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Status Updates posted by Zipper

  1. The only legal thing online for BZP would be a Premiership and a savings if we ever did a trade with you.

  2. Then where can I get it?

  3. Then why did you do it? Do you realize how much danger you're in?

  4. Then why does his blog name say "Gone"?

  5. Then why haven't they killled you yet? You can't control them.

  6. Thought you said you hated Ohio, Deevs. :P

  7. UBBCC 50 entry, almost finished. The rest is secret, but there are clues in places.

  8. usjkgfizskghodfhjodrhgboxdflnhjfodl hjblfx/jhbn;xdlfbnhjf;dkhmnjbl;fkbnmhjfk;mhbnjkcgnhgklhbnmkg;clnm b bnl/cvjk nkl;gmbnj/kp;gmhjn k;gcmhjnkglcnmlcgjbnmhlgkcvg/bjbnmgklchjbnlgkvbnm/lgkhnmlkngmlkgbvnml

  9. Various blog entries of yours.

  10. Welcome back, man.

  11. Welcome to BZP!

  12. Well said about TTGL.

  13. Well, I gave you 2 stars.

  14. Well, let's be truthful here, we've both got school and lack of time.

    And I haven't seen you make a MOC in ages, and I'm pretty sure you've already got too many stories in hand. So how about a blog award or banner?

  15. Well... ER is now innerG, and has left, for IDK how long. DV won BBC 50 with his Vayland Dragon, but the twist was that he had to face Cajun, but because Cajun didn't want to enter, the contest got canceled from there. Chrome and I are supposed to be getting Premierships, but about 2 months and still nothing. Other than that, nothing big.

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