of halls, seemed endless, like a maze. Stuff happened back there that I don't remember, still with me and Calvin. Then this low-pitched trumpet sound sounded (for lack of a better word), and we went into the sanctuary, Angel was there, too, I sat on the same row as her. [side note: I think it was around this time I suddenly had the subliminal knowledge that me and her were transformers. Not like the movie ones, but like the toy ones that transformed into plastic, human-sized vehicles.] So, the pastor started preaching, and suddenly this ominous rumbling noise started. My view of the dream suddenly was at the ceiling of the church, and I realized what was happening. I swooped in (apparently I now had bat wings) and grabbed Angel, just as a huge water pipe behind her seat exploded. Water flooded the whole sanctuary for a split-second, then was gone. Everyone gathered around the platform where the preacher was, wondering what happened. He explained something I don't remember, and then somehow we teleported somewhere, and I just out-of-the-blue asked Angel if she loved me. She actually said yes, and then there was teleportation again, and something bizarre happened in this place made all out of wood, I don't remember it all. Next thing I remember is that we were in this dark alley behind-the-packing-factory-type place, and she halfway changed her mind, and was running away from me, [it may have something to do with the fact that my bat wings were now visible]. Anyway, this flash, like what happened when Matoro used the Ignika, started, and I dove and grabbed her and covered her with the wings, and I closed my eyes, but the light was still blinding. Suddenly I had a third-person view, and we had become carvings in a desk, in our transformed-into-plastic-toy forms. The carvings were about the size of Lego Tiny Turbos. Anyway, we were in about the same dark alley, and there was this creepy old man stealing furniture, and he had goons with guns, and he passed over the desk we were on because it was carved in (It had a big A carved into it as well as our carvings). Then there was a flash again, and we were on top of this huge ice mountain (like the one in Subspace Emissary, except realistic. Like real rocks and ice and everything). On the top was Yoda, who revealed that he had been the one who teleported us, kept us safe, and all that. So of course I asked Angel to marry me, which she did, and after that somehow we figured out that Yoda had the power to raise people from the dead, but he wouldn't get it until the next movie. Anyway, me and Angel climbed down the mountain, and started heading back home, but when we got to the bottom, we turned around and saw lions, headed by a guy from my church who I don't really like much. We were trying to hide from them when Dad came and woke me up.
    If you manage to interpret that thing, Tom, you're amazing. Heck, if anybody READS it all I'll be amazed.
    Oh, and guys, I know it may be hard to believe, but I really did dream all this. Disbelieve if you want, but you guys know I don't make stuff up..
  4. Boogie Monsta
    If you get the title, you win something.
    Anyways, it has come to my recent attention that some of my friends thought that they have weird dreams. I'm here to dispel that.
    Here's the 3 that I remember vividly. If you don't believe me, you can ask Tom, I told all but the last one to him the day they happened.
    There've been MANY more as/more weird than these, I just don't remember them well.
    First one:
    There was dinner at some place, and I got to sit with Angel.. And after dinner I left the dining hall to see that I was in some kind of camp, with
    lots of people from my church, and there were really high cliffs on all the sides (some of them had asphalt roads leading up them). So I don't remember
    exactly what I did there, but I remember I built a water ride.. And while I was running that, I got a call and somebody told me Turakii was dying in
    some hospital.. So I jumped off the roof of the water ride and made it to the top of the cliffs, and somehow was at the hospital, and I don't remember
    what happened after that.. the hospital was made of wood, and the beds looked like the kind grandmas have for the kids to sleep in.. I remember some
    kind of cave, and that the doctor said she wouldn't die after all..
    ---------------------- You can probably imagine how creeped out I was when I asked Turakii on Yahoo if she was in the hospital, and she said, "No, but Mom is."
    Second 'un:
    Yeah, so I was driving down the highway with Angel, and this witch had built a giant pinata Trogdor that was herding everyone into the Target parking lot. So I
    drove in there, and all the other cars had nobody in them. We parked next to this other pinata Trogdor that had a drivers seat inside. We were about to
    try to escape in that when I woke up.. =/
    ---------------------- This one didn't make sense at all..
    Last. This one's OOOLD. But it's stuck with me this long..
    There's one I remember from when I was about 4, I was in this weird purple cave, and there were all these pink demon-men jumping into a fire pit, and
    this random diver in all yellow stuff and one of those old diving-bell helmets was walking down the cave tunnel, so I started running from him and
    hid in this walk-in refrigerator with a door disguised as part of the cave wall.
    ----------------------No comment. I can still picture the diver marching towards me vividly.. I can't really describe how disturbing it was, especially since I was 4..
    So, if you still think you have weird dreams.. You're crazy, or I pity you.
    *runs off sobbing uncontrollably*
  5. Boogie Monsta
    Did you ever notice that little kids try to make up games to hurt themselves?
    For example, when I was smaller, we'd build a ramp, get our bikes, and have one kid ride full speed towards it, and see how far and high he could go.
    And that's as far as we planned.
    The kid's flying through the air: "What do we do now?"
    Kids on the ground: "We don't know! This is as far as we planned!"
    You know what's really fun? Being that kid sent in to calm mom down before you bring in the banged-up friend.
    "Hey mom! Everything's fine! (you know she bought that) I just thought I'd come running in here, at full speed. *hard breathing* "Oh, you know Kevin? Of course, of course. Well, you know how his arm usually bends like that? Well, it ain't bending like that anymore. But we've got it all under control, so it's ok. But since you said you were going to go get milk later, you might just want to take him to the hospital with you. And if you get peanut butter, get smooth!"
    But you know what it's gonna be like by the time we're parents....
    "Hey dad! Throw that brick at me and see if I get out of the way! It's a new game, it's called dodgebrick! It's great! I'll turn around and try to listen for the wind!"
    And not until the brick leaves your hand do you think that this may not be a good idea...
  6. Boogie Monsta
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Feel that bullet penetrate your flesh. Does it feel good?
    Did you ever stop to think how it would feel to her?
    They wanted a white hot soul, and you give them hers?
    Did you ever stop to think?
    I cut them down,
    I blazed a path through their black hearts,
    I carved them away from her,
    She took more than you can imagine.
    And you know what?
    When they all were cut away from her,
    When the pain and devastation stopped,
    She didn't cry for you.
    I ran to her, I held her, and she cried.
    She cried enough to tear my heart out.
    And right then I knew,
    These last bullets in my gun,
    Weren't for one of them.
    They weren't for her, to set her free of the memory,
    They were for you.
    You were willing to sacrifice her white soul for your black heart?
    To them, little more than animals?
    You're no better than they are.
    You could've healed.
    Slashes can be stitched, broken bones will mend,
    But she can never regain that part of her she lost because of you.
    She couldn't fight them all,
    And they ripped it out of her.
    I hope you're happy,
    Because it's the last thing you'll ever feel.
    Maybe when you're dead I'll throw you out to them,
    I can't describe how much I'd love to do that now,
    But I'll never be as bad as you.
    Those animals won't have a chance to get her again.
    She'll be safe with me,
    What kind of father do you think you are?
    She'll hate you, I'll hate you,
    You'll be nothing but a pile of bones when they're done with you.
    So why keep them waiting?
    If it's a white hot soul they want, a black heart they'll get.
    Yeah, I'll probably turn it into a song later. Or maybe tonight.
  7. Boogie Monsta
    "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am tonight's.. entertainment. I only have one question for you. Where is Tahu Nuva?
    You know who Tahu is? You know where he is?
    You know where I can find Tahu? I need to talk to him about something. Just something. Little.
    You know, I'll settle for his loved ones."
    "We're not intimidated by Dark Hunters!"
    "You know.. You remind me of my master. And I HATED my master."
    "Okay, stop."
    *turns to see Gali*
    "Well, hello beautiful. You must be Tahu's squeeze. And you are beautiful.
    You look nervous. Is it the eyes? You wanna know how I got 'em? Come 'ere. Look at me.
    So I had a partner. He was noble, like you, who tells me I think too much. Who tells me I ought to obey more. Who never does anything against the will of Mata Nui. One day he refuses to work with me. I have no problem with that, but he can't take it. I just want him to leave me alone, hm? I just want him to know that I don't need him anymore. So I take a Zamor launcher and do this to myself. And you know what? He can't stay away from me! He tries to help. Now I see the funny side. Now I can take him down."
    *water blast to the chest*
    "A little fight in you. I like that."
    "Then you're gonna love me."
  8. Boogie Monsta
    ..fall out of pockets on roller coasters.
    So I has a new one! =D
    EnV3, no less.
    It'll take a while to get all my stuff back tho.. And I'll never get that blackmail pic back.. >.<
    Somebody stole the micro-SD card out of it. My old phone was actually found and turned into the amusement park's lost and found, but someone STOLE THE MEMORY CARD FIRST.
    Seriously. Who does that?
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