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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Blessed Blade

  1. On this page that is. I've been making long posts on the DBZ Text RPG.

  2. Yeah I am... I just wasn't on this :-D

  3. Sure. *PIcks up my Cordak Launcher* Oops. Must've fallen off when the Soul Eater ate me. *Picks up rest of his Long range weapons*

  4. What the Hikanota? Or the SS2 Great Spirit? If either of those I'll teach you! *Teaches them* There!

  5. You were saying Geckonater? :-P

  6. I'd comment... BUT THE STUPID BOARD MESSAGES AREN'T LETTING ME! -.-' Anyway... Urgh... *Gets up and transforms into SS2Great Spirit Form* Time to get revenge. Never mess with a Great Spirit *Uses the Hikanota Blast to wipe out half the Soul Eaters here*

  7. OOC: Yeah they work but I like Zanpakutos. Mostly because they have more than one form.*Morphes Zanpakuto Kaitoshin into the true form* Like that.

  8. *Keeps slashing and meanwhile someone shouts out: LOOK OUT! I turn around but don't guard in time and one of the Soul Eaters swallows me* OOC: Heh heh heh...

  9. *While slashing up the Soul Eaters and making sure not to touch them* Oh just a warning guys. Don't touch them or you're dead. Don't die or you're dead in this Mock-RPG for good.

  10. :-P You can delete that now :-P

  11. *De-cases Sev* Well the Soul Eaters have arrived. Here take these. *Hands Them Zanpakutos* And you might want this. *Gives some Great Spirit Power to them* Let's get those Soul Eaters!

  12. *Makes another Metal Casing but imbues it with water so Sev can't Melt his way out* Okay...

  13. Heh? What are you talking about? Know how it fells? O.o Anyway... While I was encased in that metal I absorbed some of it's Elemental Power. *Encases Sev in metal* Okay...

  14. Again why does my Mata symbol say I'm off-line? O.o Wierd...

  15. OOC: Heh heh He's on my side now :-P Read this: IC: *metal starts to melt* ahh, don't worry Neo I'll get you out soon. : He he he...

  16. Hey Sev? You know what'd be faster? To enable the PM me when someone posts option. Then you could get a Pm automatically every time someone comments here(Unless it's already on). I use it all the time.

  17. OOC: Well technically we did... read my last comment. We're both encased in metal.

  18. Gecko's stretchy comment. Read his explanation in a few comments down. OFF-TOPIC: I just got thanked by Kex! :-o

  19. No need... I've seen that image quite a bit. *Melts the top of where we are in the Amakor X and the Melted Metal falls on Geckonater. Unfortunately it falls on me too and soon hardens back into metal.

  20. Unfortunately all you're hitting are my Clones and Afterimages. *Draws Zanpakuto Kaitoshin Ultimate Form* Yeah... I think you're done. *Just then an Amakor X swallows us both*

  21. *Teleports at the last second, Transforms into Super Saiyan 3 Great Being Blade Flame and absoluteobliterdestructs Geckonater.

  22. Uh the word Gerat in the last was supposed to be Great :-P

  23. *Turns Super Saiyan Gerat Spirit and blasts him full-force with my Kaimakotah Blast*

  24. *Teleports out and slashes both* Okay...(And I said full-force. Not killed him :-P)

  25. *Blasts Geckonater full force with the NBS* Okay...

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