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Blog Entries posted by -MX-

  1. -MX-
    I seriously need to get out more. >_<
    I've been drawing that one emote that's in Letagi's avatar all the freakin' time.
    Good lord.
  2. -MX-
    ^That was something from a random dream I had last night.
    From that dream, I managed to denote that if I continue to perform my wild antics into my adolescence, my children will probably have incredible music talent and the strange urge to blow up toilets as a hobby.
    Actually, I'd enjoy a twelve year old helping me blow up a toilet while I'm in my early 30s.
    also Keith Moon is awesome cause he blew up toilets and drove cars into pools and doesn't afraid of anything.
  3. -MX-
    The Jonas Brothers covered Hey Jude. I died a little bit when that happened.
    EDIT: If we are going to discuss this malady or blessing, (depends on how you look at it) please keep it civilized or I'll have to lock this, k?
  4. -MX-
    Dang. The White Album costs $35.00. ><
    In other news, my life has been perpetually boring. What about you guys?
  5. -MX-
    Well, after having a good time at a school dance a few days ago, I've become more confident. I plan to ask a girl out to see a movie whenever she's free. Two questions for you guys who read this blog:
    1) What movie should we watch?
    2) Should I go for it?
  6. -MX-
    Whoops, I almost killed Wall-E. Sorreh.
    Anyways, I hate Algebra, *headsmash*, It's a very, *headsmash*, difficult thing, *headsmash*, to do correctly.
    *faints of concussion*
  7. -MX-
    My mom is making me cut my hair. AGAIN. IT'S ONLY BEEN A WEEK. AUGH!
    And as punishment for being a wise guy, my mom is also making me wear a ponytail. Good god, will the tyranny end?
  8. -MX-
    I got an acoustic guitar! The electric one is coming in tomorrow.
    And the best part is that it's the exact same one as the one Paul used during the Get Back/Let it Be sessions for Two of Us.
  9. -MX-
    Finally, after almost a year on BZP, I finally have 1000 posts!
    It took me long enough.
    Oh yeah, I'm back.
  10. -MX-
    2500 posts. It's about time, huh?
    So what is your favorite soda? My favorite is either Sprite or Mountain Dew.
  11. -MX-
    Hello again, Blog commenters. At my school, we have now entered the 4th Marking Period, which means I'm one marking period away from the 7th Grade! I'll update later on showing my amazing report card grades.
    P.S. It's my first year in this school, and I've been on the honor roll twice (and possibly a third time after third marking period grades come out.)
  12. -MX-
    Welcome to my blog once again!
    Today, I'm here to tell you about my school day.
    Well, into randomness and wise-cracking!
    Homeroom: Nothing much happens, I just sit around and listen to the morning announcements and catch up on my sleep... zZz.
    Period 1: English: The third most boring subject ever. We just do English stuff and write about random things that pop into our 11-12 year old heads.
    Grade: MP1: A
    MP2: A+
    MP3: A+
    Period 2: Literature: The subject I excel in. We have almost finished a book called "The Egypt Game" and my class and I are about to do a project on the characters. Nothing funny or random usually happens in this class.
    Grade: MP1-MP3: A
    Period 3: Science: We really don't do much science. We talk about current events since the class after my science class is a current events class.
    Grade: MP1: A+
    MP2: A
    MP3: A
    Period 4: Physical Education/ Health: The class that makes me use an emote I haven't used in a long time:
    OK, with that out of the way, the games we usually play are creative and fun, but they are usually anger provoking.
    According to my gym teacher, I'm eight years behind in physical activity and fitness. Great.
    P.E. Grade: MP1-MP3: B
    Period 5: Study Skills: A class that teaches us different methods of studying. 'Nuff said.
    Grade: MP3: A
    Period 6: Math Enrichment: A class that enriches us in random areas in Math. 'Nuff said
    Grade: Not available at this moment. Please dial 098-765-4321 for assistance.
    Period 7: Math: My favorite subject! Mostly because I get to make wise cracks about my teacher. We learn random things and right now we are doing NJASK prep. One time I asked my teacher if I could borrow his shoes for something, and he said no. I made a random wise crack and the entire class laughed. One time he said that math should be 50% of one school day, and before I said anything he pointed at me and said,
    "No comment on that."
    Grade: MP1: A
    MP2: A
    MP3: B+ (Liek, ZOMG, he gto a B+ 1111!shift+2)
    Period 8: Social Studies: The most boring class ever. 'Nuff said.
    Thank you for reading and good morning!
  13. -MX-
    About moi.
    1) Its impossible for you to trip me. You try, you fail.
    2) My ears are like a sonar and my nose is akin to that of a dog.
    3) I'm a pro prankster.
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