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Blessed Blade

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Blog Entries posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Blessed Blade
    This is the entry for the new RPG Grochi's thinking up that'll span the entire Matoran Universe; or rather, to think up and discuss tech in it.
    We've already discussed teleport Kanoka, which is a good idea to me.
    Also, just to mention, it might be a good idea to follow the entry, if only just to get notifications of it; my blog doesn't usually stay on the first page much.
    Want me to add any links to the contest topic?

    Shadows Of A Doubt
    Tech Stuff:
    All in-universe technology is present, along with teleport systems.
    The teleport system is based off the Matoran Universe's newly discovered natural power source; however, it's unknown how that works, though a Toa of Lightning is required to regulate the power, and coordinates to get to the correct location. However, Voya Nui, Mahri Nui, and Mata Nui do not have teleport systems.
    The teleporters are called 'Shift Gates' by the major organizations, and just plain 'Gates' by the normal Matoran and Toa.
    The teleporters resemble a fusion between Star Gates, and the teleporter pads from Star Trek.
    Story Stuff:
    The first main plot is of a cold war between different factions in the Matoran Universe.
    The second main plot is of rebuilding on Voya Nui and Mata Nui.
    Possible side plot to find the Great Beings.
    This takes place less than a year after the Great Cataclysm.
    There will only be a few Makuta who are actually free; the rest will be imprisoned in Toa Seals, especially Teridax, who is still imprisoned.
    Those Makuta are Icarax, Mutran, Bitil, Gorast, Miserix, Tridax, Vamprah, and Krika, currently.
    The reason for the Dark Hunters and the Brotherhood of Makuta fighting each other, is because word got to The Shadowed One that Teridax was the one who killed Nidhiki and Krekka. Therefore, the Brotherhood, desiring the Vahi, struck first, and started the war.
    Story Summarizations:
    Species and Characters:
    Great Beings are being considered for the RPG as NPCs.
    A species is currently being thought up for expansion or creation.
    The Rahaga are indeed still Rahaga, and Sidorak is still alive; this take place before Roodaka's defeat, in a different universe, as per current plans.
    The Toa Metru are Turaga now, having skipped becoming Toa Hordika.
    There will be a limit of eight characters, due to the massive size of this RPG.
    Staff members are limited by the eight character limit for the most part, but Staff Characters do not apply to the rule.
    The Visorak will indeed be serving the Brotherhood of Makuta, and, more specifically, are currently infesting Metru Nui still.
    The Piraka are still with the Dark Hunters. Vezon has not been created.
    Takanuva would only be around as Takua, at this point in time.
    Location Stuff:
    This, again, will span the entire Matoran Universe.
    This includes the island of Mata Nui, Voya Nui, The Pit, and Mahri Nui.

    The Toa and Matoran are the typical citizens; and while there is a Toa Army, the Toa never kill anyone, so in a way, the Toa are just empowered citizens willing to fight for what they believe in. They wish to take on all evil, however, their main goal is to defend their home islands.
    The Turaga will try to tell you that there are no such things as Zyglak. They will try to make you think there aren't beings who can send diseases which can kill you in seconds through skin contact. They will tell you that your powers over the elements can affect anything. That nothing can resist your powers. Under no circumstances should you believe them.
    Born of the Great Beings' failure, they rose up from the excretion of the first Matoran, they came up from the garbage that was a side product of such creation. For years, they have hated us. Hated you. Hated Mata Nui. They have crawled in the pits deeper than anyone dare go. But now? Now, we can't trust them to be so subtle.
    -Order of Mata Nui-
    The Order of Mata Nui is a secret faction, unknown to most normal beings, who attempt to keep the peace in the Matoran Universe. Their leader is Helryx, Toa of Water. They hate people who try to disrupt the correct workings of the Universe, and therefore, hate the Brotherhood of Makuta, and the Dark Hunters.
    -Dark Hunters-
    The Dark Hunters are effectively the Bounty Hunters of the universe. Led by the enigmatic 'The Shadowed One', the Dark Hunters continually fight with the Brotherhood of Makuta and Toa, in order to take over different islands. They especially hate the Brotherhood of Makuta, if only because they always get in the way of the Dark Hunters.
    -Brotherhood of Makuta-
    The Brotherhood of Makuta is a group that was once effectively the bodyguards of the universe, however, after Teridax went rogue, they dropped all pretenses of that, instead attempting to control the Universe. The Makuta have almost all been sealed, however; though they still have armies that they can command, in order to get their goals completed. They hate the Dark Hunters badly, since they see the Dark Hunters as being in their way of universal domination.
    -Scythe of the Makuta- (BoM Sub-Faction)
    When the Toa first began capturing Makuta and sealing them in Toa Seals, nearly the entire leadership of the Brotherhood was cancelled, leaving only Icarax, Vamprah, and Krika. Icarax soon rallied the best and most skilled of the Brotherhood together and began a crusade across the universe to free the captive Makuta by killing the Toa responsible and using specially crafted scythes to 'reap' their elemental energy and redirect it to the Seals. Since then, the Scythe has successfully freed all other Makuta listed on this page. They remain under the command of the battle-hungry Icarax, and count amongst their numbers some of the fiercest Brotherhood warriors in the universe.
    Symbol - A black scythe on a patch of blood over a black background. The point where the blade affixes to the shaft of the scythe is marked with the symbol of the Brotherhood.
    Goals - Free imprisoned members of the Brotherhood.
    Leader - Makuta Icarax
    Base - Destral
    -League of Six Kingdoms-
    On cold nights, when Matoran huddle around a campfire, they speak in hushed tones of the six beings- the devil at their helm -who were sent to the most indestructible prison and came back even more powerful than before. Matoran lay awake at night, fearful of the forces that could overcome their protectors at any moment, loot their villages, and enslave them. Conquest in the Matoran Universe is never at such as scale as when the League of Six Kingdoms decides who's next.
    Imagine an entire species, an entire faction, who cares nothing about the sides, the reasons. Who doesn't care who wins, or who loses. Only who has the most money. They would supply the darkest force, or the wickedest of armies with all they need...for the right price. Imagining all that, you've come to the Vortixx. They are the only truly neutral group, not bothering with sides. They have the most advanced tech, and most are extremely rich.
    -Unnamed Custom Species-
    Nothing is known about this species yet.
    Work in progress
    Goals: To be determined
    Leader: Nektann?
    Allies: Dark Hunters
    Base: Zakaz
    Symbol: Unknown, possibly Skakdi face.
    -Voice of Artakha-
    The Voice of Artakha is a group based on having true 'good' or 'light' morals; they detest evil, and wish to eradicate it from the universe. The best equivalent, is to a group of Paladins. They attempt to follow the Toa Code as much as possible, even for members who are not Toa, however, that is not always possible with their goals, causing slight discontent with other groups at times. They hate all evil, shown by their quest to eliminate all sources of evil.
    Goals: Destroy all evil.
    Leader: Unknown, as of yet.
    Base: Nynrah
    Symbol: Unknown
    Potential Player Factions
    Great Beings?

    Kal Grochi - The Creator - Krika, Teridax, Artahka, Miserix, Jaller, Garan, Zaktan, Ehlek, and Axonn.
    Blade - The Chronicler - Voice of Artakha Leader, and Bitil?
    BenLuke-116 - The Bounty Hunter - The Shadowed One, Ancient, Nektann.
    Belthnor - The Biologist - Spiriah, Dalu, Sentrakh, and Mazeka.
    KNI - The Warlord - Tridax, Krakua, Defilak, Reidak, and Lesovikk
    Krayzikk: Champion of RPGs - The Shadow - Vamprah, Brutaka, Thok, Darkness, Nuparu
    Toa Levacius Zehvor - The Cartographer - Icarax, Vultraz, Ahkmou, Lariska, Conjurer, Johmak, and Voporak.
    Toa Xemnas of Crystal - The Protector - Mutran, Vican, Helryx, Jerbraz, Tobduk, Velika, and Trinuma.
    Tabby: Toa of Cats - The Engineer - Phantom and Gaardus
    Doctor Wotz - The Artist- Roodaka, Takua, Vezok
    TX Wade
  2. Blessed Blade
    [i Hate Redstone]
    So; today was rather boring. Only played for an hour, so I didn't have time for that much. Let's start off with what I did have time for.
    I grabbed some planks from the wood I had gotten two days ago, and promptly grabbed some cobble, and headed back out to my new base, stopping only at the witchless hut I found to put a sign there, taunting the witch that vanished. =P Once I got to my base, however, I promptly cleared a little more of the cliff, and headed down, placing a grave randomly in the middle, since I have no clue where Slimey actually died. =P(I got a screenshot, Biobeast, in case you doubt that I stopped to do that. I'll upload it tomorrow. =P) Next, I tried to begin furthering the expansion of my new base, but happened to discover that I still had no glass(Only remembering what my plans were about now. =P), so I headed back to base, since I forgot to bring food too.
    Once back, however, I got a thought into my head, based on different things I had been looking at prior to starting Minecraft tonight. "Hey, why don't I set those iron doors of mine to both open when only one of my pressure plates are active, instead of opening only the corresponding door? It'd certainly make things easier!" So, I grab my masses of redstone, and head out, digging a small cavern under my doorway, right to the second set of pressure plates.
    Only problem? I overestimated my knowledge of redstone. This was about 11:40-ish when I started. I placed it how I thought it should work; went to test the doors, same as normal. Tried a redstone torch; that just made the door stay open all the time. Looked up on the wiki, went back and tried increasingly complex things, since that seemed to help all the people who made super complex designs; didn't work. I even tried to expand the outside of the building to hide the inevitable mess of redstone, but even the ideas I was thinking of didn't work.
    Long story short, I wasted about 40 minutes trying and filing to get my redstone pressure plates to work. I have a feeling it's because there's a block's difference between it, or because of how my walls are set up; but I'm not entirely certain how to fix that. =/ Basically, right now I have a crater that looks like a Creeper made it outside, but other than that, it's like a normal double door doorway, but the pressure plates just won't open both doors at the same time. =/
  3. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: This Is A Must Play Game.
    Okay, gonna start this entry with this... G-FOOOOOORE IN MY FAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!
    ... Okay, joking aside, I'm gonna start off by saying this game is amazing, and if you don't have it, but have a 3DS, pick this up as soon as you can; because it is one of the best games I've played.(Still think Tales of the Abyss is slightly better, but the multiplayer gives this a lot of replay value. =D)
    The controls might take a little of getting used to, but eventually, it's one of the simplest control schemes I've ever used. I'd say it's better than Dual Analogs, and even rivals the Motion Controls from Goldeneye.
    Multiplayer is amazing as well, though it's like everyone took a level in strength today, since I kept getting owned by Club users. But it can't really get 'broken', since there's a counter for everything. ... Well, everything except the Daybreaker, but if you let someone get all three pieces, that's your problem. =P But, that said, if you let someone get it, you'd better hope you're not the Angel in Light vs. Dark, or that the Angel isn't anywhere near you, as you're not dodging that attack, unless you're really lucky, and the opponent badly misses. =P
    And the storyline... Oh man, the storyline. I was honestly very surprised; I was expecting a very good storyline from what people were saying... I was wrong. It was and awesome, and very funny too, storyline! The sheer number of references is awesome, and I liked how it was able to poke fun at so many things. =P I won't spoil anything, though, since it's too hamazing to be spoiled.
  4. Blessed Blade
    Let's use this as the tournament's registration place and such; if you wish to join the tournament, just put a comment here.
    Here's the deal. There will be two tournaments, both taking place at an undetermined time, but the Light versus Dark tournament happening to kick off the events.
    I'm hoping for the LvD tournament to start next weekend or so, but it all depends on the schedules of who joins and such. In addition, for the LvD tournament, you will be assigned a certain team, Light, or Dark. If we have more than six players, there could be two brackets, with the winning team of one bracket going on to face the winning team of the opposite bracket.
    If you guys have any questions, feel free to post them in the entry. =)
    LvD Tournament:
    Bracket 1:
    1. Blade
    2. Vorex
    3. Pyrrhon
    4. Ddude
    5. Terminus
    6. Blank0000
    Bracket 2:
    7. PowerMiner
    8. Sithblade7
    9. Alku/Hades
    10. Kinali
    11. Kohaku
    12. Thanatos the Hamazing
    Wildcard: JiMing
    *Accepting two other members until Tournament starts*
    FFA Tournament:
    1. Blade
    2. Vorex
    3. Pyrrhon
    4. Ddude
    5. Alku/Hades
    6. Kohaku
    7. PowerMiner
    8. Terminus
    9. Sithblade7
    10. Blank0000
    11. Thanatos the Hamazing
    12. JiMing
    *Entry closed due to having 12 members
  5. Blessed Blade
    [NO NO NO NO Ah Dang It Why Did I Even Do That!?]
    So; today's been interesting. Played a ton of Minecraft on my new world to test out some modifications, and got about 15 diamonds today alone(Everywhere I looked seemed to have them; and no, that wasn't part of the mods, that was genuine. =P). So, after doing that and therefore having 19 total, not dying at all in that world, and getting to about level 44-ish, in terms of EXP; I decided to lava mold myself a Nether Gate.
    All went well; I entered, and immediately heard a ghast and built a base out of the Cobblestone I had brought for bridges. Went outside, tried and failed to play Dead Man's Bluff(Or whatever the name's called) with the ghast ala Zelda, repaired some of the damage to my platform, and eventually decided to enclose my portal. Ran outta cobblestone. Went back to my base in normal world. Grabbed more cobblestone. Ran back into my gate. Heard a ghast. Proceeded to run forward through the portal instead of backwards, running right off the platform into what apparently was lava, but seemed to be an actual platform to me. 0_o So, yeah, first death of the game gets credited to the ghast chasing me, with the assist going to my utter lack of direction. =P
    So; I respawned, not realizing everything I had had at the time, but shrugging it off since I left the important stuff at home. =P Grabbed more cobble, and dodged the ghasts, as I promptly sealed THAT side off. Because that was just a stupid death. xD So, I then decide that I've already died once, and I might as well keep trying, so I go out into the open, and finally see the ghast that was shooting me(Or, rather, one of them). The problem is that I have to have my settings on tiny so to not crash the game, so I can barely see even the silhouette. So, I see it, track it, and realize how the reflection works. "ACHIEVEMENT GET!" That did the trick. =P
    After that, I'm feeling even braver, so I go out to get what fell. I ignore the drop, since there was Netherrack, and it wasn't that far. I then proceed to make a bridge out there. So far so good, no ghast's tears, that sorta fun stuff. I explore a bit; but don't see any fortresses, unfortunately. So I gather some Soul Sand, and start to head back. Lo and behold, another ghast. Shooting at me. So, I decide to be tricky; I walk backwards. Bad move, there was fire. And I was starting to get hungry. And the fire was slowly killing me. Somehow I managed to eat and not die. =P So, I try to finish my bridge, since I had jumped when things shot at me earlier. =P
    Needless to say, that was intriguing, as I was both reflecting the blasts I could get(Killed one of them during that stand, though two more replaced it. =P), and trying to both finish the bridge, and reinforce it with railings so it didn't blast me into lava. Everything surprisingly went well, made a platform at the bottom, and got a two brick high railing on either side of my three-wide bridge(Which turned it into one wide, but I didn't care, as that was the ORIGINAL size, as I was making my way over there. =P). Except, I ran outta cobble halfway through. That was not fun, but somehow I managed to dash(Not literally, of course, thankfully due in part to the third modification I was testing, the first two being Optifine and the Minimap) across to safety, without anything shooting at me. I even scaled the cliff, and got back through the portal, without anything attempting to kill me. I'm a little worried about that, I may wait before going back through next. =P
    So, earlier in this, I mentioned about the items I lost? Yeah, I remembered my inventory(Or at least the majority of it) after.
    1-3 Iron Picks(I forget how many)
    1-3 Iron Shovels(Same)
    Roughly 2 Iron Swords
    1 Bow
    50-something arrows
    Tons of torches
    Lots of sticks
    Probably a full stack of coal(Not that that mattered, I had like 10 of those. =P)
    7 buckets(6 full of milk and one of water)
    Full set of Iron Armour, nearly broken
    I think that's it, since I dashed off the platform before even TRYING to get Netherrack from destroyed things. xD Kinda painful, but I have like 4 full stacks of iron. =P
    So yeah, that's the summary of my misadventure in the Nether. =P I don't like the layout of it for me. ._.; Too much stuff to kill me. xD I'm just glad I didn't anger any Pigmen, unlike on one multiplayer server I was on a couple months back. =P
  6. Blessed Blade
    [A New Journey]
    So; as I decided the other day, I'm starting a new series of nightly Minecraft entries, based on my playthroughs. However, this is a second series, that'll run alongside Minecraft Misadventures, taking place in a world of it's own. That way, people looking for a dedicated entry series won't be confused by the fact that I started the entries of Minecraft Misadventures like halfway into the world(After I got the major stuff, like, you know, 19 diamonds. =P), whereas the people who like Minecraft Misadventures won't be disappointed by me prematurely cancelling the series, which is not happening, just to reiterate. These are two different series, and this might even be paused for a few days, until I can get into a rhythm of balancing the two series. Basically, the two series will be updated whenever I play the respective worlds(The Minecraft BZP Series for this, and The Map for Minecraft Misadventures).
    With that over with, let's get on with the show, shall we?
    So, I generated a new world, thanks to the kind seed suggestion from Biobeast in the comments of Minecraft Misadventures #3.(For the record, the seed was 'thisistotallynotagoodseed', apostrophes included. =P) I spawned... In trees. Again. I look around, and sure enough, I'm once again in a jungle. Honestly, I could use some variety, like, you know, Extreme Hills, or a desert or something. xD I look around, and find that I'm actually on top of a REALLY big hill. Checking my minimap shows me at about layer 80-90 or so, which is pretty dang high up.
    I began to look around at the scenery, looking, in fact, for where the 'bonus chest' that contains my starting equipment went to. In the mean time, I see tons and tons of trees, quite a bit of sand(That should give me plenty of glass. =P) I still couldn't find that chest, however, no matter how much I looked, and decided to just give up on it for that moment, and focus on making a hole in the ground to hide in(I set the difficulty to hard, thinking it might give more entertaining deaths for you guys. =P). However, as it started to turn to night, I got the idea to look around for the torch(es) placed with the chest. After a little while, I see the light coming from UNDER a tree. ... Literally two seconds from my spawn point. I must've passed by it a dozen times. I was not impressed at that, but laughed it off mentally. =P
    I headed back to my makeshift base, and hollowed it out, having still just had dirt. I started the mineshaft that'll be used a lot in the near future, and then began making a staircase down the side of my base to go get some cobble, getting 8 just in time to make a furnace; I had only gotten one torch from near that chest, and things were getting rather dark in the hole I made. So, I quickly made a furnace, burned a tree, and got charcoal to make a quick few torches out of. Went back, grabbed more cobble, and make some stone tools, including a sword. Continued down a little further, and then decided to check and see if it was day... It was.
    I quickly worked on expanding the outer area of my base a little, and then made a door, so I'd be a little more protected. After that, I decided I wanted to get started on the mineshaft, so I went to grab sand for glass from some of the beaches. In fact, I found one near a small... pond, I guess. Seems too small to be a lake.(Though, you could argue it's a river, since it's in a forest/jungle thingy.) As I was digging the sand, however, I saw gravel. Recalling how many people have luck finding stuff hidden under gravel, I dug it all out, running out of shovel in the process. However, my extra persistence paid off: I found 3 iron hidden under all that. Still no sign of Coal, though.
    Digging my way back, I made yet another staircase back up to my spawn area, and headed over to my dirt base, and smelted the iron and sand into iron ingots and glass. I broke the ceiling of my base in order to put in a skylight, just as it was changing to night. So what did I do? Well, I towered up with dirt to the tree that seemed to be blocking some of my skylight's light, and broke the leaves of the tree. What, do you guys do something else at night? Sleep? What's that? =P
    After that minor detour, I headed back down my dirt pillar, and ran into a zombie. Someone's gonna call me out on this as 'cheating', but I just stayed on the pillar, in my sword's range but out of the zombie's, and smacked him to redeath. =P (Hey, I have no armour, of course I'm going to choose the option with less chance of death. =P) Interestingly enough, that was all the baddies for that night. I was rather surprised no skeletons tried to shoot me. 0_o
    Got back in, quickly dropped things off, and took the remaining glass being smelted. (two blocks, not enough for anything but windows, which unfortunately are not possible right here. =P) I then headed out, and tried to make a spiraling staircase up a HUGE jungle tree, but stopped about halfway, when it was taking so long to do. I still managed to get about 12-15 lumber, though. I then just spent the rest of the time just taking a leisurely jog around the jungle, looking for anything interesting, but alas, I only found one odd cave that just connected two sides of one island, and a bunch of cows, which I killed because I had no other use for them yet.(That's going to bite me in the future, I can tell it) Two got stuck in the leaves, though. xD
    I headed back, and made some ladders to get my mineshaft started, but after going down three layers, I just stopped there for the night, because it was getting late.
    Hopefully I'll have more of both NightCraft and Minecraft Misadventures up tomorrow, but we'll see what I have time for. I wanna get around to the Nether(To die some more! 8D), but I'd like to see what's up with NightCraft's very odd lack of coal. I have yet to find a single piece of coal yet. Granted, I probably have just been missing it all, but... I'll need it kinda soon. xD
    So, for now, Blade out!
  7. Blessed Blade
    I want to take a moment to just give a shout out to Windy for all she does! She is one of the best here, and I want to celebrate that fact right here.
    So thank you for all you've done for us so far, and all you'll continue to do, Elisabeth! You are amazing! ^^
  8. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: All RIGHT!
    So... I'm playing over on Archives. I'm shooting people with the shotgun as usual... And then I get killed. HOWEVER! At the exact same time, I fire the shotgun, and get my killer, with a headshot to boot. I love revenge kills. =P
    Then, I start playing on the facility... I spawn Bond, and then camp(Yes, I know, I know... *Hangs head*) in one of the ventilation shafts. I keep my safety up with a proxy mine; however, two start to attack. I toss a proxy at them; one moves forward, and blows up both. =P
    Then, I'm typing this, right? Well, one of the enemies was a little uh... dumb. He decides to camp in the exact vent I'm in. I decided to give him a nice little pat on the back in return. =)
  9. Blessed Blade
    Because I wanted to do something different with my profile!
    -==Anime Series==-
    Angel Beats!(Complete)
    Black Butler(Incomplete)
    Black Cat(Incomplete)
    Card Captor Sakura(Incomplete)
    Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion(Incomplete)
    Danball Senki(Complete)
    Danball Senki W(Incomplete)
    Death Note(Complete?)
    Dog Days(Complete)
    Dog Days'(Complete)
    Dog Days''(Not yet started)
    Full Metal Alchemist(Incomplete)
    Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood(Incomplete)
    Gatchaman Crowds(Complete)
    Gatchaman Crowds Insight(Complete)
    Haiyore! Nyaruko-san(Incomplete)
    Inazuma Eleven(Complete)
    Inazuma Eleven: GO(Complete)
    Inazuma Eleven: GO: Chrono Stone(Complete)
    Inazuma Eleven: GO: Galaxy(Incomplete)
    Inuyasha Series 1(Incomplete)
    Inuyasha: The Final Act(Not yet started)
    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure(Incomplete)
    Kill La Kill(Complete)
    Princess Tutu(Incomplete)
    Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan(Complete)
    Tales of the Abyss(Incomplete)
    Tengan Toppa Gurren Lagann(Complete)
    Towards The Terra(Complete)
    Mobile Suit Gundam SEED(Incomplete)
    Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny(Incomplete)
    Gundam Build Fighters(Complete)
    Gundam Build Fighters TRY(Incomplete)
    -==Anime Movies==-
    Bleach: Memories of Nobody(Watched)
    Bleach: Diamond Dust Rebellion(Watched)
    Inazuma Eleven Movie(Watched)
    Inazuma Eleven Go Movie(Watched)
    Inazuma Eleven Go vs. Danball Senki Movie(Not Watched)
    Steins;Gate Movie(Watched)
    dotHack//G.U. Trilogy(Watched)
    /EDIT Bump: Added in Code Geass.
  10. Blessed Blade
    Excuse the lack of no category for right now, I must not have a MLN category yet.
    I... Am finally... Rank 6.
    That took... *Looks at watch* Around 5 or so months? I finally made the Cottage, and should be through to Rank 7 in a day or so =P
  11. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Title: Oh Forgot To Mention This
    Hi everyone! How are you all doing~~~~? So, hi, my name's Chloe, everyone knows me as Blade, yada yada yada~.
    Well, this is probably going to be a short entry, but....
    Oh, by the way, I'm a transgender girl, so, yeah, there's that too~ ^^
    P.S. I'm Windy's Lesbian Lover now, so <3
  12. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: What Happened?
    So, decided yesterday that Pit was just too awesome to not have a member appearing as him, so Blade just got Finished, and spawned as the Angel. =P
    Also, just was messing around with the whole future entry bumping stuff(Just to see what the options were like), and while it semi-worked for the tournament entry, it caused my blog to vanish. 0_o If you guys can't see the entry in question, just say so here, and I'll try to get it working again...
  13. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: Because They're Awesome
    So, I've been listening to some songs from Daughtry's new CD, Break The Spell.
    Yet again, they manage to make another awesome CD, which is very good. And you know, me being late to the party as always, I don't listen to any of the songs until this week. xD
    But honestly, there are some very good songs; including Spaceship and Crawling Back To You. Probably even more awesome songs(I like all the songs on the CD, let's put it that way. =P), but I don't actually have said CD yet. Hopefully I'll remedy that problem and get the CD sometime soon. =D(Preferably Deluxe edition, but I'm not picky. =P)
  14. Blessed Blade
    I'm gonna use this to help iBrow out; this way, people can find their profiles easier, and maybe it can be linked somewhere so that there can be easy access.
    The main player list will list the rounds they participated in, how many victories a player has, the rounds they became victor in, and the ultimate weapons/tools they have. The Rounds Player List will have links to each profile or the profiles posted here.
    Please post your profiles in this entry for future reference.
    Player List:
    1 - Ehks - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, round 6 (The One Ring)
    2 - Voxumo - (Rounds 1-9) - 2 victories, round 3/team round 4[MVP] (Blue Orb of Not Fire)
    3 - JiMing - (Rounds 1-9)
    4 - Zakaro - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, team round 2
    5 - Unit#phntk#1 - (Rounds 1-3)
    6 - Punished Snake - (Rounds 1-3, 7-9) - 1 victory, team round 2
    7 - Canis Lycaon - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, team round 4, community update 1 creator (Usain Bolt)
    8 - Tyler Durden - (Round 1)
    9 - Portalfig - (Rounds 1-3) - 1 victory, team round 2
    10 - Blade - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, round 5 (Ice Rod)
    11 - Pupwa21 - (Rounds 1-3, 7-9) - 1 victory, team round 2
    12 - Chro - (Rounds 1-9) - 1 victory, team round 2[MVP] (Rocket Launcher of Exploding Heads)
    13 - Onarax - (Rounds 1-3)
    14 - The Dapper Man - (Rounds 1-4, 7-9) - 1 victory, round 1 (Butterfly Wings)
    15 - JL - (Rounds 2-3, 5-9)
    16 - ShadowVezon - (Rounds 4-9)
    17 - Oryx - (Rounds 4-6) - 1 victory, team round 4
    18 - Pulse - (Rounds 4-9) - 1 victory, team round 4
    19 - LockeBZ - (Rounds 4-6)
    20 - Shadowhawk - (Rounds 4-9)
    21 - Pahrak #0579 - (Rounds 4-6) - 1 victory, team round 4[MVP] (Red Orb of Fire)
    22 - Makuta Luroka - (Rounds 7-9)
    23 - Toa Kayn - (Rounds 7-9)
    24 - The Noid - (Rounds 7-9)
    25 - Phantom Terror - (Rounds 7-9)
    Rounds 1-3:
    1 - Ehks
    2 - Voxumo
    3 - JiMing
    4 - Zakaro
    5 - Unit#phntk#1
    6 - Punished Snake
    7 - Canis Lycaon
    8 - Tyler Durden/JL
    9 - Protalgif
    10 - Blade
    11 - Pupwa21
    12 - Chro
    13 - Onarax
    14 - The Dapper Man
    Rounds 4-6:
    1 - Ehks
    2 - Voxumo
    3 - JiMing
    4 - Zakaro
    5 - Canis Lycaon
    6 - Chro
    7 - Blade
    8 - The Dapper Man/JL
    9 - ShadowVezon
    10 - Oryx
    11 - Pulse
    12 - LockeBZ
    13 - Shadowhawk
    14 - Pahrak #0579
    Rounds 7-9:
    1 - Ehks
    2 - Voxumo
    3 - JiMing
    4 - Zakaro
    5 - Punished Snake
    6 - Canis
    7 - Chro
    8 - Blade
    9 - JL
    10 - Pupwa21
    11 - Dapper Man
    12 - ShadowVezon
    13 - Pulse
    14 - Shadowhawk
    15 - Makuta Luroka
    16 - Toa Kayn
    17 - The Noid
    18 - Phantom Terror
    WIP - Will continue.
  15. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Title: Wow I'm Still Doing The Alt Titles
    So, the Steam Summer sale is very cool. Main thing I'm annoyed about right now is not waiting for that Sonic bundle, but I think I've gone on about that long enough now, so I'm just gonna drop it. =P
    Also, I never really talked about it much, but I think the Trading Card system is rather interesting. It could be better, with a more standardized booster pack drop system, but it's not that bad, and actually gives a use for the badges. =) The way they're handling the summer sale's badge is interesting, though. Not likely to get more than one level on the badge, but I'll have one for sure, provided I don't mess up and forget to vote at one point. =P
    Next, Minecraft; it's new update is cool! Except for the fact that one server's waiting on a reset, the other on bukkit to update like two months from now, and, uh, I guess that's all the servers I go on. =P I hate zombies now. I expect to be hating Spiders or Creepers more in 1.7, judging by the recent updates. =P
    Also, I was briefly captured by the Dread Pirate 'skfer' and he destroyed my lack of HL2 Episodes 1 and 2. He was a Dalek Pirate in an interesting turn of events, it seems.
  16. Blessed Blade
    Alt Title: This Seems To Happen Like Once A Computer Anyway.
    So, I just get back to my desktop, right? Well, things needed to update. Specifically TF2. well, this happened...

    Yeah. Hint: My internet's not that good.
  17. Blessed Blade
    [You're Too Slow!]
    I'm gonna try a new format for my alternate titles, just to mention. Hopefully nothing eventually corresponds to an actual tag. ^^'
    Anyway... So, one reason I've been off more than normal the last few days, is because of Sonic, specifically Sonic Generations, since I got that a few days ago.
    Second reason, but more so why I haven't been on at night sometimes, would be Megaman 2. I CAN in fact defeat Airman, so take that as you will. It was on Difficult, and without the Leaf Shield. Put Item 2 to use, as well. =P
    Third reason? I finally got Super Smash Bros. Brawl working again! Which means I can once again spend time to try to get 50-100 hours in multiplayer only, with no-one to crush fight against except the Bots. =P They really didn't make that easy to do, since Classic Mode, All Star Mode, Boss Battles, Subspace, and even WI-FI of all things doesn't work for that goal. ._.; Ah well; nearly to 20 hours as it is, then I'll just need 10 more.
    That said, I'm nearly to the end of the unlocks, which saddens me. =( I want to eventually play through again, but I'm not sure how... Might be with the Wii U, but there's no way I'll be getting that any time soon, and without the Gamecube Controllers, I can't play Brawl as it should be played(No Classic Controllers unfortunately. I really need to get one, yes, but...), and I can't play my Virtual Console games, period, except for the handful of NES games I have, so I won't be transferring my data likely.
    If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get a Classic Controller Pro soon enough, but since I just got two new Gamecube Controllers, there's no rush, except for Monster Hunter Tri. So yeah. =P
    Back to Sonic, though, playing Generations has really gotten me back into a Sonic mood. I'm wanting to find a Sonic avatar now, and finish the games I have once again. Yes, I may have forgotten to mention it in the past, but I'm a Sonic fan. =P Just not once of those crazy ones that seem to be everywhere nowadays. xD
  18. Blessed Blade
    Okay; so it's pretty obvious I don't have a blog theme. I want to change that. What do you guys think my next, err... first theme should be? I had been thinking something Monster Hunter related, though I may do something related to Black and White or something else... Any ideas?
  19. Blessed Blade
    So, I forgot to blog about this... again...
    I'm Rank nine. The Rank of spaceships and...
    Nebs and Trans. Nebular Crystals and Transparent Bricks that is. The Nebs aren't that bad, but the Trans... 5 per harvest, 1 per day or 25 clicks... >_> So, I could use clicks on my sticker modules and my Lightworm to help out with this rank =)
  20. Blessed Blade
    I'm sixteen today, as it's my birthday. Just wanted to tell you guys =P
    So far, I've had my RPG approved by Kex(Early present as it was dated last night =)), and got the Tim McGraw Greatest Hits limited edition two pack plus the new Toby keith CD called "That Don't Make Me A Bad Guy" from my Uncle as B-Day gifts =)
  21. Blessed Blade
    I ran up the stairs to the clock tower in the city I lived in. Above the building, the moon grew ominously nearer. I reached the top, and realized the gravity of my situation, even as my resolve simply grew greater. I thought back to how this all began, and how I got involved in all of it. As I recalled the thoughts of the past week, I played the sacred song... The Oath to Order.
    (Three days ago)
    This past week was the festival of the moon, a traditional celebration that involved everyone wearing masks that were said to have great powers. I didn't believe that, or the rumour of the world ending on 12/21/12 at first, until I first saw the moon in an odd position in the sky. At that point, three days earlier, a mysterious fellow told me that an important, special, and very dangerous mask had been taken from him, and that it needed to be retrieved in three days; the exact time when the fireworks celebration would take place for the festival of the moon... And the exact time when the world was said to end. I never made the connection at first, but that soon changed, when I ran into a masked child, who taunted me about the green-clad hero's destiny to save the world, or let it burn.
    I found it odd, but I quickly asked around, and found out that it was said that a person wearing green clothing was to appear and save three four protector giant with a magic sword and instrument. I shook it off; however, when I got back to my apartment, I realized that the clothes I was wearing that day were indeed green, and noticed that my keyboard synthesizer somehow was still working, despite not having had batteries in it for months, and being unplugged. Starting to get creeped out, I showed one of my friends what was happening after I noticed it, and they gasped, and informed me, that I was apparently the hero of legend. Not fully understanding, I was directed to the nearby swamp, where I had to go into the ruins that had long been there, and fight through many monsters. Eventually, I freed a spirit that had been trapped there recently, and learned a new song from it, that was simply called the 'Oath to Order'.
    Traveling back, I realized I had about 2 and a half days left to get this task done, so I ventured toward the mountains in the distance. I didn't realize it would be as time consuming as it was, but I journeyed on, and eventually reached a temple at the top of a snow-covered mountain, and once again fought through it, facing off against creatures I could previously only dream about. I wondered why things were suddenly appearing, but brushed it off for the moment, having freed a second spirit. I also found it strange how familiar this situation seemed, but moved forward, headed toward the nearby ocean next. At that point, I only had 1 and a half days left, so I quickly hurried, discovering a hidden shrine on my way, which contained a sword that even I could sense had strong magic powers in it. Disregarding that for the moment, I made my way through a segment cut off from the rest of the ocean, and eventually reached an enigmatic place in the middle of the ocean. I battled my way through that too, and found a third spirit, who filled me in on the rest of the legend.
    Apparently I had been destined since ancient times; the so called 'end date' being a call to the hero of fate to step up and save the world, or watch it be destroyed. The mayans created a magic mask that eventually grew a personality of it's own. Fearing the great power of it, they sealed the mask away. They knew it wouldn't hold forever, so they 'predicted' the end of the world, which was in reality three days after the seal broke. Due to the child-like nature of the evil sentient mask, they figured that it would 'play' with the inhabitants of the world, by giving it a warning, which is why they placed the 'end of the world' after the breaking of the seal. To combat the power, however, they crafted special tools to repel or seal the evil once more; the Blade and Keyboard of Fate. In order to stop this moon, however, I must free the last spirit of the giants, they told me, and then play the Oath to Order.
    Finding myself back in the city with only a day left, I quickly headed to the last place that there could be evil nearby; the graveyard. On the way, it all started to make sense to me: Why everything seemed so familiar, what the deal was with the legend of the Mayans, and why the masks were said to be magic. There was a game that was created to 'test' for potential Heroes of Fate, and to imprint in their memory the song that was necessary to either reset the chain of events, or the song to stop the events from ever occurring again. The Mayans weren't just predicting the end of the world; they were rather predicting when the evil they sealed would be able to wreak havok once more. And then destroy the world. Because obviously that would happen anyway. The masks were magic, especially the ones handed down through the generations. Not all masks in the world are magic, but I found out the ones crafted during the festival do get imbued with special power. I tracked down a good number of them in the previous days during the festival, however, I hadn't initially thought them to be useful.
    Further questions, however, had to wait, as I arrived at the graveyard, and made my way into an ancient spiraling hole descending into the ground. After making my way through the depths, I defeated a large monster, and freed the last giant, who instructed me to find and retrieve the last masks I was missing, and then call them when the time was right. I didn't know when that was at first, however, as I went around the city, tracking down the last few masks and helping people out in the process, I realized the 'right time' was at midnight of the final day of the festival, when powers were said to be the strongest. At that point, I knew where to go, and after I found the last two masks, I took my collection, and headed to wait for the clock tower to open. As I headed there, I noticed people being told to evacuate; I guess they realized the grave nature of the situation. I can't let them down.
    The clock struck midnight a few minutes ago, and now I am running up the stairs, finally caught up in my tale. I'm at the top now, and I'm looking around, but I don't see any... Wait; what's that? The child from three days ago? How is he hovering in the air? What the!? He's causing the moon to speed up it's course! The Keyboard... It's my only chance. I have to play it. I have to play the Oath to Order... Here goes nothing! I play the song... And nothing seems to happen at first; though the kid is freaking out. I then head rumbling sounds off in the distance, that aren't caused by the moon... But; is it really enough?! Wait... What's that sound? It's like the song is echoing... I listen closely, and then look over the side of the Clock Tower, and realize that people have not evacuated after all. They put that much faith in me, and are now echoing it in the melody that spread throughout the city and surrounding countryside... They are echoing the Oath to Order! Just as it seems all hope is lost, a glimmer of light shines through, and the four giants appear, just in time.
    The giants push out against the falling moon quickly, barely managing to stop it in it's tracks. I stare in shock, not entirely able to believe that it's all over, however, the child seems to be going even crazier, mumbling stuff about how things don't end there, and then lowers to the ground, and collapses, as the mask levitates into air, and beams into the moon. I frown at that, not noticing a way up, however, the giants channel the energy that is not being used to stop the moon, into sending me into the heart of the moon itself... Here goes nothing.
    What.. Is this place? It's not what I'd expect at all... A sprawling field, with a lone tree in the middle. I go to investigate, and find five red haired children, looking like the mysterious fellow from earlier. I talk to the children, and they request the masks I collected. I complied, and handed over all the masks, and then they disappear, forcing me to talk to the last child, who is wearing the evil mask. He hands me one final mask, saying he wants to play, and I accept the mask, and don it, even as the scenery warps, and the mask floats in the air, tentacles suddenly appearing from it's back.
    I draw my sword, only to find it's become a dual helix styled sword. I gasp in shock, and look at my reflection. I... have become the legendary 'Fierce Deity', resembling his look right down to the last detail. I finally understand my role in all this, and I turn to the mask with a cold look. I dash forward, slashing out at the sentient mask, sending out beams of light in the process. The mask recoils, however, the remains; which the spirits of the giants were trapped in earlier; suddenly appear from seemingly within me, and take on semi-physical forms. I quickly destroy them, and continue to attack the mask, however, it quickly knocks me back, causing me to wince at the force of the attack, and then grows arms and legs.
    The first thing it proceeds to do... Is moonwalk away from me. I just stare at it, and shake my head, and then go on the offensive, slashing out at it quickly, even as it whipped it's 'arm' out at me, slamming me into a nearby mirror. The mirror shatters, and I lay there face-down for a moment, however, the thought of all the people counting on me; believing in me... It gives me a reason to stand up. I slash out once more at the mask, and it seems to yell in pain, before transforming once more, into an even more humanoid form. It seems to be wanting me to give it my all... So that's exactly what I will do. This is for everyone in the world; I will not lose! I slash out at the monster with all my might, and every attack seems to fuel the next, dealing more and more damage. The last attack seems to fatally damage the mutated mask, and it roars in pain, slamming me back once more, this time, however... I can't hold on...
    What happened next was told to me only by by-standers afterward... But, apparently the moon's 'face' disappeared, and went back into orbit. I appeared on the grass outside of town, still unconscious, with both the Fierce Deity Mask and the evil mask near me. The evil mask seemed relatively intact, aside from a slight discolouration where I had fatally wounded it. When I came to, I saw the child who caused all this trouble, trying to explain that he had just been lonely, and that the mask took over his thoughts after he first found it. The odd fellow that started this whole journey was also there, and thanked me for retrieving the mask, and then walked off. I made no effort to stop him, since the evil seemed to be stopped, and I was in no condition to even really move. I just wonder if that was enough, or if that was really all that happened... I seem to recall the mask saying something like 'thank you' as it was dying.

    For the record, this is to be read as if the person has only three hearts. Makes the big fight much more suspenseful. =P
    (Also, the ending sequence takes place at about 3-4 AM-ish. Earlier than when it would take place in Majora's Mask, simply because it's too early to do anything more without going over the time IRL. =P)[/hr]
  22. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: But You'll Have To Wait 6 Years For A Third Portal 2 Entry
    So; just beat Portal 2. That was an awesome game. Also space. Oh, here come the space cops!
    I kinda wonder, about the ending, though. I wonder if it really happened as it tries to make you believe. I hear the story's extended in the Co-op story mode; but, well, I don't exactly have anyone to go through that with, since no-one seems to want to go through that story mode again. =/ Guess that's what i get for getting the game like a year and a half after everyone else... Ah well...
    Though, now I'm freed up for TF2, I guess. And creating new levels in Portal 2. Not Co-op, though, since I likely won't be able to test it. =P
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