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The Peacemaker

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About The Peacemaker

  • Birthday 07/12/1993

Profile Information

  • Location
    Celephais, The Dreamlands
  • Interests
    Noticed this was a couple of years old, so I'm fixing the bits that need it.<br /><br />History. It's not just the past - we are living history, making history.<br /><br />BattleTech. There's nothing more soothing than piloting a 100 Ton Bipedal Battlewagon with Jump Capability and Extended Range Particle Projection Cannons into a fight against at least 20 other BattleWagons.<br /><br />BIONICLE. Well, duh. I wouldn't be on BZP if I didn't like BIONICLE.<br /><br />Cryptozoology. If nothing else, reading up on the hoaxes, scam artists (looking at you, Tom Biscardi), and the occasional thing that can't be explained in three words or less is a fun way to spend an afternoon.<br /><br />Drawing. I can draw animals and BattleTech better than I can draw people, and I am pretty good at drawing people. I don't usually color my drawings, though.<br /><br />Writing. Not much of this going on right now.<br /><br />Science. I am a strong supporter of both M-Theory and Evolution, as both have very nearly been proven.<br /><br />Zen Buddhism. Hey, it makes me happy, and has been doing so for a couple of years now. If you've got something that gives you peace of mind, good for you.<br /><br />Video Games. I have a N64, Sega Genisis, Nintendo Gamecube, Super Nintendo and a Game Boy Advance. Dont give a hoot about the Next-Gen consoles, so meh.

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Turaga (9/293)

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  1. Wow, lotsof comments. Philbert, I didn't know that anyone besides me liked CZ, so it's cool that other people do, too.

    W&RL?, who is?

    Kothra, no, I'm not, they're just fun and give me story ideas for books. Matter of fact, keep your eyes peeled for the Jurassic Park RPG.

    November 18th is when I change my display name to D-GENERATION-X, or possib

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