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. Toa Jaller Inika .

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Status Updates posted by . Toa Jaller Inika .

  1. So.. are you still up? I'm back!It's been a long time, I guess.

    1. toa ordaku

      toa ordaku

      The question now is...are you still up? I agree, it's been ages! How've you been?

  2. Err, Happy New Year guys(even new year was about 26 days ago)Sorry I didn't enter BZP too much, but with all the work and school, not even time for computer.

  3. Amazing work with the aqua-blade, grats!

  4. Well, Welcome to BZP!I suggest you remove more of the things in the signatue, since it goes off the guidelines.

  5. Oh, wierd, since lewa mistika didn't appear without his vehicle

  6. Where did you find the Lewa Nuva Mistika photo in your avatar?

  7. I'm back from vacation :D

  8. Checked it ordaku, it's a nice kit.

  9. King toa, please don't comment stuff like "chpt. ___ has been added"

  10. Sorry, forgot to tell you happy B-day.. Happy B-day!

  11. Yeah, maybe Cordak, but I like doing comics, and I do them pretty fast

  12. Why did you double comment?

    When will you make up a new comic ?

  13. Yay!You're back Ordaku!Hopa ya had a nice time where you gone

  14. Bulgaria.. never been there(but it's south to me)

  15. Cordak- No problem buddy

    Nuparu:Go to your control panel, click "edit signature" and remove all of your banners until you reach the number of 1

  16. I've been in germany(nice coutry).Never been in Berlin, but I think it's nice

  17. Remove your banners until you remain just to one.You got loads there

  18. Welcome to BZP!Please don't have more than 5 lines in your sig

  19. Welcome to BZP!You should remove one of your banners, or an admin will remove your sig

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