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    - Sport:<br />Sport is my life. I love it all really, but my favourites are cross-country, athletics, football (that's soccer), tennis, badminton and I enjoy most other things (apart from cricket - I DON'T DO CRICKET!)<br /><br />- TV Programmes:<br />Family Guy - The Q-Man is quite the legend.<br />Heroes - Aaahhhh!!! Season finale!!!<br />Primeval - British thing, only watch it sometimes.<br />QI - Really funny, especially Alan Davies. Believe me, half the things you think you know you don't really know.<br />Have I Got News For You - Also hilarious, it just takes the micky out of everything!<br />Mock The Week - Barely ever see it, but it's goooood.<br />Flight Of The Conchords - Definitely Jermaine. Sugar Lumps is the best song ever.<br /><br />- Books:<br />J.R.R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings is an obvious favourite, closely followed by The Hobbit and many other of his books; including those not within the universe of Arda (that's the Lord of the Rings planet). Silmarillion? My word. If you're going to read it, make sure that you have some spare time on your hands. It's long.<br />Harry Potter - Everybody loves our favourite little wizard!<br />Anthony Horowitz - My faves are the 'Diamond Brothers,' but they're all great; think I'm finishing the last one of his books at the minute!<br />Just William - They're good, light-hearted short stories.<br />Beano - The UK's favourite comic, and mine too! Don't get it anymore though.<br />Dandy - Used to read this, probably preferred it to The Beano, but it's gone all modern on my butt and doubled its price.<br />Jiggy McCue Series - All very, very funny.<br />There are many others, such as Roald Dahl, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, MR. MEN! The Truth About Chuck Norris, etc.<br /><br />- Films:<br />Godzilla - Ultimate. Best. Movie. Ever.<br />Anchorman - So Funny, especially Brick Tamland!<br />Lord Of The Rings - Might've guessed that if you read my 'Books' section.<br />King Kong (Peter Jackson) - It wasn't too long, it was genius!!!<br />300 - Spartans are awesome. They nearly made me like men (but not quite).

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