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Blessed Blade

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Blog Entries posted by Blessed Blade

  1. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: No Checkpoint I'm Disappointed
    So, uh, yeah. Just reached the Lighthouse place, and, uh, I got into a battle with the Combine. Aside from them using me for target practice, I haven't been doing that bad. Aside from when I got to the lighthouse rocket fight. Whose bright idea was it to not even put a checkpoint save there? >_^ I blew myself up, naturally. =P
  2. Blessed Blade
    I found this funny. In GoldenEye; I snuck up on three people, on the Station level. Aimed; and then fired.
    I took out all three players in one shot. All three dropped down at the same time, so I thought my teammates got them. But no; 5 XP popped up three times.
    I laughed at that. =P
  3. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: More And More And More And More Art
    So. Day 2 of returning to messing around with The GIMP. Still not going to try and do stuff by hand; I'm not all too certain how people manage to do that, and do it right. So, instead, I'm making stuff based almost entirely exclusively off filters; like I used to do. I do think I went a little overboard in that respect, though, as I ended up with four different images based off the same base combination of filters. >>'
    Extra question, what colour is that on the outside edges? >=D
    Hmm, it's rippling, I don't think that's a good si-
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- oof.
    And yes, those filenames have meaning. =P Think of the series of images like one of those super attacks you sometimes hear of or see in games. I have another image which would pretty much be another character's personal variant of the first image, but it's green, of course. =P Green Gravity Supernova I nicknamed that one.
  4. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: Maybe Playing This After Other M Was Released Was Good After All
    Intriguing. Samus makes a direct mention to Fusion being the second time she took orders from someone. Which, even though Other M was released years later, is a direct tie to that(And one that was intentional, I believe =P). Which is very cool, and ties the story together further, even though I know that it was more expanding on Fusion's story, than the other way around.
    Can't wait to actually start to play this. =) Not gonna get the Best Ending for a long time(If ever), but I knew that going into this. Just beating the game would be a first for the Metroid Series.(Speaking of which, I still need to finish the original game. >>')
  5. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Category Time Again
    So, some people may have been wondering why I haven't been on Steam, despite obviously having it, since I got it for Portal back in September. Well, I kinda forgot my password. Which is never fun.
    But, I have it back! =D I can now enjoy all the awesomeness that Steam has - to a point. My computer, while being better clocking in with two 3 GHz processors, 2 GB of RAM, and an outdated video card, is still held back... Specifically by the outdated video card. =P
    ... Also, my internet isn't the greatest. I've always known that. Well, I confirmed it today, started to download TF2 at around 8, 8:15-ish, and it's only completed 15% now. =/ It wasn't kidding when it said 5 hours...
  6. Blessed Blade
    Alternate Titles: Aside From The Partying Of Course.
    So... I bet people have noticed that I've been disappearing. This is why:
    Tales of the Abyss
    Tales of the Abyss
    Tales of the Abyss
    Tales of the Abyss
    Preparing for stuff I need to do
    Did I mention Tales of the Abyss?
    And of course, emailing, but that part is more under a real life heading, as it's just people I know IRL. =P
    Then, of course, there's the March Break, but nothing that important for me, since I'm done school, but I still will probably not be able to catch up next week, due to that.
    Also, the 3DS browser's not fun for newer sites like this. I wish they'd make a standalone program app for it. =/
  7. Blessed Blade
    It's a very good add-on that they've created for Black and White. It's not the best it could be, but it's definitely a step up from the Pokewalker.
    However, I'm still not too keen on the hour limit for the Dream World, what with the fact that on my computer, I get a lot of lag, likely because said computer is near-obsolete, if it isn't already, and is probably over 7 years old. =P
    However, the Global Link in general is pretty cool, though there are still some glitches that can be seen, which will hopefully be fixed sometime in the future. And EZ Mail is fail. Which also rhymes. =P Worse than MLN's messaging system, as in even more restrictive. Heck; even the mail system in the games is better. xD
    The Global Battle Union is pretty cool; though I haven't gotten a chance to actively test it just yet... partly because I'm still reworking my team. =P
    However, I do believe that the Dream World interface could be updated, and that the profile part of the main page could be redesigned; I don't care if this is the second time it's done, it's missing key info. =P For one, it doesn't tell you if there's any new messages(And what with it being so restrictive, you're not likely to check it actively); and there's no notice in the Dream World or on the main page that someone wishes to add you to the Dream Pal Roster... Someone sent me a request last night, and I didn't see it until after I had already finished up in the Dream World(Due to that silly hour limit). Now I have to wait for tonight for that.
    Overall, it's a very nice application; however... It needs to be expanded when the next games come out or sooner, that's for sure.
  8. Blessed Blade
    Been wanting to feature this for a while.
    Ok, by now everyone knows that Exo-Force is ending, correct? Ok. It's Lego's ONLY current giant mech theme. Got that so far? It had a bad year last year. With me so far? They decide to get rid of it just because of that, even though it had great mech designs in 2008. Wait, what?
    Yeah, that's why Lego's ending the series, because of poor sales in 2007.
    Ok, put this into perspective, in 2006 we had:
    26 comics, give or take a few
    Quite a few awesome mechs.
    It was the first year.
    It had light-up bricks, which had use.
    It had interactive stuff online(Though, I must say, other than in the comic department, 2007 ruled there).
    2007 had:
    Around 12, if that, comics.
    Skeletal, but still cool, mechs.
    It was the second year, the feeling of it being new had worn off a bit... But still managed to draw in a few people.
    It had Code Bricks, which weren't as functional as Light Bricks, and tried; but failed miserably; to make it up in weapons that had functions, but most of those were launchers...
    It had tons of interactive stuff online, including 6+ games online.
    So, 2007 WAS a decline, but brought in new fans, such as myself. And there was interactive stuff to do, like input code-bricks, or play games, online, but not enough story stuff, and what was there was rushed. So of course there was a decline in sets being bought, because there wasn't enough GOOD storyline.
    In 2008 however, we had mechs that had seats. BUT; it wasn't even 2008, rather around October or so 2007, when we found the first hints of something awry with Exo-Force. A book featuring Chameleon Hunter on it's cover was cancelled. Then, codes went wrong when the site was updated and the mechs were released. Then, shortly afterwards, we find out about Exo-Force being cancelled. Still with me...?
    Ok, so 2007 didn't do well, but, why was that...? Was it because of the lack of online content, the set designs, a combination of both...?I understand they couldn't keep it up if it wasn't gaining profits, and that it has a SLIGHT possibility of POSSIBLY coming back in the future... But why not take a step back and try to figure out what was wrong with the sets? I mean, though the current sets aren't AS good as late '06(I blame the lack of articulation and hands ), they ARE a step up... And if they made something like an Exo-Force video game like they did with Bionicle many times, maybe it'd be more advertised and such...
    Of coruse, these are all wishes upon wishes, slivers of hope that don't even have a chance of happening I've accepted this fact for quite a while now, and just let it slwoly die, trying to make a more traditional mech design... But seeing as I've wanted to blog about this for quite some time, I couldn't pass up a chance to just say what I wanted to say then. I want you to know now, that I have no intention of flaming ANYONE, I'm just suggesting to the past, why couldn't they have just tried to improve on the comics or sets or something...? Ah well, what's done is done... We may; or may not; see one of our favorite(And only ) Lego Mech series back in the future... All we can do is hope
    Also, offtopic but, I just noticed that all the entries that have comments have 2 comments in them
  9. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: Let's Get The Blog On The Road!
    So... As I said; I chose Snivy(Nicknamed Smugleaf), and my trainer name is Alex. Gonna be brief, since I can't waste all my time on writing. xD
    Start, Nuvema Town:
    So, me, Cheren, and Bianca all chose different Pokemon; Bianca an Oshawott, and Cheren a Tepig. I easily won both battles, got the Pokedex, and Town Map, along with the Xtransciever.
    After watching the tutorial on catching, and the talking finished, I walked through the grass, and found a... Patrat. ... Lovely. Managed to will myself not to kill it, and caught it easily. Nicknaming it Roadkill, to show how much I like Patrat. =P Since that'll need training most, I'm gonna train that first, and hope it doesn't die on me first. ;
    After nearly having my Patrat faint, I eventually decided just to head to Accumula. It's just not worth having everything faint trying to make them stronger, when you can't revive fainted Pokemon in a Nuzlocke. =P
    Accumula Pokemon Stats:
    Smugleaf: Level 7
    Roadkill: Level 5
    Let the Nuzlocke begin!
    Accumula City:
    Blah, blah, blah, tutorials everywhere. Grabbed the Pokeball, hoped for a potion I didn't get, and instead got a free heal(My last one, to my knowledge. D=), and bought a ton of potions.
    Fought N, won by a long shot(Honestly I did more damage in one turn with a critical hit than he did the entire battle. And he was two levels higher. >>), went outside the city, got the Running Shoes, and fought a... PURRLOIN! ... What. I swear this game's forcing me to get all the ones I don't want... At least I'll be getting a Simipour. ... Watch it be male, to spite me. >_>
    Anyway, this is how weird my thought processes can get: I named the Purrloin SpoonyBard. After thinking of how well it worked as a thief. And then drawing a blank on those names, and instead picking from others in Final Fantasy 4. And that being the first that popped into my mind. Wow. xD
    Anyway, after a few close calls, I leveled up more, and went to exit to Striaton, to heal, get my money, and crush the three brothers! ...
    Bianca: "Hey! Listen!"
    Oh no, no, no, not a battle now... D= Sure enough, it is indeed a battle... And after one close call, I swept the floor with Bianca's team. Snivy is awesome. Patrat too, even. =P
    Well, so far so good!
    Striaton Pokemon Stats:
    Smugleaf: Level 9
    Roadkill: Level 8
    SpoonyBard: Level 7
    Onward we go!
    Striaton City:
    Gah. This has been the main reason I haven't updated for a few hours. >_> Let's see...
    First off, I went straight to the Dreamyard, after gathering up the spare items lying around. Two battles, right off the bat. Won both perfectly, but it began to whittle my team down. Worth it, though; got a Panpour. A male Panpour. Named it Vezok. =P
    Next, I went to the school to advance things, and crushed Cheren. If you'll believe it, he was easier than those trainers in the Dreamyard. =P Then I attached the berries he gave me, and headed to the gym itself. Gah. I don't remember it being so hard. >_< Then again, I probably caught like 10 Patrat to switch out to when I fought it last. =P
    First one, not a big problem. Second first, the first time, I lost my Snivy right off the bat. Accidentally turned the power off, though; but I don't think things would've gone well. Second time, I didn't hit the power button by accident, and won the match perfectly, prepared this time.
    Then came Chili. Gah. I hate that Lillipup of his. Kept spamming that move in the TM he gives out. Then proceeded to sweep my entire team, almost. Nearly took him out with my Panpour, but BAM, hit the power button again. I really am half tempted to play this on my 3DS, instead of my old DS. But since my 3DS is busy waiting with Black in it, I can't really do that. =P
    Take two, I level up this time, and then take down the Lillipup with my Patrat and Snivy. Pansear was taken down exclusively by my Panpour, despite not having leveled up like the last time I fought Chili. xD
    Then came the Dreamyard again. Luckily, it was just Team Plasma, so I wiped the floor with them, and am just stopping to grab my 3DS and use the C-Gear. So, yeah.
    Route 3 Pokemon Stats:
    Smugleaf: Level 13
    Roadkill: Level 13
    SpoonyBard: Level 11
    Vezok: Level 12
    Wish me luck for the future, I think I'll need it. =P
  10. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Title: Just One Last Minute Push To Help An Awesome Role Playing Game
    Please, everyone, vote for Day Run. A few things it has going for it are...
    Mecha and other awesome futuristic vehicles.
    Zombies you can play as, but not just normal zombies either.
    A story that could really use an ending.
    Awesome tournaments, and the potential end of a universe.
    Very hard to beat opponents that would help that end of the universe.
    Awesome players, characters, and story stuff.
    Parugi has more of the details, but... Well, I think that Day Run should have it's ending...
    Also, please also vote for Techna, as it should continue, as it's hard to find out what happens after the inevitable crash unless it wins. =)
  11. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: I Might Be Off For A Few Days Now
    So; yeah. I just got Pokemon Black 2 a couple hours ago, and I'm just starting it now. Between something else I had to work on, and reading up on everything, I've been too busy to actually start it. That changes now.
    Of course, the first thing I did, was go on Mystery Gift and get Genesect. =P I can't pass up that opportunity, even if it does end over a month from the time of this entry. xD
    Next, I'll activate Memory Link, and then start. I want things fully set up, so I don't need my second DS for a while. If I could set up Game Sync before starting, I would. =P
  12. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: I'm On A Boat, Those Head Crabs Can't Catch Me!
    I told you guys more Half Life 2 stuff would be here soon. =P
    So, I made it to Water Hazard. And I have no clue where I'm going. =) Well, actually, apparently I'm heading to the scene of the crime from last game, which is very interesting. But yeah, I'm finally out of Route Kanal, which is good. Head Crabs were but a distraction.
  13. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: How I Found Out My Kart Racing Skills Have Declined
    So, yeah, I have MK7 now. If anyone wishes to race me, join either the BZP community(The code's in Kohaku's Blog or the Mario Kart topic in COT), or you could add me as a friend; my Friend Code's in my profile. Try and PM me before you add me, though, just so I know to add your Friend Code in return. =P
    The game's very good. It's just me that's not good, at the controls, that is. xD ... Then again, I was playing at like midnight last night, so tired reflexes might be part of it. =P
  14. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: So I Gave Into The Ask Entries So What
    Yeah, I made an Ask entry; it just took me what, two years? =P
    So yeah, ask me what you want, though be warned, if it's too personal, I might evade the question. =P
    Also, two more new categories. I might have to go back and start actually *Gasp* editing categories into the old entries! ... And also importing my old categories and all...
  15. Blessed Blade
    I'm running out of things to blog about. xP
    However, I will say this: I've got a few story ideas floating around in my head. I may start mass writing in addition to the stuff I'm already working on. xP Might just throw in some Bionicle stuff too; but that's simply to not have to think up a reason why a perfectly normal person is throwing around lightning bolts or flinging fireballs at people. =P
  16. Blessed Blade
    Alternative Titles: This Thing Just Proved I'm Psychic
    So, all intentions of not posting again 'til the morning. Then I noticed Nintendo Video had an update. So I look, and it's a 'coming soon' thing. It says in the description 'Drown in the Now', and I think "Huh. Well that seems like the song by the Crystal Metjod. Naaaah, can't be." *Loads the video* *Is almost instantly proven right not just by it out and out saying so, but also playing a part of the song* "0_o Wow. So called that."
    Nothing important, but at 12 AM, you'd be surprised what's considered important. Llike sleep. Sleep is nice. I want sleep. But not ice. Ice can stay away along with snow. =P
  17. Blessed Blade
    I really have no clue what to blog about. ._.
    Well; I've been preoccupied with that PS2 I've been playing recently. Finally advanced the month to May in MLB 08 The Show's Road to the Show mode too. =P
  18. Blessed Blade
    Other Titles: Widescreen Monitor Woot
    So, yeah, if you couldn't tell from the 'Other titles' section... I now have a widescreen monitor. Flatscreen too. Which takes me another step into maybe being sometime this decade. =P Still got an old computer, but hopefully that might be next to be upgraded...
    But yeah. Gotta get used to the difference, and the fact that it's way bigger than before, but it is pretty cool. And I might just be able to do more things now. xD But, then again, it's only 1366 by 768, so maybe it's only bigger in terms of wide-screen stuff. =P
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