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Blog Entries posted by Grantaire

  1. Grantaire
    So, I'm sure most of you have heard of Kony 2012, and the day of silence this Friday. This got me thinking about that, so I decided to post a blog entry on the universal topic of fasting.
    This is not essentially a religious subject, for it has many non religious applications. An atheist or agnostic can fast just as can a Jew or Muslim, and a baptist as much as a Catholic. Fasting can be used as protest, penance, respect for the deeds of others, or aiding in establishing greater self control, and less focus on the self.
    So what exactly is fasting? Fasting is the abstaining of a good (A thing that exists in this context, not a piece of merchandise). That is, very simply, its essence. We fast often throughout our lives, whether voluntarily, or by necessity. I think I'll focus on the first: the voluntary abstaining of a good.
    Now, we run into the need for some more clarification. Let's say I hate oranges, so I decide to abstain from them. This would be fasting, but would not be hard at all. Therefore, right fasting is a abstaining from a desired good. for instance if I like running a computer (which I do) and I decided to give up running the computer for a week. That would fit it.
    But even so, there is still further statement needed. Let's say I decide to abstain from the computer for a week because I killed a moth. That would be... Pointless (unless you believe killing a moth is an intrinsically evil thing). Thus, fasting is the abstaining from a desired good for a just cause.
    But let's say I decided, for a good cause, to abstain from food for the rest of my life. Would that be good fasting? No, it would be suicide. So fasting is reasonably abstaining from a desired good for a just cause.
    Now, there is still one more thing. I'm sure most everyone knows the term 'Pharisee' and many know the biblical stories of the pharisees, and how they would fast and whatnot not only for a good cause, but to show everyone how holy they were. That is most certainly not true fasting, so the final definition of fasting is reasonably and humbly abstaining from a desired good for a just cause.
    Now, in order to retain the the religious neutrality, I will not seek to define what is a just cause. I'll just throw this out for everyone to interpret this their own way.
    I hope you will think of this in the light of various fastings being proposed, and enter into what ones you do with a good perspective. I also hope that this entry in no way violates the BZP rules on such matters (I do not think it does) and if it does, am willing to have it permanently drafted.
  2. Grantaire
    You guys know who you are. Life has headshotted most of you, friends of yesteryear, and contact is little with most of you.
    But you're still out there...
  3. Grantaire
    All I have to say on the subject of what's been going on. Dragging out the matter is beginning to annoy me. I just wish it would quietly die.
    *starts singing the love we had before (Fireflight) at the top of his lungs*
  4. Grantaire
    Is going blind apparently. She keeps on walking into things, and ignores any attempt of mine to play with her, namely because she can't see the toys.
    So, we're taking her to the vet on Monday.
    And she hates cat carriers like you wouldn't believe.
  5. Grantaire
    Come on guys, you know you want to read an awesome story about the most awesome Glatorian ever made.
    The Shadow proves the Sunshine has been posted in its revamped form in Short Stories. It's been too long since I posted anything here...
  6. Grantaire
    "What is your favorite___?" and "have you ever___?" topics in general discussion have officially been branded into my mind as SPAT. Stupid Pointless Annoying Topics. They have always seemed to me to be "boost your post count" topics, with pretty much no other point. >.<
  7. Grantaire
    Alright, I've put together some story genres.

    Anything I should add? Anything that should be removed?
    These genres, for the record, are going to be used in the upcoming SS awards.
  8. Grantaire
    Part two has been posted. And Part three and four already planned
    Part One: Hero - Skillet
    Part Two: Sometimes - Skillet
    Part Three: Animal I have become - Three Days Grace
    Part Four: Forgiven - Skillet
  9. Grantaire
    I feel so much better
    Now that you're gone forever
    I tell myself that I don't miss you at all
    I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now
    That you're gone forever
    Err. I mean. I'm glad to have my braces off at last!
    Yeah. I just couldn't resist quoting Three Days Grace there
  10. Grantaire
    I never thought I'd write this entry, I always thought I'd stay here forever, lost in this digital community.
    Don't get me wrong, BZP is a wonderful place, and I've enjoyed my time here immensely. However it has been laced with bitterness. My love of this site, and my involvement in it, has proved to be a costly toll out of my life. BZPower, and the internet in general, has become a needless distraction from my actual life.
    It is with great regret therefore, that I state this. I am leaving BZPower.
    As of 10 PM this night, I will log off, and that will be it.
    I've had a great time; I'll miss this site a lot, but it has to be done. there are things I need to deal with in my life that I need to do so without the distraction of the computer.
    I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, but rest assured. In the immortal words of Mata Nui. "I shall return"
    Farewell, everyone, it's been a pleasure to know you.
    Vale, amici.
    EDIT: I believe I forgot to mention this, but if you need to PM me, please give a descriptive title on the PM. My Mom will be letting me know if I have a new PM who it's by, and what the title is. If I see a PM from a random member entitled 'hey' not gonna read it.
    EDIT2: I'm back, in a way. I was intending to stay as a lurker for a few days while I decided whether or not I should stay, but there just happened to be a few topics that I just HAD to post in. I'm not sure whether or not I'm back or not still.
  11. Grantaire
    Okay, so like whenever I start writing a RPing post in IoP I either have to get off, or need to do something else online.
    I swear, it's like life is trying to keep me from finishing it!
    Also, edited Sin With a Grin. Conmpletely revamped the fight scene, as well as adding a few other things.
    Remember, every review makes a Zarayna happy! You wouldn't want sad Zaraynas, would you? Then what are you waiting for?
  12. Grantaire
    Riisiing moon has posted a story in Short Stories, Gray Skies. I highly recommend that anyone with a spare minute or two go over and read it. It is one of the best stories I have ever seen on here.
  13. Grantaire
    I went to my homeschool groups first meeting. The group that I fit in perfectly last year.. And now I don't. :'(
    I just feel older then my friends... Which is annoying. To say the least.
    On a lighter note, who thinks I should change my username to Scinos fo Rewop - Anyaraz? That's Zarayna - Power of Sonics backwards for those of you who don't know..
  14. Grantaire
    I hate it when I write half of a story only to find that you made a mistake in your info. Now I have to rewrite part of it
    Eh, I'm not sure if I'll finish it. I may end up completely rewriting it..
  15. Grantaire
    [[09:53:07 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Whoa, there are horns in "I Can Barely Say".
    [09:53:11 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Normally you only hear strings.
    [09:53:17 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : But strings and brass sounds awesome.
    [09:54:45 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I'm surprised so many people find The Fray boring. =/
    [09:55:02 08/02/12] * Zarayna: The Quiet Light is listening to gotta bo somebody by Nickelback
    [09:55:24 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Nickelback isn't bad from what I've heard by them.
    [09:55:39 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : People seem to hate them, too.
    [09:55:56 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I dunno why
    [09:55:59 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...
    [09:56:00 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I get the feeling those are the people who like Lady Gaga. =S
    [09:56:19 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : (insert a long series of bleeped out statements)
    [09:56:23 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...Itunes
    [09:56:34 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : If you were a person, I would throttle you
    [09:56:40 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : WHY WON'T YOU WORK?????
    [09:57:20 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : XD
    [09:57:32 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : it froze up again??
    [10:00:17 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : ...I was right about the Lady Gaga comment.
    [10:00:25 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Rolling Stone's ratings:
    [10:00:38 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Scars & Stories by The Fray: 2/5 stars
    [10:00:44 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : XD
    [10:00:49 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Born This Way by Lady Gaga: 4/5 stars
    [10:00:56 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : WAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN
    [10:01:07 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...
    [10:01:13 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : those poor people
    [10:01:18 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I know.
    [10:01:38 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : They've been sucked in by the shallow, unremarkable electro-pop tunes of Lady Gaga. :<
    [10:02:00 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Even if you get past the music itself, though, you can't help but be disappointed by how Lady Gaga doesn't take advantage of her singing voice.
    [10:02:10 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : GRASAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH
    [10:02:14 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I DELETE ONE SONG
    [10:02:17 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ITUNES
    [10:02:21 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : FREEZES UP
    [10:02:29 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : WHAT ON EARTH???
    [10:02:32 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : oO
    [10:02:45 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Also, "Hair" is the most ridiculous song I've heard. XD
    [10:03:00 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Well, it's the most ridiculous song I've heard lyrically.
    [10:03:01 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : lol?
    [10:03:07 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Want to know what it's about?
    [10:03:24 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : it got the hint, and only freezes up for a few seconds
    [10:03:25 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : sure
    [10:04:09 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Okay.
    [10:04:17 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Lady Gaga sings about wanting to wear "cool clothes" out.
    [10:04:34 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Then she sings about how her parents refuse to let her wear such clothes, then, while she's sleeping, cut off part of her hair.
    [10:04:45 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : And then in the chorus, Lady Gaga laments about not being able to express herself.
    [10:05:02 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I'm serious. That's what the entire song is about.
    [10:05:47 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : .
    [10:05:49 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : .
    [10:05:49 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : .
    [10:05:55 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I...
    [10:05:58 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I...
    [10:06:02 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I...
    [10:06:14 08/02/12] * Zarayna: The Quiet Light breaks off, and just blinks and stares, his mouth gaping
    [10:06:35 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Okay, I can understand being ticked off by having your hair cut off during the night, but not being able to wear "cool clothes"?
    [10:06:44 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : She sounds like a whiny teenager, doesn't she?
    [10:07:38 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I couldn't listen to the entire song.
    [10:07:47 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : Perhaps mentally she is?
    [10:07:58 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I applaud your courage in listening past the first ten seconds
    [10:08:14 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : So do I. I nearly killed myself doing so. :<
    [10:08:54 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ow
    [10:09:03 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : is it worse than Friday?
    [10:09:18 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Not the tune.
    [10:09:21 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : The tune isn't half-bad.
    [10:09:26 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : But the lyrics? Ohhh yes,.
    [10:09:28 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : *yes.
    [10:09:37 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : poor you.
    [10:09:42 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...Oh no.
    [10:09:48 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : Now I want to listen to it'
    [10:09:52 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : NOOOOO
    [10:11:02 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : (Song Link)
    [10:12:04 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : you're no help in stopping me!
    [10:12:12 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : You're sending me to my death.
    [10:12:21 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Nah. It won't be your death.
    [10:12:33 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I have the hospital on the line right now. ;D
    [10:13:03 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light :
    [10:14:15 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : oh gosh
    [10:14:16 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : it's insipid, but not as bad as Friday
    [10:14:20 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I'm listening to the song again right now.
    [10:14:34 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : How can you write such horrific lyrics to a decent tune? :<
    [10:14:52 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I just keep fightin' to stay cool on these streets
    [10:15:08 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I am my hair
    [10:15:11 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : I am my hair
    [10:15:55 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I'm sorry Lady gaga, but your grasp on metaphysics is terrible.
    [10:16:07 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : rule 1: a substance cannot be an accident.
    [10:16:25 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : ...Your prayer? To what, I wonder?
    [10:16:28 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Gaga, I thought our true selves are on the inside!
    [10:17:03 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : You have a serious materialistic problem. If you think you are your possessions, I feel sorry for you.
    [10:17:09 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : Is she praying ot her hair? XDDD
    [10:17:17 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : *to
    [10:17:23 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Nah, she's saying you can't take away her hair without taking away her soul.
    [10:17:29 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : hmm
    [10:17:29 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : ...I don't get it, either.
    [10:17:55 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : well, if she is a strange form of human whose hair acts like their brain I can understand.
    [10:18:14 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : but IMO, the only way to take my soul away from my body is to kill me.
    [10:18:17 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : That would reinforce the idea that she's an alien.
    [10:18:27 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : She looks like an alien.
    [10:18:32 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Her music sounds alien.
    [10:18:33 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I agreee
    [10:18:42 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : So if she's practically saying she's an alien...
    [10:18:42 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : hmm
    [10:18:51 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : I should post this on my blog.
    [10:18:59 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Lol.
    [10:19:07 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : The Lady Gaga fans will come down on you hard.
    [10:19:07 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : So lady gaga wants racoon?
    [10:19:12 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : that's strange tastes.
    [10:19:26 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : are raccoon eatable?
    [10:19:26 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Lady Gaga once wore a raw meat dress.
    [10:19:46 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : what did they do, sow steaks together to make it?
    [10:19:52 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : She was also once carried onto an award show's stage inside an egg.
    [10:19:55 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Lol, probably.
    [10:20:00 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : PETA went ballistic, I think.
    [10:20:17 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : And she wants her friends to be confused about her form?
    [10:20:28 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : She wants her friends to think she's cool.
    [10:20:38 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Obviously she's succumbing to peer pressure and making excuses for it.
    [10:20:39 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : strange person, I would think you'd prefer to be known as a human not as a stick of dynamite
    [10:21:05 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Saying she wants to "be who I wanna be" and then saying "I keep fighting to stay cool on the streets" is an obvious contradiction.
    [10:21:19 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : If you want to be who you want to be, why do you care if others find you cool?
    [10:22:02 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : ...I should post a debate topic about Lady Gaga.
    [10:22:09 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : So lady gaga is a person who dies if her hair gets cut off, who thinks her substance is hair, and wants her friends to think her nature is that of an explosive?
    [10:22:10 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : "Lady Gaga: Good or Bad?"
    [10:22:18 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : NO WONDER I NEVER LIKED HER
    [10:22:23 08/02/12] @ Legolover-361 : Zar:
    [10:22:53 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : QUICK
    [10:22:58 08/02/12] Zarayna: The Quiet Light : WE NEED THIS HISTORY
  16. Grantaire
    These sixteen RPGs will represent BZPower's RPG forum in the 23rd quarterly RPG contest. May the odds be ever in their favor!
    Hunger game misquotes aside, the voting on RPG Contest 23 has begun. CotD, as of now, is in a three way tie for third place. It needs more love.
    Also, the first RPG Critics Club is up.
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