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Toa Zehvor Brenmac

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Posts posted by Toa Zehvor Brenmac

  1. Well, what do you know? I'm off the grid for over a year and yet you keep me around. I don't think "thanks" perfectly describes how I feel about that.


    Still, this story is turning out great with lots of suspense. It feels much more like I'm reading a Bionicle mystery novel. I was amused at some parts and laughed out loud when Lev accidentally killed all of Vecolity's and Mesonak's captors. Besides that, this story seems to take itself much more seriously than every other entry in the TBTTRAH Series, but that's a good thing.


    Now onto my thoughts about my character. Dang. Am I an anti-hero now? Either way, the past 2,400 years have definitely changed me, but in a world like this, it almost feels like you have to be out for yourself in order to survive, even though that may not be the case, but that's the vibe I get. I want to think that I'm performing such illegal actions and killing so many lives so that more can be saved in the long run...but I'm probably wrong. Most likely I'm doing what's right in my mind, but everyone else sees me as the bad guy. Eh, I'll learn more as I read along.


    That said, I'll be sticking around this time now that I feel I have a reason to. Reading this makes me want to get back to writing those Bionicle stories of mine (not Almost There, though, unless you really want me to).



    Maybe I was going for a name I could reuse for a Pokémon some day.


    Wait, you play Pokémon (which is the reason I've lost 500+ hours of my life) too?


    Glad to be back.


    -Zehvor Brenmac :)

  2. Well...it's been a while. My dinosaur of a computer died on me back in September and I just got a new, state of the art with Windows 8 one earlier this month. Granted, I could've come back here after I realized I could connect my laptop to the Internet using a modem, but stupidly did not. You can blame it on my waning interest in Bionicle and the fact that I've been working on three different stories at once, not counting AT. Being a senior in high school doesn't exactly help.


    But enough on that, let's get to all the chapters I missed out on. They were all funny/epic, and it's great that I haven't been (too) forgotten about. I even made it to the Top 4 in the AFL, which is awesome. A war is finally going on between the Bionicles of our house and the ones of a neighboring house, which I've waiting to see for a while. Sure, we've had one or two Bionicles from another house fight us, but never a full-scale army. Also, Evil Tahu is finally dead. Good riddance I say. BTW, are Tuma and his Skrall ever going to reappear-wait, Tuma's dead right? In that case, will we ever see the Skrall again. I kind of liked them. An idea I had was somehow summoning my Bohrok army to XR-458 to help us, but I'm not exactly sure how it would be done. I'd like to see them have one last role before A2 ends.


    As for A3, I'd be happy to return for it, but as a sort of "Shell-shocked Veteran", if you know what I mean. Or maybe as some sort of saboteur, that could work for my character too.


    It's nice to be back, and hopefully I'll be able to post relatively regularly since it's my Christmas vacation.


    Until the next chapter,


    -Toa Zehvor Brenmac :)


    P.S. Oh, and that 2012 insurance you were peddling a couple years back, MT. You probably owe some people money now since the Earth didn't flood and no one is living on a raft in the middle of the ocean. :P

  3. How coud it go wrong? It's not as if Tuma has never made a MoC in his life-oh wait. Well then, if it goes wrong, the Skrall won't be returning to their "former glory" anytime soon.Nice two chapters. Nice to see a new female character for once. The failure to blow up the door was pretty funny. And now the undead have broken into the house and adancing upstairs. I also can't believe (but not too surprised) that Tahu would want to enlist my Bohrok to fight the zombies. Meanwhile, Avak had been using my Gahlok to create a Sentinel to combat the zombies. All I have to say to that is if that Nemesis doesn't kill him before I get back, I f-ing will.But that is not the first being under the name of Nemesis that will be appearing in the TBTTRAH Series. Oh no...Oh yeah, and I'm glad you got better. Sorry about your job and lack of money though.Zehvor Brenmac :)

  4. Sorry I'm late coming back you guys.

    Also Brenmac...KILL the CHARTER.
    Maybe we should go down and blow up Charter Communications when this zombie thing is all said and done. Unless Charter just happens to be our cable, Internet & phone service provider. Then Tahu would be really peeved without his baseball. In all seriousness, that should be the last interruption in service. Turns out my family was disconnected from a pole as opposed to someone just flicking a switch and getting our cable & Internet turned off (yep, its that simple), so I didn't get those back until Thursday. And I've been catching up on things for the past two days. But should these interruptions continue (they shouldn't, but I'm not taking any chances), you can expect me to disappear once at the end of every month. Now onto the subject of the chapters. Turns out I miss a lot less than I think when I'm gone. They were pretty entertaining, although its pretty likely that I'll only read them once (ie. I don't think I want to do another TBTTRAH readathon). I even laughed at a few points, like Evil Tahu dying almost immediately upon coming back to life. I also liked how you included the Quilava screaming "OBJECTION!". I do hope you slip in a few more Pokemon refrences, but that's just me. I haven't been into Pokemon for years, with Bionicle being the essence of my childhood, but it's nice to come back to it. Post-Zombie Arc Chapter idea: Someone sneaks into a Charter building and flicks off all the switches, causing everone in town to lose their cable and Internet access. In this day and age, it wouldn't be long before someone went crazy.In other news, Almost There continues tomorrow evening. And with that, I leave you.-Zehvor Brenmac :)
  5. Indeed, iBrow.This Zombie apocalyes arc is turning out to be really neat, with the Zehvor using Exo-Toa, killing zomies by blowing them up, most of the Piraka ending up in the core only to be merged into a fusion and then sent back to the real world to take out Avak, the cure (or rather sedative) for the zombie virus being fruit juice and the only way we can get to it is by going through the most infested area of the House, and now the virus has spread. I wish I could link you guys to an article titled "6 Scientific Reasons A Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly)" but with the site it's on having forums and not quite being for kids, I won't. You can probably Google it if you want though. Awesom, humorous Chapters Masonry Toppler.And as quickly as I have returned, I must disappear once more, for my cable has been disconnected once more by you-know-who and my Internet is sure to be next tommorow morning. However, when I return, a flow of Almost There chapters shall follow me. Until then...(Claps hands and disappears in a puff of smoke until July 3rd)-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  6. Nuparu:...man...all of a sudden I feel really weird.
    It's just your hormones, Nuparu.The Piraka were funny in this chapter once more, along the conversation between Stormer 4.0 and Mesonak. I also liked it when TA got attacked by the Piraka-zombies. And I have a plan involving my Bohrok Hive while Mesonak has a plan involving a shotgun and a so-called "vaccine" that's probably filled with water, orange juice, chicken broth, and tomato sauce. Just like the protagonist in every zombie movie. And ono you've been bitten by the zombies. Looks like I'm gonna have to shoot you in the head. Sorry pal.Still, if Mesonak goes out there and ends up being ripped apart by the zombies, I want him to scream "Choke on 'emmm! Choke on 'emmmmmmm!" while being torn in half. That would make him even more epic than he already is. All in all, a good Part 2.-Zehvor Brenmac :)
  7. Ono Tuma died. (Three seconds of silence)And zombified Piraka=really funny. The fact that we now have to deal with these along with the new Metroids that are currently being cloned does make for an apocalyptic situation for us. (Thought we'd have to wait 'til December 21st for one of those. By the way, are you still selling 2012 insurance?) Oh well, at least there's never a dull day around here. Good one, MT. Good one.-Zehvor Brenmac :) Edit: I'm an "Exo-Armored Toa" now! Could this used as an idea?

  8. Several chapters for me to review, so I'll just say what I liked.The fight with me, Sonu, Mesonak, and the Dark Lord vs....gah, I forgot his name already...the creator of Nicro Xenon was pretty epic. I actually feared for my character's (along with Sonu's and Mesonak's) life at one point. Good job there. the scenes with Evil Tahu's new gameshow along with you teleporting the bus fifteen feet in the air before bringing it back down were quite funny. Good to have characers like the Bahrag, my Bohrok army, and Hydaxon making reappearences. Hope they're back to stay. Season Nine is off to a great start, and sign me up for this years AFL. Speaking of fighting tournaments, I still need at least Mesonak to PM me when he has the time.Also, I'll be holding off on updating Almost There until I'm through with my final exams at the end of the week. Think you can postpone the Fighting League for just a bit longer, MT?In unrelated news, I saw Prometheus yesterday. Was quite good, but also scary and gross during some parts. Then again, it's a "prequel" to the Alien movies, so what could I have expected?-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  9. Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, I am now seventeen, and-hey!I'm still stuck in the void! This is not how I wanted to spend my special day! But we finally reached 100 chapters for I think the third time? And now the Bahrag have gone from being cheerleaders to siding with the enemy. And you two, Cahdok and Gahdok, aren't you referring to my Bohrok army? Am I the only one who remembers that? Oh wait I relocated it, never mind. And now the Zehvor are heading into a HF trap. Perfect. Hoping for an epic confrontation at Legoland soon (since I consider those your specialty). The battle between Mesoquack and I was neat, but now I've lost the sword, and I have to spend my birthday getting it back. Perfect. -Zehvor Brenmac :)

  10. I just noticed that I may have lost one of my waring points. But when I went to my profile to check this out, I clicked the link (the one reading "-1 warning points") and it said that there were no warnings to display. Does this mean that there is a mistake or is the warning very recent? And if it is a warning, what might I have been warned for? -Zehvor Brenmac :)

  11. Uh oh, Epic Battle Alert! Me vs. Mesoquack!Was wondering where you went. Nice chapter regardless. If Pridak literally stays in that trashcan for a year and Tahu sticks to his promise (which neither probably will), we are doomed. And now you have Stormer XL and his Furno 4.0 cronies after you. Just how you wanted to spend your road trip. And if I can make it back to the house in time for my birthday, that'd be nice.-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  12. Somehow I doubt that I'd be as important to this "Group of Destiny' if I didn't have that sword on me. If those guys really like me that much, they had better do something real nice for my birthday this year.So what did I like? Well the roughousing between Stormer 4.0 (or Stormer XL as his official name) and Furno 4.0 in the parking lot at 1 AM was nice. And now our heroes are being attacked by a batallion of Furno 4.0s. But why just Furno 4.0? Why not make a huge army of all the 4.0 Heroes? Regardless, the Zehvor should still be able to run over the Furno 4.0s with the van in a nice, quick, and happy massacre.-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  13. The last post of this topic was on March 24.It is now May 13. I am such a procrastinator. I mean yes, a couple of school projects came up and I'm currently working on a story with a friend of mine but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't be able to squeeze in a chapter of this once a week. As I said before, MT is a senior with his own car and he can a few chapters every week. I'm a junior with no car and it takes me over a month to write one!In short, I'm feeling very incompetent right now.I have also decided to scrap the original idea I had for this arc. It will still start (and probably end) the same way as I originally planned, but everything else in the middle will be changed. In other words, I'm accepting story ideas from now to Chapter 40. I also decided to replace one of the three new characters being introduced in this chapter. I'll take a group shot of the three and post it later. The delay has gone on for far too long. *sigh* Let's just get this arc over with so I can start the Tournament Challenge Matches arc (Speaking of which, I'm still accepting entries. Just PM me!).Chapter 28: Nocturn & Gadunka Get Really Beat UpLongtime partners and friends Noucturn and Gadunka traveled the long, winding hallways of the hotel, heading for the kitchen for their nightly raiding of the fridge. They were both coming from Levacius' lab where they were examined by the Toa Zehvor scientist. He had determined that while they had radiation poisoning, it wasn't bad enough to have any real effect on them, the only side effect would be that they would be glowing like the kinds of sticks used at rave parties. Before they left, Levacius noted to them that Gadunka may have a potent infection, since he was directly blasted with a radioactive spray. Neither of the two showed that they heard him as they went out the door. When they were hungry, food was the only thing on their minds; nothing else mattered to them.When the pair was only a matter of feet away from the kitchen, Nocturn stopped and and raised one of his four arms to have Gadunka do the same. Listening closely, he could hear a couple of highly unfamiliar voices coming from the kitchen:"Why do you want to wear it now?""Because I look better in it than you do. Also, your arms are way too small for the sleeves."Noucturn heard a long, annoyed sigh. "Fine, take it. Let's just get this fridge open so we can chow down."Nocturn's eyes narrowed. Something wasn't right here. There were voices that he had never heard before coming from the kitchen. He took a look at the clock. It was ten o' clock at night, so it obviously wasn't Brenmac's Mogwai trying to get a post-midnight snack. He drew his conclusion quickly. Obviously someone was already in there and raiding the fridge, which was Nocturn and Gadunka's job, and theirs alone. They would have to be punished.Motioning to his companion, Nocturn slipped through the first set of doors, followed momentarily by Gadunka. The two friends snuck past tables, chairs, and the bar before reaching the kitchen doors on the other side of the room. Nodding to one another, the two quietly pushed open the silver metal doors and entered the kitchen unnoticed by the new arrivals. Nocturn took a moment to take a close look at them. The middle one was clad in a blue robe that looked quite fluffy to Nocturn, and was the tallest. The robe covered most of its features, but he could see a black head with bits of pearl brown scattered on it, indicating that it may have been that color at one point.The one on its left was blue in color and was sittng on the floor as he ate. The last, yellow and brown in color, was doing the same, and Nocturn knew instantly what this one was. Finallly, he decided it was time to make their presence known. "Hey!" Nocturn called out. "That's our food you're eating!" "Hmm?" The largest of the three turned to look at them. Nocturn could now see that he was mostly orange in color along with black fingers and toes, along with the black upper jaw he noticed before. "Oh, sorry. We were just hungry and-" "You can't just break into hotels and steal their food!" Nocturn said before Gadunka whispered something to his partner. "Huh?" Noucturn asked. Gadunka whispered something more. " What do you mean we've done the exact same thing several times in the past?" Noucturn grumbled something before reutning his attention to the newcomers."Okay fine, maybe you havea good reason for somehow getting in here, but who are you anyways?" "Me, I'm Greymon." said the leader of the three, shrugging and puffing out his gut. "I'm Veemon." said the blue and white one, still eating some candy he had found in the refridgerator. "But you can call me Veemon." "And you," Nocturn pointed with one of his swords at the brown and yellow one, whose red cheeks were crackling with electricity. "You are a Pikachu, are you not?"Yeah I'm a Pikachu. What of it?Noucturn blinked. "And you speak through telepathy?" Yeah. "Interesting. I'm Nocturn and this is my closest friend Gadunka." "Nice to meet you." Greymon replied, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "We're here at this hotel to visit a ffriend of ours, Brenmac. I believe you've heard of him?" Nocturn and Gadunka looked a each other and grinned. "Brenmac is in his room in the second floor. But if you want to get to him, you'll have to get past us first. After all, you raided the fridge, which is our job, and that cannot go unpunished." Gadunka clicked his claws menacingly in agrement."You want to fight us?" Greymon looked to his two companions befoe grinnning and shaking his head. "That's your downfall, then." He put down the box of cookies he was holding and kicked it aside. The he took off the blue robe and tossed that aside as well. He ddin't want it to get ruined in the ensuing fight. "Split up!" he ordered. Greymon, Veemon, and Pikachu, all began running in seperate directions. "I won't let you escape!" Nocturn shouted as he chased after Greymon. Veemon attempted to headbutt Gadunka only to get his head caught in the creature's mouth. Pikachu climbed up onto the counter and threw a bolt of lightning at Gadunka from behind, stunning him and forcing him to spit out Veemon. Pikachu took notice of the struggle going on between Greymon and Nocturn, and quickly became clear that the former had the upper had. Deciding that the best thing to do would be to help his companion and end the battle as quickly as possible, he got on all fours and charged, shounding himself with electrical energy as he did so. Leaping off the counter, he successfully struck Nocturn by surprise."Ow!" Nocturn cried out. "Do you know how much that hurts? Do you, do you?" Relax, algae boy. Volt Tackle only does forty damage. "Nerd!" Nocturn shouted at the Pikachu. "You're a nerd!" Yeah, I don't like being called a nerd. So for that... A sphere of electrical energy formed at the end of Pikachu's tail. "Pika, pika, chu-pi!" he shouted as he threw it at Nocturn. The projectile hit dead on, electrocuting Nocturn a second time. Now... Nocturn's eyes widened as the Pikachu's tail turned from plush fabric to solid steel. Sleep. Pikachu slammed his tail into Nocturn's face as hard as he could, knocking the frige raider out cold. Veemon, on the other hand, was holding on for dear life onto one of the cabinets as Gadunka shot a beam of radioactive energy from his mouth at him, one of the side effects of the radiation poisoning. Gadunka fired another shot, once again missing, and this time doing enough damage to bring down the entire cabinet. Veemon let go just in time to send the cabinet, plates, bowls, stainless steel and all, down on Gadunka. Landing on his feet, Veemon turned to his companions. "Well that's that, and that was too easy." A little less overkill next time? Pikachu asked next time. You want the entire hotel to hear us? "We can argue about this later." Greymon said, putting the back on and folding the hood over his head. "Get under the robe and let's get out of here." "Are you nuts, we'll stick out like a sore thumb!" Veemon asked. "Just trust me. I doubt anyone's awake right now, but someone may have heard the clatter and could be heading here as we speak." Sighing, Veemon and Pikachu got under the robe and the three carefully trotted off.Tahu Nuva opened his eyes, stretched his arms, and turned on his bedside lamp. He could've sworn that he heard a huge banging coming downstairs, but he assumed it to be only a dream. he house co-leader headed downstairs to the kitchen for a late night snack, greeting everyone he saw on the way. "Hello Hydraxon. Move it along, Zaktan. Hello walking blue bathrobe-" Tahu Nuva stopped at looked behind him, catching only a glimpse of what looked like blue-colored fabric slipping around the corner. Assuming it to be only his own imagination, as he was still half-awake, he finished his journey to the kitchen, saw the damage, and woke up fully. Running over to a sligthly fried Nocturn and shaking him awake, Tahu Nuva asked what had happened. Nocturn proceded to tell him the whle story, which he understandably didn't believe a single bit. "I think you got into my marijuana stash." Tahu Nuva muttered to himself as he helped Nocturn to his feet. "Wha...?" Nocturn asked woozily. "Nothing." Tahu Nuva said. "Where's Gadunka?" The sound of metal being torn apart brought his attention to behind him, where Gadunka had successfully broken out of the remains of the cabinet."Okay." Tahu Nuva said, "Let's get you guys to the infirmary, where you can sleep off your wounds, and whatever crazy trance you were in."Next chapter-I meet up with some old friends, and react just as you'd expect me to.So please start posting some ideas for future chapters-I could use 'em.-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  14. I know I shuld be writing AT chapter 27 right now (and I will, like I said), but I have to comment on this chapter first. It was quite amusing, to be honest. What with the Zehvor being stuck in traffic, Furno 4.0 having to hang on to the roof, and Pridak deciding to find a new purpose in life by living in a trash can (I just know that the garbage truck is going to come by, toss him inside, and Pridak will eventually wind up at the dump where he will decide that as his "wilderness". Or he'll narrowly escape a trash compactor and come out of the experience with a new outlook on life. Something along those lines.) Anyways, another nice entry in the TBTTRAH Saga.And speaking of that saga (cracks knuckles) it's time for me to get back down to business.-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  15. For a moment, I thought the "Missing Brenmac" chapter title was referring to me being gone as long as I was. Though I still guess it could be interpreted as such.I can't believe I'm saying this, but good thing the server was down while I was gone, otherwise I would have alot more to catch up with. (And I have an excuse for not keeping my promise for the gazillionth time.) Good chapters, quality hasn't at all changed to me, funniest part was Furno getting knocked into the interstate and the getting hit by a car. Okay last promise, I swear. I will start writing AT ch. 27 at my usual time tomorrow (6 PM EST) as I have no real plans beyond lunch with my parents tommorow for Mothers' Day. I have the plot of it down (Actually, I've had it down for a while now, I just need to get off my lazy butt and actually write it.)Blah.-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  16. Er...why would Tahu keep yogurt in his freezer? Wouldn't he keep it in the refridgerator instead?Anyways, that sword and its powers are quite interesting. Wonder what else we'll witness in terms of its effects. I don't see this road trip going very well at all, (then again, what vacation of ours has?)if Jawblade is crashing into trees before he even pulls out of the driveway. If a stay in lockup doesn't cut your vacation short, a horrible car accident certainly will. Meanwhile, an epic battle goes on between the Dark Lord himself, Rocket Matoran, Sonu, Gravity, and Protogenitus. Awesomeness. Lastly, will Xplode evolve or die? Find out next chapter...maybe. And blah, blah, blah, parents couldn't pay cable bill on time again, see you all in a week, pray for new AT chapter next Friday when I get back.Until then,-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  17. For someoneone who started out as a vicious dragon, Protogenitus sure has become a wuss.So the the Zehvor trip is starting without me. I don't agree with it, but maybe I'll catch up up to you guys sooner or later. Or maybe I'll have to break you all (and likely Zaktan) out of jail. Whatever happens. And your bus driver is once more someone who A. can't reach the pedals and has no legs to in the first place. and B. can probably barely look over the steering wheel-oh why am I even questioning this? Nice to see the Dark Lord again and I predict that at three characters are on their way to the slammer within the next few chapters.Good ones MT. -Zehvor Brenmac :)

  18. Okay 4-Mask I can understand and Assassin never died in the first place, so my bad. Also, Mesonak's back. Awesome!Good chapters with Piraka and Zehvor going from lemonade stands to fortune telling. Zaktan thinks he just ripped Carapar off but doesn't realize that he is in fact the one who has been ripped off. I'd help Lev with the job search if I was there, but I can't think of anything that isn't either mundane or illegal. Meanwhile, another HF villain appears. Hope he's more effective than the others. -Zehvor Brenmac :)

  19. And those bills don't count as real money, Dralcax.Seriously guys, that's the best you can come up with? A lemonade stand? At this rate, we'll never go on this trip! Can't you just find somewhere that needs help cleaning in hard to reach places...or something? I think I'm going to have to side with PB on this one MT: what's with you and constantly reviving dead villains? Can't they just stay dead? First 4-Mask, then Assassin, now this stone giant? Lastly, we have another intriguing plan from a villain. Let's hope it turns out better than Zaktan's is going right now.-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  20. (Moment of silence for Heather)Now, I can safely say...Zaktan you have truly f-ed up. I had some hope your plan would work but now, I seriously doubt it man.Also, yay! Us Zehvor are going on a road trip! Let the true hilarity begin.-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  21. Protogenitus:...this is racist somehow. I'm suing the pants off this guy when we get out of here.Gravity:He doesn't HAVE pants.Protogenitus:A nudist, huh? Well then, I'll sue him for profiling AND for indecent exposure.

    Hey, something I DID laugh at. (Though it probably wasn't the most appropriate thing for me to laugh at.) Though by that logic, shouldn't Protogenitus add Gravity, Ghirardelli, Sonu, and any other Bionicle he's seen to his suing list since y'know, they don't wear clothes either? Heck, most Bionicles are like that. Well, Vezon wears a cape, but...That being said, Zaktan's plan sounds like it will end in hilarity. KIU, MT.-Zehvor Brenmac :)
  22. Seems I didn't miss much.That evil baby is KO'ed (but for how long?), Lev and iBrow almost got burned to death (kind of like me that one time), Protogenitus is now on our side, I have the ability to create a stupidly-named vehicle in under five minutes (but as long as it works, who cares?), and Rocket Matoran has an ace up his sleeve that we may or may not see next chapter.Nothing bad, but nothing I laughed at either.-Zehvor Brenmac :)

  23. So the evil baby's back. Either it killed the mother or escaped her watchful eye. Regardless, I'd like to cut back to the mother (if she's still alive, that is) to see her reaction to seeing her missing baby across the street staring into a door. And Rocket Matoran sacrificed his life for me, how noble. But he's not out of the story yet, and with him back in the Core, things should get interesting. And now Ghirardelli has all three power orbs. Not good.So yeah, still alive here, just reluctant to post since I bailed out on my promise. Again.Guess the new font is only temporary?- Zehvor Brenmac :)

  24. Same for me as JL. Sonu and Mesoquack are going at it for round...two I believe? But even then, while those two are fighting, those Power Orbs are still powering up the portal device. So should it activate in the middle of the battle, Mesoquack should be able to make his escape. Unless Sonu can destroy the device or KO Mesoquack before that happens. (Though I'd like to see the bad guys win a little every once in a while.) And now Evil Tahu has gone loopy and thinks he's a car, thus ensuring amusing antics in the next chapter or so. And I finally return to the story. Awesome. Hopefully we can get back to the mother and her Xenon-infused talking homicidal baby shortly. -Zehvor Brenmac :)

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