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Boogie Monsta

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Boogie Monsta

  1. Boogie Monsta
    FILLER! FIIILLER Aye cuz ninety minutes is too long for our creative minds, girl,
    FILLER! FIIILLER Aye So let me say goodbye and skip this
  2. Boogie Monsta
    Hey, guys, d'you know a song that has the line "Got a package full of wishes," it says something about a time machine in the line after that, and the singer sounds like the one from Five for Fighting? I really want to find it..
    You're warm with negativity,
    Yes, comfort is an energy,
    But why let the sad song play?
  3. Boogie Monsta
    I've decided to keep my name Ferhago (something). I'm thinking now whether to change it to just 'Ferhago' so I can have my theme whatever I want it to be. And right now that would be Seether =P.
    Now, there's another major 'Wuttheheckdoido' situation I'm in, but I'm kinda of afraid Mom or Dad will read this, so.. Behold! My security countermeasures! Mods, please let this stay, it's a matter of well-being.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «ThemouseisoverOh, and the code is (acronym=messagethatpopsup)TEXT(/acronym) Replace the (s with[s.
  4. Boogie Monsta
    ..may or may not be awesome. Going on Taka Nuvia's word I bought The Very Beast of Dio, hopefully it'll be good.. Although any band with a cover and CD art that awesome has to be.
    Ripping now, I'll listen tonite.
  5. Boogie Monsta
    So I finally got the complete Indestructible album. Whoo! The Night is probably my fave besides the title song. Maybe Perfect Insanity..
    And I get my learner's in less than a month! I might have to *shudder* get a job *shudder* to pay for gas, tho..
  6. Boogie Monsta
    Do you has what it takes to join the Homestarmy? Will you bring a sack lunch, and some orange slices for me? Will you, stupid?
    Srsly, do any of you that I haven't followed already have Twitter? I do now, I'm zealot122.
    Paper done! =D
    I should start some kind of.. question.. thing.. for the new year, like Dok does, except not exactly the same..
  7. Boogie Monsta
    The one with the Beast.
    And they don't even know it's the beast for a while
    He just starts possessing Toby and the Ood
    Then the Doctor's like, "I'll fall down the shaft!"
    Then he's like
    It's like totally a beast
    And breaks the prison
    And then saves Rose and the others
    With the TARDIS
    That just happens to conveniently have fallen down there.
    OH and it starts on a planet that's orbiting a black hole.
    'twas FAR OUT, man. 8D
  8. Boogie Monsta
    So today I was talking a shower, and the water was too cold. So instead of just walking 2 feet to the handle, I snuck in between the 2 shower curtains and sang the Pink Panther theme while I creeped up on it, pushed it to hotter, and creeped back.
  9. Boogie Monsta
    Madness is the gift that has been given to me.
    Yeah, I'm sick..
    Like my new banner?
    I do.
    Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets is over..

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «1: Where did you and I meet? 2: Take a stab at my middle name:
    3: How long have you known me?
    4: The last time we saw each other?
    5: Would I ever go skydiving?
    6: Your first impression of me upon meeting/seeing me?
    7: Am I funny?
    8: What's my favorite music?
    9: What do I want to do more than anything?
    10: What is the one thing you think I should do?
    11: Do I have any special talents? If so, what are they?
    12: Would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk, hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else(what)?
    13: Have you ever hugged me?
    14: My favorite food?
    15: If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?
    16: Your favorite memory of me?
    17: If you and I were stranded on an island, what would I bring?
    18: Who's my best friend?
    19: What is your overall impression of me?
    20: Where do you think I will be in 25 years?
    If you've already done it, you don't have to..
  10. Boogie Monsta
    Dude. It's been forever since I've had a dream worth chronicling. But here be one! Interpreteth, oh seer.
    So there was this indoor swimming pool (basically generic YMCA building and all), but it was REALLY deep. There was this giant octopus at the bottom, and a guy in a Darth Vader suit was treading water. I had a giant Lego blunt-launcher-gun, and Darth Vader was telling me where the octopus was coming next so I could shoot it. After a few hours of this, a random vent appears in the wall. It bursts, and all these Lego men sailing pirate ships and wielding lazer guns come sailing out. They were true-to-Lego size compared to my human size, except there was one pirate ship as tall as I was (must've taken forever to MOC). So they all come out and run into each other and fall into the pool. The octopus surfaces and makes short work of most of them, and I dive into the vent to escape. The floor is covered in fuzzy 3-D graphics water, which is really slippery. I'm sliding down into the sewer when a random door opens in the wall and this guy who looks like the guy from the REALLY old technic sets (like pre-Bionicle technic sets) grabs me and pulls me in. He says some stuff to me, then we poke our heads back through the door to see a guy and girl (who're built like technic people) walking towards the opening. We're about to shout to them when my alarm goes off.
  11. Boogie Monsta
    If you get the title, you win something.
    Anyways, it has come to my recent attention that some of my friends thought that they have weird dreams. I'm here to dispel that.
    Here's the 3 that I remember vividly. If you don't believe me, you can ask Tom, I told all but the last one to him the day they happened.
    There've been MANY more as/more weird than these, I just don't remember them well.
    First one:
    There was dinner at some place, and I got to sit with Angel.. And after dinner I left the dining hall to see that I was in some kind of camp, with
    lots of people from my church, and there were really high cliffs on all the sides (some of them had asphalt roads leading up them). So I don't remember
    exactly what I did there, but I remember I built a water ride.. And while I was running that, I got a call and somebody told me Turakii was dying in
    some hospital.. So I jumped off the roof of the water ride and made it to the top of the cliffs, and somehow was at the hospital, and I don't remember
    what happened after that.. the hospital was made of wood, and the beds looked like the kind grandmas have for the kids to sleep in.. I remember some
    kind of cave, and that the doctor said she wouldn't die after all..
    ---------------------- You can probably imagine how creeped out I was when I asked Turakii on Yahoo if she was in the hospital, and she said, "No, but Mom is."
    Second 'un:
    Yeah, so I was driving down the highway with Angel, and this witch had built a giant pinata Trogdor that was herding everyone into the Target parking lot. So I
    drove in there, and all the other cars had nobody in them. We parked next to this other pinata Trogdor that had a drivers seat inside. We were about to
    try to escape in that when I woke up.. =/
    ---------------------- This one didn't make sense at all..
    Last. This one's OOOLD. But it's stuck with me this long..
    There's one I remember from when I was about 4, I was in this weird purple cave, and there were all these pink demon-men jumping into a fire pit, and
    this random diver in all yellow stuff and one of those old diving-bell helmets was walking down the cave tunnel, so I started running from him and
    hid in this walk-in refrigerator with a door disguised as part of the cave wall.
    ----------------------No comment. I can still picture the diver marching towards me vividly.. I can't really describe how disturbing it was, especially since I was 4..
    So, if you still think you have weird dreams.. You're crazy, or I pity you.
    *runs off sobbing uncontrollably*
  12. Boogie Monsta
    So I'm like 16 and stuff now =D
    Haven't heard from Taka Nuvia since last night..
    Also I need to take this opportunity to say that When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000 is a kick-awesome song.
    It like single-handedly got me into metal.
    Also Memoria.
  13. Boogie Monsta
    Omi clicked this. Srsly. He even commented. Even if it was just to say that the entry wasn't about Final Fantasy.
    *updates all his statuses*
    So did anyone have a good return to school? If that's possible..

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