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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Velox

  1. that's sad... and no, you never want the girls to call you that.. unless they're really ugly, then no one cares :P

  2. start over? my, that photo really is affecting you :P

  3. his blog is nice..

  4. and i bet he is, i was being sarcastic, since i didn't know that it linked to his blog.. get it? :P

  5. i said, you're not? as response to your "i'm not experienced enough"

  6. yay! i'm your friend :P

    so foam what's up? =P

  7. oh, and to What?

    i first was why aren't you skilled enough and then i said, i bet Bones does, but then i realized why(it links to his)

  8. 1: what by what?

    2:yeah, but he also likes it because it links to his blog :)

  9. oh.. now i know why he likes it :P

    did he make it?

  10. you're not? why not?

    i bet he does...

  11. you did! *gasp* oh yeah.. that's right, you had someone else make your banner :P

  12. i'm not traitor! you can't do it, and neither can anyone else :P

  13. hey! i need you to approve it again...

  14. why don't you PM?

  15. hehe to me? what did you say Toa Taffin?

  16. yeah.. i'm asking Rayg to do it, and looking for another shop.. i do want that ID too...

  17. well.. you have, so you CAN, you just won't :P

    nah, that's fine.. i'll have another shop do it :)

    o no! i'm a tratior!

  18. yes, of course it is :P

    no, it's not... so no banner?

  19. yeah... i bet :P

  20. isn't he everyone's?

  21. and mine =P

    i'm not on your friends list in your interests! and you have more than that!

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