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Posts posted by SolarStratocaster

  1. Some may remember the Bionicle Graphic Novel collections that Papercutz started releasing back in 2008, collecting together all the Bionicle comics ever released into 9 convenient volumes. I received the first four volumes in Paperback format for Christmas a couple years ago, but after reading through them all a few times, the pages started falling out due to the glue on the binding being of low quality. I eventually shelved them due to being unreadable and forgot about them for a while, but I recently dug them up again and found out that a Hardcover format is also available for each volume. Reading several other reviews of these novels, I found that near everyone else had the same problems as I with the binding of these books when they bought the Paperback format, so I've been wondering: which format has better binding for the pages? The Hardcover version, or the Paperback version? I can't seem to find any Hardcover reviews online that mention binding, so I hope that someone out here can give me some advice on the matter. Thanks! :)

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