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Blessed Blade

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Blog Entries posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Blessed Blade
    Lawful Good Human Monk/Sorcerer (1st/1st Level)
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 15
    Dexterity- 14
    Constitution- 15
    Intelligence- 14
    Wisdom- 13
    Charisma- 11
    Lawful Good- A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished. Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion. However, lawful good can be a dangerous alignment when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest.
    Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
    Primary Class:
    Monks- Monks are versatile warriors skilled at fighting without weapons or armor. Good-aligned monks serve as protectors of the people, while evil monks make ideal spies and assassins. Though they don't cast spells, monks channel a subtle energy, called ki. This energy allows them to perform amazing feats, such as healing themselves, catching arrows in flight, and dodging blows with lightning speed. Their mundane and ki-based abilities grow with experience, granting them more power over themselves and their environment. Monks suffer unique penalties to their abilities if they wear armor, as doing so violates their rigid oath. A monk wearing armor loses their Wisdom and level based armor class bonuses, their movement speed, and their additional unarmed attacks per round.
    Secondary Class:
    Sorcerers- Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.
    Well, I wasn't expecting it to be a spellcaster. Would explain why I like using the spells as Avatar in Fire Emblem Awakening, though. =P /pauses. /looks at 'ki-based abilities' NEVERMIND THEN, IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE. xP I am a Monk. =P I am so a Monk. =P
  2. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Now On Hard Mode!
    So, I decided to play Ravenholm on hard mode. Not as bad as I thought, but still a bad idea, because of barrels.
    Death 1: Killed by accidentally picking up and firing lit explosive barrel. Zombies denied kill.
    Note 1: I just accidentally the game.
    Death 2: Killed by explosive barrel being lit and exploding near me. Zombie assist.
    Note 2: I accidentally the game again.
    Death 3: Killed by explosive barrel, trying to kill poison headcrabs
    Note 3: ... Is it just me, or do those barrels just not like me? Didn't break the game this time, though. =P
    Death 4: Yet another explosive barrel, by accidentally falling to the ground and attempting to launch the barrel.
    Note 4: Yes, another barrel death.
    Death 5: One more barrel death. Except this time, I was still on the ledge. Dunno how I died.
    Note 5: Have no clue how this happened. 0_o
    So, yeah, my new nemesis isn't the fast zombies, or the poison headcrabs... It's the explosive barrels. =P
  3. Blessed Blade
    Ok, little late, but meh.
    The trailer for the new Bionicle game, which I assume is called Glatorian Arena, is full of WIIIIIN!! Between that and the rest of the updates, I think that this site launch was a rather big success.
  4. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: And There Goes Any Productivity On My Laptop.
    I have Minecraft now!! =D Gonna need to use my laptop for playing it at all, but this should be awesome. =D I'll need to grab some stuff, like Optifine, so that my laptop doesn't blow itself up trying to do stuff like multiplayer, but now I actually have Minecraft!
    Also, to mention about my Pokemon Nuzlocke playthrough... Yeah, I failed in Mistralton. =P Got into a triple battle I wasn't expecting, and had my three top Pokemon swept. =P I won it, and lasted a good while after(Which surprised me), but I just had them all faint, and had it be considered a fail, so I could just continue through, and beat the game to get some other stuff. Like Thundrus. =P
  5. Blessed Blade
    Alternative titles: Because I Haven't Blogged About Megaman Much Since Bzp Returned
    /EDIT: Finally finished; sorry for the wait. Blame the 3DS for having a character limit. xD
    So, I just finished thrashing the final boss of Zero 4 for like the hundredth time in 2 years. Yes, I know, shocking.
    This has to do with ending spoilers, but hey, the collection's been out for 2 years, the game itself for like 8 years(... I feel old, I remember wanting to play it right when it came out. D=), so if you haven't played the game and beat it; What are you waiting for?!
    So, uh, anyway. Back to what I was saying. So, Zero fight Weil, gives his whole "I never called myself a hero" speech, and promptly blows Weil to pieces. And, coincidentally, himself. Whoops. So, while Ciel has a nice little mental breakdown, he lies in pieces in a desert. OR DOES HE? What are the chances, honestly of the only thing surviving an atmospherical entrance being a not-so-damaged helmet and an intact sword? I know people have dealt with my conspiracy theories every time I played through the end of this game... But... It seems too convenient. Sure, the guy deserves his rest before being turned into a living rock only to sacrifice himself again... But... It seems very odd that the sabre just happens to make a humanoid shadow, and also just so happens to be completely intact. If it was even partly broken it wouldn't make that shadow, no?
    And honestly, for being on a free-falling piece of satellite that plunged through the atmosphere, his helmet doesn't look that bad. Sure, it's missing pieces, but the guy just finished like 10 battles in a row, logic says he'll take damage.(Now, the player on the other hand...) The helmet should be totally destroyed, is what I'm getting at. No miraculous 'Oh, it just happens to still have it's shape so you know it's him', if you want that, have one piece of broken red helmet with the gem... Not pretty much the whole thing.
    Might Iadd this is a series that makes a habit of surviving unplausible things?(Zero himself is bad for this... See the shuttle crash from X5 that he just so happens to survive, both slamming into a space colony, and proceeding to get his waist blown off, his arm destroyed, and a laser through the chest, and still manages to kill Sigma with a laser blast of his own before 'dying'. Did I mention he just happened to have enough body left to either 'repair himself', have someone else repair him, or just plain have his body eventually be stolen in time for the Zero series?)
    Let's see... In order... Robot Timeline: Wily had a brick dropped on him in the third game. He got better. Protoman was supposedly dying. He got better(Then died for real by the time the X series rolled along. =P). Then a century later, Vile had X and Zero trapped. Zero decided to be heroic and self-destructed to give X a chance. He got better. Sigma died in every X game, but the problem is that he won't stay dead. Also Vile, he died in the first game, got better for the third and promptly died again, returned for the eighth game... Do I have to say it? He died. I wouldn't honestly be surprised if he returns for a ninth game, provided Capcom makes one. Then there's the whole X5 death for Zero... spoiler, he got better. Then, for the Zero series, we have Phantom, destroyed in first game, returns in third... Though, that was in 'cyberspace'. Heck, X died in Z2, and continued to play a role until the end of Z3. Aside from that, the Zero series was Ironically tame with this.
    Then we have the ZX series. They revived pretty much every dead character from the Zero series, if the form of living rocks. And then there's the whole twist in ZXA, where the main bad guy seems to die... But pulls an Aizen on us, as the body was fake. And Model Z sacrifices himself. Again. I notice a pattern here, anyone else? Wasn't too much happening in Legends(That we know about. >_>), but there were a few 'How'd they survive THAT moments with the Bonnes. And Trigger himself, before the series started. And don't get me started on the body switching from Legends 2.(My 3DS is taunting me. It nearly had me typo that with 3 instead of 2. >=/)
    That's just the classic series. Network Timeline: Where do I start... Wily. Didn't he die in the first game? If not, why wasn't he directly around for BN2? I forget that, since I haven't played 1. I can't forget 2! There is no way Lan should be alive, I don't care what anyone says. He walked right into the middle of a nuclear zone, and somehow survived. Granted, he never died, but... He should have. Not complaining, since Lan's awesome, but he's too lucky. xD Then 3... I believe that's when the 'they died' 'nope i got better' situation started... See: Megaman dying, but actually being okay; Wily surviving his base exploding. Then there's 4, where Regal jumps off his base's platform... And survives for 5. Which leads me into that... I can't remember how many supposed deaths there were in 5; Navi or otherwise. However, the main ones were that Regal apparently died again; but survived it somehow with mild amnesia. Take note the guy was in an exploding volcano base, right next to a probably nuclear device that was intended to merge the virtual world with the physical one. And he survived. And don't get me started on Wily and Baryl, who were there too(Albeit probably in different variants, I don't believe they were both there in the same game. Could be wrong, though.). And both were perfectly okay for 6. And speaking of 6; I forget what the ending was entirely, but Baryl was in a room. That exploded. And if I remember correctly, he still managed to be revealed to have survived. Think Wily died, though. Or maybe he survived too; dunno, I kinda rushed through the ending of BN6 so that I could play the endgame without that stupid Panic Music. =P
    That was all just Battle Network. Then there's Star Force. It's much tamer; in the first two games, at least. Let's see: First game's obvious; Geo's dad, supposedly dead on that spaceship explosion; turns out he was simply turned into EM waves. Then, in the second game, when Solo creates a black hole that drags all of Geo's friends but Luna into it. They should be dead; but no! Not even two seconds later; right in the next cutscene, they're revealed to be alive. Turns out it just transported them elsewhere. And of course the exploding Mu, when Geo just happens to be in Solo's way, and gets saved. Only the bonus ending actually explains that, though, IIRC. =P
    But then there's Star Force 3. Oooh boy. First of all: Luna dies. And gets brought back to life. FROM DATA. How?! But, wait! That's just the start. Well, kinda. Before we had Club Strong, who was fragmented in a similar attack, and reassembled. Didn't work out as well. So, that's two. Then we have Ace; who somehow managed to absorb an explosion, make everyone be convinced he died and grieve for him; and then somehow manage to be just lying in a hospital bed at the end. No explanation for that one at all. He shouldn't even have had the data needed, given all the noise that was around. But wait; there's still more. The gambits at the end all involved deaths of some sort. First off; King dies; but not really, he gets better in time to try and take over the final boss. Didn't work out too well, though, IIRC. And how could anyone forget the fact that after utterly decimating the last boss, Geo's left stranded in space, with seemingly no way to get home? Well, he manages it, surviving an atmospheric reentry better than either time Zero did so, not having a single scratch. Then Omega-Xis does it. Then Geo's father. All three survived reentry. And yet Zero apparently can't in his own game series? Very suspicious.
    So; yeah; back to Zero. If all those characters can survive impossible stuff, including not one, not two, but three shooting star moments(Literally for one, since he's Shooting Star Rockman. =P); I just don't see how Zero couldn't have, especially with his damaged, but not destroyed, equipment.
  6. Blessed Blade
    I have it. And I'm playing it. And it is awesome.
    That is pretty much it. =P
    I haven't even touched Single Player yet; I went, as I said I would to Ddude, straight to multiplayer. Practiced a bit offline, and then went onto Wi-FI to get owned. =P
  7. Blessed Blade
    [You're Too Slow!]
    I'm gonna try a new format for my alternate titles, just to mention. Hopefully nothing eventually corresponds to an actual tag. ^^'
    Anyway... So, one reason I've been off more than normal the last few days, is because of Sonic, specifically Sonic Generations, since I got that a few days ago.
    Second reason, but more so why I haven't been on at night sometimes, would be Megaman 2. I CAN in fact defeat Airman, so take that as you will. It was on Difficult, and without the Leaf Shield. Put Item 2 to use, as well. =P
    Third reason? I finally got Super Smash Bros. Brawl working again! Which means I can once again spend time to try to get 50-100 hours in multiplayer only, with no-one to crush fight against except the Bots. =P They really didn't make that easy to do, since Classic Mode, All Star Mode, Boss Battles, Subspace, and even WI-FI of all things doesn't work for that goal. ._.; Ah well; nearly to 20 hours as it is, then I'll just need 10 more.
    That said, I'm nearly to the end of the unlocks, which saddens me. =( I want to eventually play through again, but I'm not sure how... Might be with the Wii U, but there's no way I'll be getting that any time soon, and without the Gamecube Controllers, I can't play Brawl as it should be played(No Classic Controllers unfortunately. I really need to get one, yes, but...), and I can't play my Virtual Console games, period, except for the handful of NES games I have, so I won't be transferring my data likely.
    If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get a Classic Controller Pro soon enough, but since I just got two new Gamecube Controllers, there's no rush, except for Monster Hunter Tri. So yeah. =P
    Back to Sonic, though, playing Generations has really gotten me back into a Sonic mood. I'm wanting to find a Sonic avatar now, and finish the games I have once again. Yes, I may have forgotten to mention it in the past, but I'm a Sonic fan. =P Just not once of those crazy ones that seem to be everywhere nowadays. xD
  8. Blessed Blade
    So; for us in North America and such; the countdown to the Big Bang that happens today has started.
    And even though it's only eight hours and 19 minutes 'til it's on... I still cannot wait. *Kicks TARDIS*
  9. Blessed Blade
    (Alt Titles: Gotta Go Fast!)
    Funny how this blog title's still relevant like a year from when I changed it last. =P Maybe not Green Hill, but still Sonic themed. xD
    Anyway; posting this entry for two reasons; because I've been neglecting my blog for the past little while, and to ask a question... Anyone here good at writing music and willing to share some tips? Been thinking of maybe experimenting with stuff based off my old hijinks with my electronic keyboard; but I'm not really sure where to start for the beat and such. ^^'
  10. Blessed Blade
    PM me if you add any of these, otherwise you'll be stuck in limbo forever. =P
    3DS FC: 4425-1588-8276 Name: Blade
    (Only these work, due to having WPA, and not WEP)
    Pokemon Black FC: 5200-1728-1174 Name: Blade
    Pokemon Black 2 FC: *Placeholder* Name: Zach
    (These don't work, thanks to my Wi-Fi)
    Animal Crossing WW FC: 5197-8121-0770 Name: Blade
    Mario Kart DS FC: 3694-5772-1551 Name: Toa Blade
    MegaMan Star Force 2: Ninja: 4425-2913-0802 Name: Omega Blade.
    Pokemon Diamond FC: 4942-4225-9953 Name: Blade
    Pokemon Platinum FC: 4125-0887-2432 Name: Kaze
    Pokemon SoulSilver FC: 4898-8122-8673 Name: Kaze
    Zelda Phantom Hourglass FC: 5112-2148-1934 Name: Blade
    GoldenEye 007 FC: 1861-2912-9663 Name: [VNV]Blade
    Mario Kart Wii FC: *Placeholder*
  11. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: But No New Blog Theme Yet.
    Pretty much what the titles say. Testing out a new way of separating the Alt Titles from the actual entry, since breaking spaces don't exist on the dashboard.
    So, yeah, now I'm Roxas from Kingdom Hearts, in commemoration of KH3D's release next week. =D Also because Roxas is a cool name and all. =P
    Though, a lot of things have changed in the past four, almost five years, now... If you had asked me back in '07, I probably would have looked at you oddly, if you suggested I'd be playing a Kingdom Hearts game, or listening to Rock and Metal. That line of thinking was thrown out the window a while ago. =P
  12. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: A Portable Version Of A Portable Mario Bros.
    Or, rather re-release, whatever. =P The main point of this, is to point out the fact that Mario Bros. is included in this game. Which means if you really want to be complete, there's 11 free games in the GBA department. =P(Not counting the obscene amounts of minigames in the WarioWare title...)
    In a way, this helps me, because my Super Mario World cart died on me this year. D= It's contacts are toast. Doesn't help me play Super Mario World itself, but now I can play Mario Bros to waste time whenever I want, and the only thing that could stop me is my 3DS itself dying. =P
    Also, I fail at F-Zero. That is all.
  13. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: Playing Out Of Order Again I See.
    So, I'm able to play the original Xbox version of Half Life 2. Not even 10 minutes into the game, and I'm already stuck. Wow. I think that's a new record. *Goes to bash different things to try and open the way* I don't have the Crowbar, though. =(
  14. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: I'm Back Baby!, Never Quoting Austin Powers Again For A While I Promise
    So; I stopped blogging for a while. My bad. ^^' I haven't really been doing much of note lately... I also haven't really been doing THAT much with Blender; mostly just trying to get proportions right for stuff like humanoid creations. My past two attempts haven't really done that great. This is more of a test, and is a more chibi look than there should be; however, I rather like the look of it. So, without further ado, I introduce what I call 'Cube Man Zero', as per my save file's name. =P
    Cube Man Zero, Fight, for everlasting peace!
    Okay, okay, so it looks pretty barren. That's partially because it'll be a simply test for things like animation and such. Though, if it works well enough to be modified and updated in terms of design, then I'll probably use it over some of my more complex design tests that haven't gone very far. =P
    So yeah, it's not SUPPOSED to be truly complex or anything, but I think it's good for a test model, and I wanted to show it off, since, well, I haven't exactly updated anything recently. =P
  15. Blessed Blade
    Other Title: Loading & Posting Is Slooooow
    Add-on title: It's A 3DS. I Have A 3DS Now. 3DS's Are Cool!
    So, yeah, got a 3DS over the downtime. In fact, I'm using it to post now. And typing is slow, but not too slow. Mostly it's the loading that is hard to handle. So if I'm slower to post, that's likely the reason. =p
  16. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: No - There's No Three - Don't Ask.
    That's all one title, I separate alternate titles with commas. =P
    So; dual entry!
    First of all, remember the master Sword I was creating? Well, I more or less finished it! The only problem is; I don't know how to texture it that well(Especially with the Gnu Image Manipulation Program deciding to not handle PNGs anymore.), nor do I know how to take pictures of stuff that's been created. >>' That's really the only reason I haven't put up even an untextured version of the model yet. =/
    Second... Well... This week hasn't been that great. Something happened a few days ago; which is the reason I was offline for the past two days, as otherwise I likely would've been annoyed for seemingly no reason.(Along with the fact that my computer wasn't plugged in until today. =P)
    Though, yesterday was also due to my tooth starting to hurt a little, because of it seemingly finally appearing, after being blocked by my wisdom teeth until last year. However... All I could think at first was, 'What's with my teeth and the summer!?', because it was a year last month that I had my wisdom teeth out. =P
  17. Blessed Blade
    [The First Attempt]
    So; BZPC 13 was last night, and I joined in it as well for once. After a few technical difficulties at the start, everyone got in, and the game started. Me being clueless, I didn't have much of an idea of how to start off, but I slowly got the hang of it, doing the same as normal, and acting like a dwarf and heading underground. Turns out that I had a ravine right next to where the base was, which I revealed as I dug a staircase down. After killing a Creeper with a Stone Sword once the set-up period ended, I went and got some iron. I crafted a helm, and went looking around for food because I needed it. When I headed back, I noticed iron on a ledge close to where a zombie was moaning for brains, so I made a bridge over. ... Turns out, the zombie could walk down, so he went and gave me a hug, knocking me into the lava below; 2 blocks away from the nearest water source. xD
    So, I respawned, and tried to stave off an undead and spider infestation where my Spawn point was, though I died once before I was set to Creative. xD After that, I just made sets of uber enchanted armour, and just randomly did stuff as I waited for the others to die(A couple were eliminated shortly after me, though.), and after a while, initially as a joke, I made a beacon, which the others then embraced.
    However, ET eventually wandered near the beacon, and I decided to follow him for a bit, especially after he noticed the desert temple I saw. I mostly just wanted to act as a ghost spectator, but unbeknownst to me, desert temples are trapped worse than I thought. >_< He opened up the treasure room, and I followed to look. I must've landed by accident, though, because I heard that I hit a pressure plate that had tons of TNT under it. I kinda accidentally blew ET up. >_< See, I had no clue what happened; I'll admit I heard the pressure plate, but for some reason at that moment, I thought it was one of the chests opening. >_< However, after it happened, I wandered around, trying to open one of the chests, not realizing the disaster I had caused. I then went out, since nothing was happening, and I thought I was about to crash for some reason. Turns out I did, because of all the TNT. Log back on, and I get confused because I had no clue that ET had died, and not sure what happened, I go back and see a crater. Learned two valuable lessons there: 1, never do what I did when in a desert temple. 2, Always hover when a ghost, and try to stay away from other players. =/ Luckily, due to the whole nature of the situation, ET was let back in, since a) I couldn't kill anyone then anyway, and b) It wouldn't have happened if I had've stayed floating in the air, since ET was actually being more cautious than I was.
    The rest of the game was interesting, but not nearly as bad as me epically failing with the above thing. Ddude eventually barely took down MI, and then he decided to make podiums, and we all started to craft Fireworks. After I realized everyone else was crafting them faster than I could, however, I just resorted to keeping watchout and shooting skeletons and other bad things that might try and eat anyone passing by. As we were working, however, the topic of interest was how close Unit was to getting potions. Well, randomly, a lag spike hit Unit, and caused him to freeze up. Apparently, a Skeleton decided that was time to take his daily target practice, and used Unit as a pincushion. Everyone was rather shocked about that, since he was so close to the potion requirements. =/
    Eventually, it came down to a fight in the Nether, intentional or not, between Bambi and Ddude. One died, then the other followed shortly after, which prompted a lot of chat, and much celebration. We had a fireworks set-up, and then some of us decided to spawn two Withers(Partly due to miscommunication), and we then killed them off, and nuked a mountain(Or at least most of it, somehow part of it survived. 0_o), setting up masses of TNT while MI was idle, getting the winning picture ready, though it was set off prematurely because of redstone proximity. =/
    So, yeah, that was pretty much it, and it was a chaotic but very interesting match, with over half of the players dying from environmental deaths, and, of course, me very horribly failing. But it was fun aside from the whole 'accidentally killing ET' part, and a good way to join in on the BZPCraft games. =D
  18. Blessed Blade
    [Marathon Go Go!]
    Oh yes, forgot to mention this in the last entry; there were two BZPCs this weekend! =D So, since Friday night was so awesome, I decided to go for BZPC 14, and stay up until 2 AM once again! =P No issues getting into the server last night; everything just worked. Threw away my extra stuff before ET showed up, but forgot I was in creative, so I picked it all up again, and just obliterated it by throwing it back in the creative menu. =P
    Once everyone was ready, I quickly placed a bed, and then once setup time started, I ran off and found a hole to stay in. Punched trees, and ignored the masses of mushrooms around. I quickly made a pick(stupidly using up all my planks for sticks at first. ), and then started on making a stairway to the bottom of the earth. Quickly things started going wrong, as I found a ravine like 3 feet from where I made the base, and as I was trying to look around it, I got shot off the edge by a skeleton, survived, and then got shot by another skeleton(Or he followed me, I'm still not sure). Well that wouldn't do; but it was still set-up time, so the death didn't count. I quickly went back in, dove into the pool of water, and reclaimed my sword from the skeleton, which had picked it up. Skeleton, you should stick to your bow, because I beat you with just my fists. HAH!
    Once I got everything back, I noticed some iron! I grabbed that quickly, and made a stairway back up. I missed my base, which led to a second stairway into the ravine, and then went back into my base, smelted the iron, and then proceeded to try and find a safe way down the ravine. Not two blocks going down the side that I got knocked off initially, I ran into the stairway that I had made to get up. 0_o I wasn't complaining, I started to expand that, and found not too much... Though, I eventually ran into a cave, and started to clear it out. The first time, however, I ran into a zombie with I believe full leather on. I killed it easily, but saw a skeleton nearby. At about that point, ET died to a skeleton. Take note of that, it's death two by skeletons, set-up or real. =P With one officially out of the game, I continued to look around, finding some stuff which I mined out. However, as I was getting overconfident, a skeleton appeared to antagonize me. Shot me in the back, but I managed to kill it. I quickly ran and got some mushrooms, and headed to the surface, getting the mushrooms I passed up, making a bowl in the process. Mmm... Mushroom Stew. That stew probably saved my life a lot.
    Back in my mine, I sealed off the drop to the ravine, and proceeded back to the cave I found. Except, instead of heading into the dark cave, I headed back to where I saw that skeleton earlier. It was gone. What did it do, circle back to ambush me? Was it the skelly I killed? 0_o Either way, I moved onward, eventually finding a second underground ravine. I noticed a zombie, killed it. Cleared a path, backtracked for a moment, returned, and saw a spider. Killed it without it even touching me. At about that point, I checked my map, and noticed an odd spot, so I just tunneled toward it, eventually thinking to go further down to attempt to find diamonds. That... Was not a good idea. I started to mine out the place after running into coal, and iron. Proceeded further in, found more coal, and more iron. I also found lapis; MI's favourite Minecraft item. =P Unit had to leave at about that time, unfortunately. I established a temporary base in that man-made cavern eventually, as I kept clearing it out. Thinking I should check out that odd spot, however, I quickly mined my way to the surface, running into MORE stuff that wasn't diamond. After reaching the surface, however, I saw nothing. Not even the odd dirt footsteps I had seemingly been hearing. 0_o The odd spot turned out to just be an odd half-beach, if you can even call it that. Just shore with like 5 blocks of sand. When I was back down in the mine, however, Bambi died as well. By being shot by a skeleton.
    With three down, I decided it was a priority to find diamonds, so I went and started digging around to try and find them behind dirt and gravel. So began the reason I set up that temporary base and began to expand it and set up double chests. So much dirt; so little diamond.(Including that verbatim since you seemed to like that quote, Cholie. =P) I spent like an hour, if not two, digging out all that dirt, and all that gravel. So many shovels, just wasted. I found Gold, and iron, and coal. But no diamonds anywhere at all. Heck, I even stopped keeping that to myself, and began to mention it, since I was just surprised. Unit had returned by then. Of course, since MI had switched alliances by that point, I formed an alliance with him. It seemed, however, that every time I'd say 'diamond', Unit would run into some. xD Actually, anything anyone mentioned, Unit would run into. =P However, shortly after he returned, Cholie blew up. Poor MI was left with no partner. xD
    I was getting rather annoyed with the lack of diamonds, however, giving the quote that I said earlier about that point. I ran out of places to dig, so I instead started to strip mine the cave, thinking that there should be diamonds somewhere in there. I get to one passage just as AT got disconnected because of Internet issues, and find that I've stumbled onto a cave with TONS of redstone. Like, masses of it. I had discovered some earlier, but it was accompanied by the bottom of the map. =P Lapis, redstone, Gold, you name it, it was probably there. I secured a part of it, but I seemed to run out of torches(Protip: Check your freaking inventory before you think that. ), so I just got rid of one section that seemed to be bugging me, right near the entrance. BINGO. 8 freaking diamonds, right there. I was rather pleased about that, but almost out of hunger, with no Mushroom Stew left, and Unit halfway across the map. I go to the surface, run out of food, run back down as it drops me to half a heart, cook the chicken I found, eat it, but only have three bars of food. Unit had to leave for 10 minutes then, and Ry got disconnected as well, leaving MI searching for me. I tried to monitor his progress, but he was too smart for me, and wouldn't give his co-ords, despite the fact that he'd kill me in an instant anyway. =P Luckily(Err, um, yeah, maybe not), Ry logged on at about that time with the news that AT couldn't return because of the internet problems, so I tried to get MI to search for Ry instead of me, but I also got the brilliant idea to go and grab lava to at least counter kill whoever found me. From the unlit cavern. With half a heart left.
    So, I go to grab the lava, hiking through the mine I had uncovered, bypassing the coal I left, and reaching the cave. In my haste, I didn't catch the skeleton sound. Of course, a second too late, I saw the skeleton out of the corner of my eye, and tried to grab lava. Of course, the sound of an arrow hitting a wall, dropped my attention from that. I turned around, and saw the skeleton right behind me; no means of escape. Resigned to my fate, I rushed the skeleton. *twang* "BZP_Blade was shot by a skeleton." "Respawn" Well dang. I should've just stayed in my safe hidey-hole. ;_; A couple minutes later, Unit shows up, and a few minutes after that, everyone has the ultimate showdown that decided the match; Ry killed MI and Unit, and too victory. MI got his Lapis platform, in a little funny coincidence there. =P And I did very well, considering the only real reason I didn't survive until at least Unit return was my brilliant plan to go exploring. =P
    It was awesome fun, however; and I will certainly join BZPC 15 whenever it's ready. =D
  19. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: I Have Now Upgrade! ... To the Demo!
    So, to continue on, I gave up on Classic for now. It'll become fully useless anyway, if I ever get the full version, after all.
    However, that would leave me with nothing to play, you say? Not true! There is, in fact, now a demo that lasts for five days and nights!(However, sleeping automatically takes off up to ten minutes of play time, due to the way the counter works)
    I have made made it to the time limit twice now, and in the last completion, I also made it to bedrock in my makeshift base, along with making a skylight. =) Speedrunning? Me? Naaaah, it can't be.
    I ran into gold and Redstone on my way down, though, and I stupidly wasted all my iron on making a chestplate instead of a pick. ; I just made my base right in front of my spawn point, though; that way if I die like I did yesterday...(Note to self, and others: If you've dug down like 25 blocks, try not to jump right down into the mineshaft. You will die.) then you just respawn outside, and can just head back to get your stuff quickly. =)
    That said, does anyone know how to use a ladder properly? So that I don't go soaring through the air while trying to go down a ladder to the depths of my mineshaft? =/
  20. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: I Found My Calling Finally
    No, not The Calling, I found out about them a while ago.
    Anyway, was working on Blender yesterday. Seems pretty good. =D I didn't really do much, though I made an untextured version of the Refractors from Megaman Legends, and messed around with the Game Engine stuff. Which is awesome.
    Though, I noted 'untextured' for a reason. I was trying to get the thing to be textured for a good portion of yesterday, but it just won't get textured for me. D=
  21. Blessed Blade
    So, after much procrastinating, I may as well get down to the Dowsing Machine's entry. =P
    Simply put? This variant of the Dowsing Machine/Item Finder, by far, is the best. Gone are the days of having to activate it multiple times! Gone are also the days of having to constantly tap it, or hold the stylus down on the screen while you move around!
    No; now, all you have to do is activate it, and move around as you find items left, right, up, down, and center. =P Yes, it tracks items automatically. It may take a little getting used to, but it's by far the most convenient version yet. Even better than HGSS's version; and that's saying something. What this version does, is as you walk around, the two item finder 'antenna' things point in the direction of the item.
    "What's so different about that?" You ask? Well, for one, it updates automatically. No need to tap it, or activate it each time you wish to get an update on the position. Just walk around. As you do so, it'll automatically turn it's position to reflect where you are compared to the item. Like, say you're south east, in comparison with the item. If you walk up, then it'll slowly turn from facing Northeast, then the the east, and then southeast. If you, however, walk over to that spot, and move on top of it, it will also let you know about that, by having both antennae facing each other, and displaying a symbol in the middle. Then, you simply have to walk one square off as usual, and then pick it up.
    Simply put; this Dowsing Machine is extremely useful. Plus; it doesn't even get turned off automatically. The only things that do that is, say, when you go on Wi-Fi. You also have to disable it manually when you go to switch Pokemon, or save, but as I mentioned the other day, the rest can be handled by the Registration Menu. =)
    Party Status update:
    Tynamo(Tynamo) Level 27(Female) Careful
    Lillil(Lilligant) Level 39(Female) Modest
    Gothorita(Gothorita) Level 39(Female) Gentle
    Darmanitan(Darmanitan) Level 39(Male) Jolly
    Gonzo(Sawk) Level 39(Male) Careful
    Wottergun(Samurott) Level 40(Female) Naive
    Badge Status: 6 Badges obtained.(Trio Badge, Basic Badge, Insect Badge, Bolt Badge, Quake Badge, Jet Badge)
    Game Status: Just reaching Twist Mountain.
    Time: 48:15
    Pokedex: Seen 88, Obtained 67.
  22. Blessed Blade
    Those are the two games that have been in my DS for the last few days Star Force 2's ending is pretty interesting...
    I've been playing Battle Network 5, to see if it really is harder than Star Force... Here's my verdict: If you're used to Star Force: Load up on long-range chips
  23. Blessed Blade
    *To Omi* You are awesome. *To everyone* Actually, what I said to Omi pretty much sums him up.
    Also, congrats on getting FFIV =D
    ... Ok, there's more. ... I'd guess you're an awesome DJ since you're an awesome person, and you play such awesome games. And I'll also take a guess that you're an awesome Pokemon Trainer, and I'd really like to battle with you sometime
  24. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: A Role Playing Game In Need
    So, if you've been reading Parugi's blog recently, you'll know that Day Run isn't doing the best it can do. It's got votes, yes, but it's still behind the others. It can do better, and really, this last round is all it needs to finish up it's story.
    Would you want something canceled before it's story is finished? No? Then please vote for Day Run, so that it's story can be finished, for all of us.
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