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Status Updates posted by Zipper

  1. Dude you are so awesome! Still though, you need to make yourself more known to BZP.


  2. Your "friends" aren't going to like the wrath of th Order of Mata Nui.

  3. Make that Steely Visionary.

  4. I'm curious, but are you by ant chance still working on the Tales of the Tohunga MNOLG edition?

  5. Are you making Gorast? I saw something that looked like it in your B-shelf WIPs.

  6. Maybe he left BZP, like some other members. If he's gone for too long, he'll be banned.

  7. Zipper

    Dude, Mistika aren't on sale until mid-July. No need to make a big fuss over a bunch of parts.

    And dude, you are so losing.

  8. Hockey masks, found in the 2003 hockey figures.

  9. Are you like, Turakii's boyfriend?

  10. You know, if you can't get the substantial prizes, that's fine with me.

  11. Oops, never mind, I see it's a PBZP.

  12. "Please don't use innapropriate language one BZP."



  13. Why would I use google when everything is on this site?

  14. You don't have to. It's just a gift.

  15. Dude.... just saw the Nexensis theme on your B-shelf... nice stuff.

  16. Pewku's a girl, not an IT.

  17. Another Thok dies. I will not be a dead Thok, for I am THOK-ZILLA! HA HA HA!

  18. If you are an admin, how come your PE isn't full, but lower than normal?

  19. Your personal pic kind of reminds me of Omicron's.

  20. No, it still has to retain its Bitil-ness. I took my Radiak Redux too far by making it more insectoid, so everyone hated it even though it was way more menacing and dangerous-looking.

  21. Thanks for telling me about the re-edited posts.

  22. Thanks for the Premiership, it finally came.

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