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Blog Entries posted by Grantaire

  1. Grantaire
    How much would it hurt if someone smashed you over the head with a stabilizer?
    On a related note, my archery team had another match, and we finally got our team shirts, so we weren't QUITE so mismatched.
    I dunno who won yet, but judging from my shooting, my team lost.
    I do have an excuse; using a new string threw my sight off and I had to adjust it DURING the regular rounds - a got there a tad late, and my archery instructor had to give me my string, so I missed the practice rounds.
    EDIT: A stabilizer, for those of you who don't know, is a metal pole about two-two and a half feet long with is screwed into a bow; it basically stops you arm that's holding the bow from shaking like crazy at full draw.
  2. Grantaire
    Today was a great day.
    Finally. FINALLY. FINALLY. I worked out the last glitches in an event system that I worked on unsuccessfully for well over a month before this.
    Needless to say, I was pretty happy after that.
    Then the bronze Matatu I bought from Inferna arrived in the mail. Which only served to increase my joy.
    Anyways, due to my newly returned addiction to RPG Maker 2003, I'm not going to be online quite so much.
    One arcade game with in game elemental powers, ranged weapons, and melee weapons coming up!
  3. Grantaire
    I'm torn between these names:
    There was a Zarayna here!
    Scinos fo Rewop - Anyaraz
    It's a Zarayna!
    Zarayna - Power of Sonics
  4. Grantaire
    500 MB RAM. Is that bad or what?
    On a brighter note, we actually got decent internet; it's such a strange thing having 150 kb/s internet speed. So now I downloaded Mount&Blade: With Fire and Sword. Unfortunately, it takes forever on this computer. I hope to try it on our laptop.
    And... SftS. It's kinda going to need some work; namely, people. There's no way I can continue running it quite so singlehandedly. Some of you might have seen the announcement on the first page of the discussion topic. When I say I need people for help running the story, I don't mean want, I mean need.
  5. Grantaire
    That's how it looks in the RPG contest, with Island of Pain and The Island neck to neck with 14 votes each.
    The Zar fully endorses The Island first, although he thinks that Island of Pain is also pretty cool.
  6. Grantaire
    So for the past week or so (the Thursday before last to be exact), I have been having an earwax problem. For that period, my hearing was half blocked. And it was as annoying as all Karz.
    So today, I finally got my ear clear.
    And then I get an ear infection. >.<
    So anyways, on to the subject that I wrote this blog entry about.
    I think frankly, that many people (myself for example ) take many things we have for granted. Air, water, food, even proper vision and sight. Sure, you live may stink or whatever. But you brood, inhaling fresh air, seeing the room with perfect vision, and hearing the background sounds perfectly through both airs. heck, even thinking through a clear brain.
    And to those of you who don't, please ignore my mindless rambling.
    On another note. I think I have just seen the WORSE acting during battle scenes ever. Namely, many battle scenes in Avatar, the last airbender. Seriously, they stand there waving their weapons and doing nothing to attack their enemy; letting him simply walk away to the one place where he can easily fend them off (The battle at the northern air temple, for those of you who don't know).
    It's funny though, especially on the second time watching it.
    And prince what'shisname is awesome. As is his uncle.
  7. Grantaire
    Anyways, I'm backish.
    But yes, it's official as of... Perhaps two weeks ago? I've been accepted as a seminarian for my diocese! I also got to go to my first ordination mass which was very interesting: it has to be the best mass I've been to in a while.
    On the not so happy news, my dad had a heart attack just before that, so things have been pretty hectic for me. He's recovering, but things are still, as said, hectic.
    So... Aside from crazy hackers, what's new with BZPower?
  8. Grantaire
    Anyways, title aside. I'm doing Nanowrimo this year.
    Unfortunately this means that I'm not going to be able to write anything else that much...
    So it looks like I'm not going to write a PW story.
    Also, another thing.
    It's all over now.
    What is? 'tis simple. My rivalry with the Seneca. I've told this to a few people already.
    It's simple. I was a noob back then, and this was born out of my noobishness.
    And I'm sick of it.
    Sorry about that, Seneca.
    But this doesn't mean I won't at least attempt to prank individual members.
  9. Grantaire
    Going Under part three, Animal I have become is up!
    I must admit, I did make a mistake. I forgot I was writing a song fic until I was almost done with the first scene. Oh well, enjoy!
    On another note, is it natural for me to think of some of my stories as junk and be surprised when people think they're actually good?
  10. Grantaire
    I was quite surprised to win first prize in the Robin hood division of the archery tournament (I was only competing against four other people..)
    Element Lord of Shadow placed second in the Little John division.
  11. Grantaire
    So my professor brought up the Hunger Games today when talking about form! He was giving an example of what form is, and he stated that a cat was a cat because of its cat-ness. There was instantly a muffled chuckle from the class, myself included.
    There once was a being named Katniss
    Who was a cat because of her cat-ness
    She died and was laid in the earth-ness
    Whereupon she was turned into grass-ness
    I immediately penned (or more like penciled) a crude version of the above.
    Improved version,
    There once was a being named Katniss
    Who was a cat because of her cat-ness
    When she gave up the shade
    In the earth she was laid
    Whereupon she was turned into grass-ness
  12. Grantaire
    You see, this is how it all happened.
    It was early morning on the site of BZPower, and not a single staff member was online. Kiki, leader of a herd of Kikinalos had waited long for this time. With a bellow, he and his herd charged out of hiding, smashing through topics, eating posts, drinking proto energy. Members fled in panic, cought totally unawares by this new attack.
    But not all, a small band of members grouped together, and after a ong battle, defeated the evil Kikinalo.
    In a desperate attack, Kiki used a mask of fusion to fuse himself with a nearby member.
    For thirty days, the Zarnalo will roam the streets of BZPower. Let no one anger them.
    Err, we mean, we have changed our name to The Zarnalo. We hope you enjoy it.
  13. Grantaire
    So I'm down at the library, using their faster internet (600 kb download speed instead of 40 like mine) to download Knights of the Old Republic, which a friend got me for Christmas.
    Sad thing is, this is not going to help me cut back on my computer time at all.
  14. Grantaire
    BIONICLE Fiction

    =Short Stories=

    The Beast of the Forest - Reznaz
    My Life Means Nothing Without - Zerothemaster


    Stellar Quest - Nuile

    Non-BIONICLE Fiction

    =Short Stories=

    The Forger - by Legolover-361


    The Star's Fury - Alex Humva

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