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Blog Entries posted by -MX-

  1. -MX-
    If you're wondering about the 'yes', I have one week during the spring which is known as:
    For my comedy slaves followers, the next chapter will be up by next Thursday.
  2. -MX-
    What should my next name be?
    I have six choices:

    Tahu: Ninja of Fire
    Gali: Sniper of Water
    Onua: Shield Dude of Earth
    Pohatu: Coolified Vahi Wearer of Stone
    Lewa: Lime Dude of Air
    Kopaka: Laser Eye of Ice
  3. -MX-
    OK, these are my grades for the 1st and 2nd Marking Periods:
    Spanish: A+
    Physical Education:B
    Social Studies:A
    Earth Science:A+
    Physical Education:B
    Social Studies:A
    Earth Science:A+
    Now bask in my supreme intelligence!
  4. -MX-
    Hello again, Blog commenters. At my school, we have now entered the 4th Marking Period, which means I'm one marking period away from the 7th Grade! I'll update later on showing my amazing report card grades.
    P.S. It's my first year in this school, and I've been on the honor roll twice (and possibly a third time after third marking period grades come out.)
  5. -MX-
    Umm... Hi! I'm Ravnos, I'm new to this Premier biz. I'm going to use this blog to talk about random things like school, life, and of course BIONICLE. So... umm... comment away!
  6. -MX-
    Hey everybody! How has everyone been in the last... 5 and 1/2 months?
    The forums being offline have actually made me go outside! I've been doing a lot of running and stuff.
  7. -MX-
    Well, the data loss hasn't seriously affected me because I still have my 2900+ posts and blog.
    I checked my posts, and it seems that they go back to when I had 2100 or so posts. Now it's like I have the posts with half the work!
  8. -MX-
    So yesterday I got one of my magazines and I sat down to read it. Here's the weird part: I knew every single thing inside the magazine. Word for word. Weird...
  9. -MX-
    I got Son of a Witch, the sequel to Wicked. It's a great book so far. (i.e: ten pages in XD) Now I need to find Wicked, and I'll have both!
  10. -MX-
    They're tonight and Paul is performing with Dave Grohl. The whole show will be blown away by this performance.
  11. -MX-
    My BZeatle comic is in progress. It features the BZeatles at Codrex Swamp Studios recording a song and when Paul goes to the restaurant on the second floor to just take a break, he gets mauled and kidnapped by a fan who had snuck in from the restaurant's bathroom.
    Working title: Paul's Been Nabbed! =O
  12. -MX-
    Tomorrow I get to hang out with my friends from the other part of the state.
    So I'll be offline from 1:30 to midnight. Don't miss me.
  13. -MX-
    So I'm writing an epic that involves next year's sets, locations, and general story. I want to get some criticism and feedback on this. Oh, and since you guys are always kind enough to comment here, you'll get sneak peeks every time I post in the Epic topic.
    Chapter I: The Arena
    The battle in the musty arena of Atero was turning into another one of Bara Magna’s spectacular demonstrations of force and overpowering muscle. It was a battle that did not have a clear victor. Both opponents were evenly matching in terms of power and use of weapons. Strakk of the Ice Tribe was a veteran of the arena, but even he felt himself succumbing to the power of this newcomer. However, this was a well planned façade, as Strakk had thought of the idea himself: Falling back and striking furiously. It was tried and tested idea in other universes, but it was the first time it saw light in the backwards world of Bara Magna. Strakk fell, the impulse of his fall sending a quiver of pain throughout his body. The new fighter of the Jungle Tribe, Gresh, moved in to finish Strakk.
    Gresh was fighting his heart out. It was the first time he was fighting in the Bara Magnan social system, and he was doing surprisingly well. His double purpose blades/shield were hitting Strakk’s life counter every other hit. Strakk swung his blade and Gresh parried. Taking this as a moment to finish off Strakk, he slapped Strakk across the chest with the flat of his blade and prepared to impale him. As Gresh moved in, Strakk fired a Thornax at Gresh. In a futile attempt to sidestep, but the spiked sphere went through his lime coated front armor. The life counter on Gresh’s ankle went from three to the skull and crossbones symbol. Gresh plummeted to a knee and fell, unconscious. Metus, promoter of the Glatorian gladiators and Ice Tribe devotee, walked over and handed Strakk the spoils of victory: A month’s supply of fresh water, two Thornax, and a plate of body armor. Strakk thrusted his axe into the sky and let out a victorious roar. Gresh rose from unconsciousness and left the Ateran arena in shame. If he had turned his head he would have noticed the unwelcome visitor in the shadows…
    The city of Roxtus stood tall carved into a high hill. With Roxtian flags and banners whipping about the outskirts, the inner city, and the Palace of Skrall, it was no doubt that pride and by extension, arrogance, ran through the city’s Agori and Glatorian denizens. From the outskirts, a galloping sound was heard. This sound was very familiar to Agori. It was the sound of the Skirmix herd and the Bone Hunters. A resource hunter, Atakus, was searching for raw material on the Roxtian plain when he heard the dreaded gallop of the Skirmix. This time, he saw a huge, decorated war Skirmix with the leader of the Hunters sitting on top. Atakus brandished his makeshift blades and attempted to strike. The Skirmix chomped down on Atakus’ legs and tossed over the hill that divided Roxtus from the barren desert. The leader of the Bone Hunters gestured for the lesser hunters to stop. He ordered the large Skirmix to heel, and he took to the shadows.
    Inside the Palace of Skrall, huge banners of Roxtus’ arena symbol lined the wide hallway. The Bone Hunter leader took to the sandy walls and progressed to the large door at the far end. The Bone Hunter pushed open the door and walked into the Skrall throne room. He took to the shadows once more. A booming voice echoed through the room.
    “Come forth Fero. You no longer need to disguise yourself in the shadows.”
    “Very well.” Fero said in return. “I bring you the results of the Ateran match between Tesara and Iconox.”
    “And they are….?” Asked the Skrall leader, Tuma.
    “Iconox has won their fifth consecutive bout. May we strike now?”
    “I am going to announce our mission to conquer Bara Magna on the full moon that appears tonight. Wait until my army is ready.”
    “The herds are prepared to strike now. May we begin move to Iconox?”
    “Yes. Move the herds to Iconox and ravage them. Let the leader live. I will personally execute him.”
    Fero saluted and rushed out of the palace. Tuma stood and began to walk towards the Main Balcony.
    “People of Roxtus!” shouted Tuma. “Tonight we will take this barren land for ourselves! Bara Magna will bow down to the Skrall!”
    The Agori below chanted in total agreement.
    “The Skrall warriors will raid the other villages while you devoted villagers will make this an impenetrable fortress. We begin tonight!”
    The decision was unanimous. The Roxtians were going to take over Bara Magna unopposed. Or were they?
  14. -MX-
    My newest comedy, which is currently a WIP, is called BZPower.
    It's about a guy who joins, is a noob, and eventually goes to GD and grows up.
    PM me if you want to guest star or if you have any suggestions.
  15. -MX-
    SO. My band has officially been formed and we're going to start some recording after Christmas and the week that follows. I've already written like, 4 of the album's 16 tracks. They are Eclipse, Balance, Loveless Life, and my personal favorite, Why?. I'm also throwing in I'm Down and I'll Cry Instead to close up. Thank God I've got crazy vocals. Gonna need them for I'm Down.
  16. -MX-
    The other day the Twilight obsessed said that there should be a theme song for Edward and Bella.
    I said that I knew a song from the Beatles that clearly defined their relationship. Here it is.

    Though you've gone away this morning, You'll be back again tonight,
    Telling me there'll be no next time
    If I don't just don't treat you right,
    You'll never leave me and you know it's true,
    'cause you like me too much and I like you.
    You've tried before to leave me,
    But you haven't got the nerve
    To walk out and make me lonely
    Which is all that I deserve,
    You'll never leave me and you know it's true,
    'cause you like me too much and I like you.
    I really do, and it's nice when you believe me,
    If you leave me
    I will follow you
    And bring you back where you belong
    'cause I could't really stand it,
    I admit that I was wrong,
    I wouldn't let you leave me 'cause it's true,
    'cause you like me too much and I like you.
    'cause you like me too much and I like you.
    I really do, and it's nice when you believe me,
    If you leave me
    I will follow you
    and bring you back where you belong
    'cause I could't really stand it,
    I admit that I was wrong,
    I wouldn't let you leave me 'cause it's true,
    'cause you like me too much and I like you,
    'cause you like me too much and I like you.

    Yay for contradictations and satire. And Harrison '65.
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