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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Blessed Blade

  1. *Goes into main cave in the Shadow Dimension* Uh-oh.

  2. *Launches Hikanota into balrog's Cave* Kills: 5000 :-P Unfortunately that was only one of the clans...

  3. *Slashes up Soul Eaters too* I think my total kills are 3000 now...

  4. *Uses his Metal Casing Ability to case the Balrogs in Metal* Quick! Blast them out of the ground!

  5. I've been here but forgot to check this :-P Anyway... Back to the Balrogs! *Starts slashing them up*

  6. I'm back! ... What no-one else is? Sheesh...

  7. *Takes out only one with Hikanota* Uh-oh. This is seriouser than I thought. Let's postpone this 'til tomorrow.

  8. HAhaha We've been busy posting here today :-P 19 pages already :-P

  9. Read the comment before your last one :-P

  10. *Goes through portal and Launches a Hikanota blast at the Soul Eater base there... and come out with bad news* Uh guys? We have a bigger problem than these. Bigger as in way bigger. As in Balrogs. In that Dimension. Through that portal.

  11. Uh Total? If so Probably 1500. In the last hit? 350.

  12. These Board Messages are getting a tiny bit annoying...

  13. *Uses Hikanota on the Soul Eaters again* This is going to be endless...

  14. *Starts spinning and releasing Ki in a circle around him* This might help me stay alive :-) Can you lend me some of your armour Sev?

  15. Oh right. *Slashes up the Soul Eaters* Need a hand Sev?

  16. Hey Sev? Aren't you dead? Remember? When SEs touch you you die... Oh wait that's right! You ahve Eater proof armour so the only way you can die is by being killed realistically!

  17. Whee! I think I just caused the latest Board message :-P Never try to open up over ten tabs at one time :-P

  18. Uh Sev? You know you just shot your rocket into solid rock right? :-P

  19. *Gathers ki and Launches a Hikanota Blast at any SEs in the way of the Base and then it goes and blows up the base* Kills= 500 But even though we destroyed the base we're not done. Oh no the battle's just starting. *Notices Soul Eaters coming out of a Portal to the Shadow dimension* See? What'd I tell ya?

  20. Two and a half? I said after six. Which meant whatever time it was there it was here just a few hours later :-P

  21. Ah. 6:30 here. *Fires another Cordak into the Base* Oooh... look at all the pretty fireworks :-D

  22. Yep it's after 6 here. *Slashes up some Soul Eaters and blasts a Cordak into the Center of their Base for good measure* That should keep them busy for a bit.

  23. *Keeps slashing them with Zanpakuto Kaitoshin* Sorry. Supper.(I'm BACK from supper that is.)

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