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The Peacemaker

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About The Peacemaker

  • Birthday 07/12/1993

Profile Information

  • Location
    Celephais, The Dreamlands
  • Interests
    Noticed this was a couple of years old, so I'm fixing the bits that need it.<br /><br />History. It's not just the past - we are living history, making history.<br /><br />BattleTech. There's nothing more soothing than piloting a 100 Ton Bipedal Battlewagon with Jump Capability and Extended Range Particle Projection Cannons into a fight against at least 20 other BattleWagons.<br /><br />BIONICLE. Well, duh. I wouldn't be on BZP if I didn't like BIONICLE.<br /><br />Cryptozoology. If nothing else, reading up on the hoaxes, scam artists (looking at you, Tom Biscardi), and the occasional thing that can't be explained in three words or less is a fun way to spend an afternoon.<br /><br />Drawing. I can draw animals and BattleTech better than I can draw people, and I am pretty good at drawing people. I don't usually color my drawings, though.<br /><br />Writing. Not much of this going on right now.<br /><br />Science. I am a strong supporter of both M-Theory and Evolution, as both have very nearly been proven.<br /><br />Zen Buddhism. Hey, it makes me happy, and has been doing so for a couple of years now. If you've got something that gives you peace of mind, good for you.<br /><br />Video Games. I have a N64, Sega Genisis, Nintendo Gamecube, Super Nintendo and a Game Boy Advance. Dont give a hoot about the Next-Gen consoles, so meh.

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Turaga (9/293)

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  1. I am ready for you to coin a name for my mystery cryptid.

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