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Blae Durian

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Posts posted by Blae Durian

  1. The original six shade guy was Gerlicky.


    The only complain I can think of is that the left leg looks kinda funky sticking out like that.

  2. Shucks, you flatter me too much, especially since I still disappeared without a trace for like three years.


    You sound an old man, reflecting on the past, passing down your experiences and your wisdom to everyone. Not like that's a bad thing. That may be the best way to look forward to the future.


    Hah, seeing all of this really makes me wanna get back into the game. I've already kinda started, so I guess I might as well give it a shot. This children's toy line fan-comic business somehow got me started on my actual career after all, and taking a trip through the past like you have might do me a solid.

  3. These last few comics have been a really chilling reflection on yourself, your past, your characters, and what it means to be a comic maker. I don't think it's possible to have imagined an ending more appropriate for the single longest and most dedicated comics series in BZPower history.


    This series has had a pretty weird history. At some point it was considered by some to be a stigma upon the forum (apparently), and now it is perhaps the most important series. You and your comics now serve as a sort of cornerstone to BZP comic making, something that inspires readers and authors alike and has kept this forum alive over the past few years. That is because you're perhaps the one comic maker out of all of us who has gone through the most hardships, produced the most comics, and have actually reached a proper conclusion. I don't think there's anyone (who isn't a tool) that doesn't have some degree of respect for you.


    You've finished something truly brilliant, Gav. I can only hope that you continue to do so in the future. It doesn't necessarily have to be comics, as long as you keep doing good work.


    ...Oh, and thank god I wasn't the only one to made their first sprites recoloring it with the pencil tool for hours.

  4. lol, I don't blame you. But I'm hoping for the moment someone mulls about my current name for a while, and suddenly realizes "OH! IT'S THAT JERK!"


    But if you wanna do it the easy way, you could always just pop into my profile and check my Display name history since that's apparently a thing. That's how I've been trying to do to remember everyone since my recent visit.

  5. I think the important thing is not to think of comic making as a job, and instead just do it for fun. When you treat it too much like an obligation, it becomes a chore, and it eats at you. This sort of thing isn't supposed to be stressful, or at least it shouldn't be. That's kinda one of the reasons why I dropped off the radar back in the day, and it's likely the same for others as well.


    This is especially true for a setting like this, where there is, admittedly, not much of an audience to impress. And that's okay, because you don't have to worry about pleasing or impressing anyone anymore. You can take your sweet time as you see fit. You're free to do whatever you like, whenever you like. Yet there will still be people who appreciate your work somewhere around here, as quiet as they may be.


    Heck, I'm kinda surprised there are still people kicking over here in the first place, and I'm even more surprised to see someone actually seriously finish a series. It's kinda funny how incredibly rare that's been over the years. That's why Gav gets mad props, for sticking to it when very few others could.


    I'd like to believe that there might be a small revival around here in the future now that the actual Bionicle series is returning. People will get bored and wander in here again, and maybe that'll spark some interest in this dusty forum again--I mean, even I'M somehow here again because of that, and I was one of laziest scrubs around.


    But regardless of what happens, just keep chill.

    • Upvote 2
  6. >ponies BZPower, I am so, so proud of you.

    Well, well, do I spot some sarcasm here? :lol:
    No, actually. I'm pleasantly surprised that BZP has already been infected by ponies. Why, I was planning on doing the work myself.
    Now I KNOW you've been gone for over a year!
    I think I do remember a seeing some ponies the last time I checked, before I found out about the new series myself. Needless to say, it feels like a warm welcome.
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