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Republic Commando Sev

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Posts posted by Republic Commando Sev

  1. Definitely some of my old posts were very noobish. I remember looking back on them and feeling quite embarrassed about them. :P The number one noobish thing I've ever done however, and the one that is definitely the one I really wish I could forget about and completely wipe it from my history, is when I tried to write my first story on here. The entire premise was just plain dumb. I wrote a story about the Toa Mahri but then replaced their names with members names on here that I was friends with at the time, and just wrote whatever came to mind.It was absolutely dreadful.Sev

  2. So I just recently bought Minecraft and have been playing it, and I love it. Only problem is, I can't seem to find Monsters anywhere in Survival mode. I'm trying to unlock the achievement of killing my first monster, and just generally leveling up by fighting them, but as I said I can't find them. I've went out at night because I read some of them (like Creepers) are only in dark places. Nothing. I've gone underground plenty of times and never found any. I built my Nether Portal and there are no monsters their either. Is it because I'm a lower level? (Only a 3 right now), or what? Any help would be great.Sev

  3. At first I was excited about the movie, then I heard they won't be using the same actors, they don't have a script, cast, crew etc, and it won't follow the continuity, and now I hope it doesn't happen. It'll either be a great (like the rebooted Star Trek movie), or utterly fail, and I'm leaning towards the latter. BBC has yet to confirm or deny it, so until they confirm it I'll assume it's just rumors.Sev

  4. So I've been going through Series 1, and I can't believe how much I dislike Rose. Her stupidity is amazing. (Spoilers ahead) I watched the episode "The Long Game" the other night, and I was furious at Rose. "Oh hey Adam, I've only known you for, like, an hour (if even that), but here, you can have the TARDIS key while you wait for us". What the heck? I wouldn't give anyone the TARDIS key, nevermind a dude I've only just met. That, and she gave Adam her cell-phone, and after the call he pockets it and she doesn't say anything, and he keeps it through-out the episode. Then I watched "Father's Day"... and the stupidity continues. I know it's her Dad and all, but come on. I don't care how much you love him you don't save him, then proceed to mess up history. And on top of that, she touches her baby-self after explicitly being told not to by the Doctor which allows the creatures to come in and eat the Doctor. One last one in the episode "Dalek", the Doctor was all yelling at the museum owner guy saying it was his fault that the Dalek was alive and got free. Um no, yeah it was partly his fault for keeping it, but it was entirely Rose's fault that the thing got out. She touched it, and because she was a time-traveler person it got her power or something?(I can't quite remember the actual words) and was able to get free. So if anything yell at Rose. I know most of it is the writers fault, but even so she is still really annoying, and IMO not that great of an actor. And I just really can't stand her.Sev

  5. I can't believe the ending of the third episode. I can't wait until they have David Tennant as Watson. :biggrin:

    Do you have a source for that? Because I can't find anywhere where anyone has said David Tennant is going to play Watson.Sev
  6. I also heard that Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes in the TV Show Sherlock) said he'd be interested in playing the 12th Doctor. I could definitely see him as a Doctor, and I think I would like him.Sev

    If I'm not mistaken, Cumberbatch said that while he loves Doctor Who and the role of the Doctor would be an honor, he'll never even audition for it since he knows how much spotlight gets put on the actor playing the Doctor and he doesn't think he'd be a good fit for that.

    Yeah, Cumberbatch most definitely does not want the role of The Doctor (IDK where you heard he did).-CF
    Some friends of mine who are into Doctor Who told me, I didn't look it up or anything. Oh well. I just hope that Matt Smith will stay for a while, I am really enjoying him being The Doctor.Sev
  7. ^I want to join your youthgroup.The only nerf wars I've done have only been 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3, and we just do it in at a friends house. If you get hit you keep going, we don't really have any rules (The only one being you have to actually try not to get hit). I think it's more fun that way because the war lasts as long as you want to play, not only 10-30 minutes or whatever.Sev

  8. My Nerf Vendetta just came in the mail, and I gotta say that I love it. It's very cool, love all the colors on it too. Perfect length too.Sev

    Is it everything you hoped and dreamed? Looked breifly at the set in a walmart, they are cool.
    "Hoped and Dreamed" is a bit of a stretch :P But yeah, it's what I was eexpecting, I would recommend for you to get it.Sev
    They are a bit short when separate though, not going to beat a longsword
    My sister also says they are too short, although I think the length is perfect. If you have this sword your not going to seperate it and then only use one of the swords, it's meant for you to dual-wield them, so the length is perfect for that. I mean, have you every tried to dual-wield two longswords? Yeah, not happening. :PSev
  9. So I finally finished watching Series 5 and 6, and I must say I thought they were great. Their wasn't one episode that I could say I disliked.Just started watching Series 1, I plan on watching it all the way through until Series 5 in order. I just watched the episode "Rose" it was pretty good.Sev

  10. I loved this theme. The 1st year was definitely the best. Sadly I don't have any of the sets together any-more, mostly due to them breaking or using the sets for parts. I just went through all my Lego Bricks the other day, cleaning them out and organizing them, and I found a lot of parts from old Exo-Force sets; brought back memories. Wish I would have kept them together.Sev

  11. My Nerf Vendetta just came in the mail, and I gotta say that I love it. It's very cool, love all the colors on it too. Perfect length too.Sev

    Is it everything you hoped and dreamed? Looked breifly at the set in a walmart, they are cool.
    "Hoped and Dreamed" is a bit of a stretch :P But yeah, it's what I was eexpecting, I would recommend for you to get it.Sev
  12. The power I'd choose is healing. So if I got cut or shot, or anything it would heal almost instantaneously with no scarring. The only downside is, is that I would be able to feel pain. Although I like having that, because it would help me not to abuse my power. So I wouldn't just jump off a building for fun even though I know I'm going to be ok, because I know that when I hit the bottom it'll hurt. Like really badly. I've thought about what superpower I would have if I could choose one, and it's obviously a tough choice, but I would probably go with this. It's just something that I always thought would be awesome to have.Sev

  13. What I mean is that they are very quick to blame everyone else for their social awkwardness.They absolutely believe that because they have a diagnose, everyone should bow down to them and respect them. I mean sure, they're not allowed to discriminate you, but you don't have to be so sensitive about looks or comments.Not everyone is going to like you, and if everyone likes you, you're faker than Nicole Kidman's forehead. My friend had this classmate with Aspergers. When he raised his hand to ask the teacher about something, he responded with "let's talk over lunch!".What do you think he did? He got his lunch, put it down right next to them and started talking. And then he started whining because people thought it was funny.I mean, yeah it was funny, but it's not like they laughed AT him, they laughed WITH him.But being totally backwards socially, he doesn't have the slightest self-irony whatsoever. Now, who's to blame for this? Can it be blamed on someone?Or maybe he should just stop hiding behind his diagnosis and refuse change, and actually improve his social skills? Because it is possible.

    I agree with you to a point, I don't think anyone should use whatever their diagnosed with to benefit from it. That being said, I do have to say I have not met an Aspie in real life, but I think you are wrong to use one Aspie's actions as credibility to say that every other Aspie acts in that same way, and that they blame thier social awkwardness on others etc. I've read every post in this topic and I haven't seen one post where someone has said "Yeah, I'm an Aspie and I have social awkwardness because of Non-Aspies, it's all their fault." I also don't get the ending to your story. You said you weren't laughing at him, but with him. Well in that case he did it as a joke, right? But you said he started "whining because they thought it was funny". Which tells me he didn't do it as a joke, which means your classmates were laughing AT him not WITH him. And what's the big deal if he did do that anyway? I have some friends who would do that too, and they don't have Aspies or any other problem with them. It's just some people process information differently than others. It's no reason to make fun of them.Sev
  14. Even though I haven't seen Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor yet, I agree with that. I kind of feel bad for him, I mean he was only in one season. Just one. That would kind of stink :PBut yeah you always hear about David Tennant and Matt Smith, but not him.Sev

  15. Don't forget about Series 1 and Doctor Nine! He's got an edge to him and is often overlooked. -CF

    Definitely. The only reason I didn't get that one is because my library didn't have it, so it looks like in order to see it I'll just have to buy it. Sev
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