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Blessed Blade

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Blessed Blade

  1. I'm here. I just didn't know you guys were still here :-)

  2. Ah that explains it all X-D

  3. Whoa! A stretchy comment! That's a first :-D

  4. Well I think I have the reason why no-one called me Blade now X-D

  5. *Uses Neo Blademan seed's laser and Blasts Sev out of the Mobile devastator* There. Okay...

  6. *Jumps in Neo Blademan Seed and starts slashing* Okay...

  7. Hahaha Yeah it would wouldn't it :-P

  8. *Dodges and scores a direct hit* This'll be a while. Okay...

  9. *Brings out Zanpakuto Kaitoshin* Well you started this :-D *Slashes at Sev* Okay...

  10. Yep :-) But if you've seen my comments on his profile then you'll know it's wierd.

  11. Erm... Ok he's not the first one anymore. Look for a name with BToD in it.

  12. Oh and Sev? Look at the first friend on my friend list :-)(Note: it's not me. That's how funny it is.)

  13. What place did she get?

  14. *Unfortunately out of the dust I appear again* Heh you should know a Ray gun won't vaporize me for good :-D *Turns Super Saiyan* Especially not now :-P

  15. I guess it's a good thing I don't make comics eh? Because if so I'd have to put NBSC's Comics :D And why does my Mata Nui symbl say I'm not on I wonder? Anyway... NBSC

  16. Uh... Ignore last post. I notice I joined about a week before you :-P

  17. Hahaha you joined only a few days before me. :-) If not the same day :-P

  18. Hey thanks for the mention Sev! :-D Anyway... Okay...

  19. Ah well. But wierd :-) Still think it's funny too :-P

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