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Blog Entries posted by Grantaire

  1. Grantaire
    The bible book The Song of Songs is not usually the best place to find pickup lines that would work in today's society. At Catholic Underground yesterday, the singer was preforming a song he had written called the song of the song of songs. Evidently it would have been considered quite complimentary in Salomon's days, but imagining people using those lines in this day and age.
    For example, the refrain was "Man: You are a horse. Woman: you are an apple tree. Man: You are a horse. Woman: you are an apple tree. Man: You are a horse. Woman: you are an apple tree. Man: You are a horse, tied to a chariot.'
    I later heard that the horse part was an inside joke apparently; a friend of the singer's had tried using that line as a pickup line. From what I heard, it didn't go over well.
  2. Grantaire
    Hello everyone. All writers, myself included, enjoy reviews. So now, I'm proposing an offer to anyone who cares: You give me a short story, epic chapter/short epic (for now) to review, or if you do not have that and still wish to participate, I will attempt to review other artwork you should list, be it drawing or MOCing. In exchange, you review one of the stories I list below. I can't promise that my reviews will be SSCC length, but I will make them a minimum of 100 words; in return I request that you leave a decent review for me.

    My Stories

    The below stories are listed in order of how badly I want them reviewed. Please note, these are only suggestions to the prospective reader: Although, for instance, one of the stories I want reviews for the most is Safe and Sound, should you desire to read and review We Wanted Those Infidels Dead! instead, I will not have a problem.
    Safe and Sound
    Posted: Aug 25 2012, 06:24.
    Jaurius, son of the highly controversial senator Gementa, sets out to escort his sister home, in his heart hoping that he will only have to do that...
    Song: Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift.
    The Refugee
    Posted: Nov 18 2012, 09:07 PM.
    A boy flees from the enemy, but the enemy relents not in their inadvertent encircling of him.
    Shredded Radiance
    Posted: Oct 24 2012, 09:39 PM.
    Templar fic: A traveler walks though the evening woods, his emblem and life alike in tatters.
    Destiny's Scourge
    Posted: Sep 05 2012, 03:48 PM.
    In the capitol of the republic of Dinaru, Makuta is reminded startingly that he has not escape the grasp of Destiny.
    We Wanted Those Infidels Dead!
    Posted: Oct 21 2012, 09:22 PM.
    Templar fic: A group of brigands settles down after a day of plundering, not realizing that a group of warriors have been observing their every move.
    And should you wish me to review a longer work (an epic) I will gladly accept in return for reviews of this short epic of mine:
    Review Topic
    Posted: Jun 16th, 1:33 PM.
    As the Toa/Dark Hunter war begins, a toa is called from a remote island to the legendary city of Metru Nui.

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