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Blog Entries posted by Seranikai

  1. Seranikai
    This was Bundaling's idea, so, um, yeah. We've decided to start a Lemon Club, where you can express your opinions for Lemons, or just ignore them, you decide. To join, simply post a comment in this entry.
    If you think this is rather bizarre, then you should probably read this entry, which explains why Lemons are so great.
    And here's a wonderful bannner:

    Alternatively, here's a user bar:

    And of course, here's a custom Lemon Smilie:

    If you want to make the banner into a link, just copy and paste this code into your signature:

    So there you go.
    Zero Two
    Aanchir: Rachira of Time
    ~Ruhann: Rider of Azuakk~
    Titan XP
    Sumiki the Roadrunner
    Commodore van Beebo2579
    kongu888: Fighter of magnetisim
    master mind 3.0
    President Lhikan
    Michael Toa of Lightning
    The Mystery Member
    Toa Axzaa
    Lunarite toa of the moon
    Ultimate Nobody
    Vahki 530
    Barraki of Boomerangs
    Toa Vezorn
    Legendary Guardian of Time
    Toa Inika X Matthew
    Barraki Zuju: Electric
    Chocolate Frogs
    // Air Freak
    biovee: toa of hockey
    Toa Vahkshi of Electricity
    Onxy-Toa of Sonyx
    Autobot Kopaka
    Knogu Inika
    Darth Maul
    Toa Nuva Ponewtu
    Hakkan Barraki of Colours
    Garfield fan!
    Roa McToa
    Kurnak The Overlord
    Tigs: The Candy Man
    Toa of Geckos
    pridak king
    toa lewa8796
    Toa Mirok Nuva
    Fyren diamondpoint
    Letagi Great Toa of Air
    The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf
    mr bionicool
    Phyoohrii the Dark Hunter Hunter
    piraka ain't cute
    The Sword of the Heart
    Alku Toa of Rahi
    The Egg Of Choas
    Galin: A Dark Hunter's Fear
    Rabin: Toa of Electricity
    Lord Ehlek
    The Holy Chair
    Dark Pickle
    Toa Dave: The Savior of Trix
    the earth man
    Hakama. Toa of Deloreans andVWs
    jallers comics
    kritu:destinys warrior
    Lyichir: Rachira of Influence
    Emperor of Chaos
    Carapar: The Destroyer
    Toa Viran
    philbert toa of steak
    matoro toa of ice
    Scythrax-Toa of cheese
    Kanohi Wearer
    Lemon Club Challege 1:
    Design a Toa of Lemons
    Winner - Aanchir
    Lemon Club Challenge 2:
    Write a poem or story about Lemons
    Winner - Arpy
  2. Seranikai
    ...what happened to Lemon Club Contest 3? Was it called Lemon Club Challenge? I don't remember
    Anyway, your citric task is...
    Despite the obvious physical impossibilities, imagine a hybrid creature, part Bohrok, part lemon! Then show us your vision!
    But how should you do this?
    Draw it, MOC it, paint it, create a 3D wireframe model, carve it into a passing rock, whatever visual medium you so prefer.
    Visual medium.
    It cannot be a dance.
    No it cannot.
    is sometime around March 14th, probably. Subject to change and time merely being an abstract construct in history as an illusion.
    Have a nice time.
    Lemon Club Leader, Etcetera
  3. Seranikai
    So, happy Singles Awareness Day!
    Although, this year Seran kind of isn't single, because he's kind of going out with someone...but Seran isn't entirely sure if said guy is really what Seran wants, but yeah. Fun.
    I know I said there would be MOCs. I know. But unfortunately I realised that I don't have enough pieces to make the Mata Nui MOC I was hoping to make, although I did get as far as making the head. Pics if you want them. And then there's Makuta, still lying in several pieces, because poor Seran just can't seem to make him work. At all. Maybe I should just make more Nexensis stuff or something. But then Seran wanted to remake the Ussanui...
    However, the overriding factor is uni...there's so much work to be done, it's quite scary. So much work, in fact, that I have to leave this entry here because I promised I'd finish an assignment by the end of the day, which I haven't done yet...don't ignore deadlines, kids!
    Nice talking (?) to you all.
  4. Seranikai
    ...no, not the titan version. I'm not stupid, what a waste of money.
    [injecting enthusiasm]
    So, here we go. The canister is, as usual, made from plastic. I didn't have any other canisters to compare it with, so I chose random things from my desk. It's larger than my iPod, yet considerably smaller than my TV. About the same size as a Wii, by the looks of it. I hope that helps. Anyway, it's sort of tapered to one side, with stripey bits on one side and BIONICLE shouting at you from the other. The lid is, quite deceptively, yellow. The reasoning for this is beyond me, as the set inside is yellorange. However, there is no doubt an explanation involving Takanuva's light-bending powers, a couple of alternate universes, and the refracting properties of a prism. So let's go with it. The lid features a very bland pattern of ridges and a slight bulge in the middle, quite dull and not really worth your attention. We move instead to the stickers. Two giant stickers cover the front and back of the canister, holding the lid securely in place. Very securely. Seran had to use a knife to cut through the stickers ( ) to get the lid off, but that's another story.
    The front sticker features a gorgeously CG render of Mata Nui himself, standing with legs heroically one in front of the other, shield raised and launcher poised, his head tilted slightly to the side as if in silent pain from the weight of his two tools. As we've come to expect on a Bionicle canister, the word 'BIONICLE' is plastered over the top of the image, with some fancy new bevels and a shiny gradient. Well done, artwork company, you've mastered layer styles in Photoshop. Continuing down we find the words 'Mata Nui', written in the Bionicle typeface we've all come to love. Because love it we must, seeing as it's everywere. It's also got the same fancy effects applied, so it vaguely stands out from the background. You'd have thought that MATA NUI IN SET FORM would have more of a fanfare announcing his arrival in plastic incarnate, but no. Just a bit of a bevel and a black stroke. No drop shadow though, how silly.
    The background image is very yellow, suggesting that our dear friend is either standing heroically in a desert, or standing in one of those fish tanks with the coloured sand and wondering how he got there. Presumably to stop this very confusion, the artist has dropped in the Skrall shield pattern. They had the clever idea of making it yellow, so it really stands out from the yellow sands, and yellow Mata Nui, and yellow text. Speaking of the text, it proclaims, still in the fancy Photoshop styles, that Mata Nui himself is between 7 - 16 years old, presumably, and that he's somehow connected to the year 8989. It's interesting to note that 8989 is in fact 89 repeated twice...spooky, considering this is Mata Nui it applies to! But wait, it doesn't end there! 8+9+8+9=34, and 34x6=204. If we add those digits together, 2+4, we get 6, and add 1995 and we get 2001, which happens to be the year Bionicle started and Mata Nui's first appearance...spooky! The canister also tells us that Mata Nui is apparently a Glatorian Legend, despite only being on Bara Magna for about a week, and the tiny Lego logo in the corner tells us that he's a Lego set. Lucky, really, I thought he was a cake at first, and I was quite surprised when he turned out to be made from plastic and not icing sugar.
    If we revolve the canister 180 degrees, we find the sticker on the back...and it's yellow! Gosh, how exciting! It tells us that a new movie has come out of the closet, something called 'The Legend Reborn', presumably the short title for 'The Legend Reborn with Awful Animation, Terrible Dialogue, and Unforgivable Music, Yet With Nice Textures so the Fans will Love it Anyway'. It's on DVD now, supposedly. Beneath this we find that Mata Nui has some friends, and most amusingly Number 9885 (they have no names, only numbers...like Chinese food) is in a pose that suggests he really needs to go to the toilet, what with his bent legs and pained expression...lovely. We can also see that you can fire spiky black and gold things with use of a launcher, decipher leet to get something probably not worth the effort on Bionicle.com, play the BIONICLE ACTION FIGURE GAME, and if all else fails, it suggests that you stuff Mata Nui into his canister and leave him to gather dust on a long forgotten shelf. There's also a minature essay of legal information, a 0-3 year old child looking severely depressed at his inability to play with a Bionicle set, some barcodes, and in my case, a sticker saying that this set cost me £8.99, which I have only just realised, and now feel quite annoyed that I didn't bother checking the price before I bought it.
    The underside of the canister is considerably more interesting than the rest, saying Copyright 2008 LEGO group, recycle someone called Pete, and the mysterious code 64869, no doubt something earth-shatteringly important. You heard it here first
    Simply take your selected set to the till, hand it to the nice lady/man, smile sweetly, remark that you don't need a bag as you're doing Christmas Shopping and already have twenty of them (thus making it quite clear that you're not buying this toy for yourself, savvy) hand over your credit card, do some wizardry, get back your card, and trudge home through the snow (actual buying experience my vary, see back of can for details).
    So take the set home, to the car, wherever, and dump the pieces out. WAIT! take a minute to gather them all up, make the dog drop the piece that will soon become Mata Nui's head, and arrange them into neat little piles. Glare at the canister for telling you Mata Nui would be yellow, and shake your head at the decidely non-yellow pieces. There's no yellow here, folks. None. There is, however, an instruction leaflet, but you won't be needing that. Pieces of note include the New and Improved TM mini Mask of Life, because obviously the last one was just too cool with its swooshy shapes and awesome curves - so cool in fact that children everywhere were getting hurt, so they had to tone it down a little. Or a lot. Other new pieces include the tiny Iron Man head, UDDesque pieces (in silver and yellorange, oooooh) leg guard thingys, and MY GOODNESS HE'S GOT HANDS AAARRhfsgbsklgr*gsvbskvbs@@Fvfsvs#~svsdvscslulwat.
    [proceed to next section]
    Well goodness me. I have, at this very moment in time, have Mata Nui standing on a shelf in my bedroom. Yes. You heard right. This is no illusion. This is no alternate universe. This is not an hallucination brought on by too many Muaka Burgers. MATA NUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
    Etcetera. Well, no. Not really. It's Mata Nui's spirit trapped in the Mask of Life, with a form made from dust and bits of yellow sand.
    Well, that makes sense.
    [acceptance injection]
    So yes. It's not the real Mata Nui, but Mata Nui/Ignika in Glatorian form. As such, he uses an Inika torso. And Metru hips. Clawed feet. Inika legs. You know the rest. BUT WAIT! I am not saying he's awful. No, no, no. This coagulate of random parts actually looks quite nice. The yellorange and black is beautiful, once you accept that fact that he was NEVER going to be gold. Face it, he wasn't. The Krika chest piece looks ok, it fills in the torso nicely, apart from the GIANT GAP IN HIS CHEST! Turn him to the side, and you can SEE RIGHT THROUGH HIM! Egads, he literally has no heart. Or internal organs of any kind. Poor guy. Apart from this, his torso is ok, except...and this is really, really important to Seran...the colour layering fails. Ask DV or Tiome about this, and they will surely agree. Possibly. Basically, his colour scheme quite clearly and rightly is yellorange armour over black. This is fine. It looks lovely. Seran loves it. BUT NO they RUIN IT ALL with a black Metru chest armour over yellorange Metru hips. FAIL. UTTER FAIL. The entire illusion of grandeur is destroyed, so much so that Seran had to fix it with black Metru hips and a yellorange triangle thingy from Keetongu. Now he looks positively gorgeous. The arms are a bit meh, but the insanely awesome UDDesque armour things are just too awesome, so we accept that as good and move on. The hands are good, they really add...fingers...to the whole set. The legs are fine, if a little yellorange. Actually no, the lower legs are balanced out by the giant yellorange upper arms, so it's all ok. The new ankle armour things are great, very loose, but still, they look great and blend in fine. The head is tiny, but it looks more in proportion, so we accept it. We don't embrace it, no, no we don't, but we accept it.
    The tools are a bit eeeeeeh. A shield? Good idea, Mata Nui is more the shielding type than the big sword type...give him a shield. That's fine. WAIT A MINUTE, I didn't say give him a shield that's missing the shieldy bit...seriously, what's going on here? His shield has two giant holes in it, making it pretty useless in terms of being a shield. Maybe a double-ended boomerang, but not a shield. And the launcher is just meh...it launches, that's it. What else do you expect it to do? Seran, of course, ripped off the launcher after using it a grand total of twice, and replaced it with Jaller Mahri's sword. Much better.
    Well, to be honest, Mata Nui isn't all that bad. He's got a good colour scheme, if you fix the FAILTASTIC colour layering. His design is alright, if you sort out his weapons. His redeeming feature is the small head and UDDesque shoulder things, they just exude cool and awesome and win and stuff. Probably sand too, after he's been in the desert for a while.
    There's not much to say, really. He doesn't do anything, apart from fire Thornaxeseseses, and Seran's doesn't even do that anymore. He does, however, look fabulous sitting on Seran's Famous Shelf, where he proudly stands next to Vezon, a plastic llama, a black sheep, and a homemade knitted cow. He's easily the most yellorange of the group, and that's all that matters really.
    Here's to Mata Nui.
    The last Bionicle set. *

    *For dramatic purposes, you understand.
  5. Seranikai
    Bionicle ending. Really? What a surprise.
    But nice surprise: Seran hasn't actually stopped MOCing. No. That would be silly.
    I am, however, extraordinarily busy until Christmas, but after that we have two weeks of holiday (two weeks after the Christmas holiday, for some reason) so I wouldn't be surprised if I posted a MOC around then.
    No promises, but you know. Mata Nui does rather lend himself to being built properly.
    Not that I'm that good or anything, but still. You know.
    Love and kisses,
  6. Seranikai
    That awesome music from the Mask of Light teaser trailer. Yes.
    The full track, obviously, not just the 20 seconds or so from the actual teaser.
    Also, if I abandoned Makuta for the moment and built other MOCs, would you guys all cry, be happy, or not care?
  7. Seranikai
    Well, it was rather good. Some of it was awful, as expected, but the general awesomeness more than makes up for it. The Fallen's character was majorly disappointing, but then Jetfire was unexpectedly fantastic.
    Also, inspiration for bio-mechanical-esque characters? Yay!
  8. Seranikai
    Does anyone have any good techniques for making very sturdy joints, especially at the MOC's hips? I don't really want to use the swivel-click joints (Bahrag, Makuta set, Super Battle Droid set), but I can't find a design that works well and still looks good.
  9. Seranikai
    Order Batch Summary:
    Total Items: 780
    Unique Items (lots): 46
    Total: $68.64
    Items in Order:
    [used] Black Brick, Modified 1 x 1 with Headlight (x20) ..... $0.05 each = $1.00
    [used] Black Brick, Round 1 x 1 Open Stud (x20) ..... $0.04 each = $0.80
    [used] Black Brick, Round 2 x 2 (x20) ..... $0.06 each = $1.20
    [used] Black Hose, Flexible 8.5L with Tabbed Ends (Ends same color as Tube) (x8) ..... $0.25 each = $2.00
    [used] Black Hose, Ribbed 7mm D. 14L (x12) ..... $0.20 each = $2.40
    [used] Black Hose, Rigid 3mm D. 10L (x4) ..... $0.09 each = $0.36
    [used] Black Plate, Modified 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal (x20) ..... $0.03 each = $0.60
    [used] Black Slope 30 1 x 1 x 2/3 (x10) ..... $0.18 each = $1.80
    [used] Black Slope 33 3 x 1 (x10) ..... $0.05 each = $0.50
    [used] Black Slope 33 3 x 2 (x80) ..... $0.05 each = $4.00
    [used] Black Slope 33 3 x 3 (x4) ..... $0.17 each = $0.68
    [used] Black Slope 33 3 x 3 Double Convex (x12) ..... $0.25 each = $3.00
    [used] Black Slope 33 3 x 4 (x4) ..... $0.20 each = $0.80
    [used] Black Slope 45 2 x 1 (x10) ..... $0.03 each = $0.30
    [used] Black Slope 45 2 x 2 (x10) ..... $0.05 each = $0.50
    [used] Black Slope, Curved 3 x 1 No Studs (x6) ..... $0.26 each = $1.56
    [used] Black Slope, Inverted 33 3 x 1 (x10) ..... $0.05 each = $0.50
    [used] Black Slope, Inverted 45 2 x 1 (x10) ..... $0.05 each = $0.50
    [used] Black Slope, Inverted 45 2 x 2 (x10) ..... $0.05 each = $0.50
    [used] Black Tap 1 x 1 (x6) ..... $0.08 each = $0.48
    [used] Black Technic, Brick 1 x 1 with Hole (x10) ..... $0.07 each = $0.70
    [used] Black Technic, Brick 1 x 2 with Hole (x10) ..... $0.04 each = $0.40
    [used] Black Technic, Brick 1 x 2 with Holes (x10) ..... $0.08 each = $0.80
    [used] Black Technic, Pin Connector Round (x20) ..... $0.17 each = $3.40
    [used] Black Vehicle, Steering Wheel Small, 2 Studs Wide (x5) ..... $0.08 each = $0.40
    [used] Bright Green Plant Leaves 6 x 5 (x5) ..... $0.40 each = $2.00
    [used] Brown Container, Barrel 4 x 4 x 3.5 (x2) ..... $0.90 each = $1.80
    [used] Brown Container, Crate with Handholds (x8) ..... $0.30 each = $2.40
    [used] Brown Hose, Soft 3mm D. 5L (x3) ..... $0.15 each = $0.45
    [used] Dark Gray Plate, Round 1 x 1 (x46) ..... $0.05 each = $2.30
    [used] Green Plant Flower Stem (x100) ..... $0.08 each = $8.00
    [used] Green Plant Leaves 4 x 3 (x3) ..... $0.18 each = $0.54
    [used] Green Plant Leaves 6 x 5 (x9) ..... $0.35 each = $3.15
    [used] Light Bluish Gray Plate, Round 1 x 1 (x30) ..... $0.03 each = $0.90
    [used] Light Gray Plate, Round 1 x 1 (x100) ..... $0.04 each = $4.00
    [used] Light Gray Slope 33 3 x 2 (x10) ..... $0.09 each = $0.90
    [used] Light Gray Slope 33 3 x 4 (x16) ..... $0.35 each = $5.60
    [used] Light Gray Technic, Pin 1/2 (x50) ..... $0.03 each = $1.50
    [used] Red Plate, Modified 1 x 1 with Clip Horizontal (x21) ..... $0.04 each = $0.84
    [used] Red Plate, Modified 1 x 1 with Clip Vertical - Undetermined Type (x10) ..... $0.04 each = $0.40
    [used] Trans-Neon Green Bar 4L Lightsaber Blade (x6) ..... $0.50 each = $3.00
    [used] Trans-Neon Green Bionicle 1 x 3 Tooth with Axle Hole (x4) ..... $0.08 each = $0.32
    [used] Trans-Neon Green Brick, Round 1 x 1 Open Stud (x6) ..... $0.06 each = $0.36
    [used] Trans-Neon Green Brick, Round 2 x 2 x 1 2/3 Dome Top (x2) ..... $0.13 each = $0.26
    [used] Trans-Neon Green Cone 1 x 1 without Top Groove (x6) ..... $0.04 each = $0.24
    [used] Trans-Neon Green Technic Wedge Belt Wheel (Pulley) (x2) ..... $0.25 each = $0.50
  10. Seranikai
    Seran went to the cinema today with Emma and Ally. We saw Coraline, it was great. French and Saunders were fantastically mad voice actresses. I felt the film started to fizzle out towards the end, but I was surprisingly satisfied with the way it ended.
    About halfway through, I tried the timeless yawn-and-put-your-arm-around-your-friend-move on Ally. She didn't mind. So there you go. I just need to find a guy to try it on now.
    Also, if you think I've stopped MOCing, you're wrong.
    Oh yes.
    Don't expect anything, though. Just don't expect nothing either.
  11. Seranikai
    Magical Points are awarded randomly to people if they do something that I deem magical.
    Arpy - 310 points
    Kame - 4 points
    Synthesis - 11 points
    Darth Vader - 12 points
    Toa Axzaa - 5 points
    Roa McToa - 11 points
    Shine - 7 points
    BCii - 3 points
    Bundalings - -50 points
    Setsuna - 1 point
    -SZ- - 2 point
    Shakar - 2 points
    BioLogic-Kal - 2 points
    Akaduur - 1 point
    Kopakalaka - 500 points
    Lluvio - 406 points
    Makaru - 2 points
    ~Laughin'Man~ - 10 points
    ~Blue Diamond~ - 100 points
    -ReVenge- - 110 points
    -Zip- -100 points
    Letagi - -100 points
    Distorted - 0 points
    Ca'gerrin - 300 points
  12. Seranikai
    I very much want to see it. I love films like that.
    Also, I made a MOC today.
    It is a recoloured Inika with a black Miru and Lhikan's blades.
    It entertained me for a short time whilst I was waiting for Disty to make the brain map he STILL hasn't done yet.
    But yes.
  13. Seranikai
    Any fan of the game should immediately go and find the official soundtrack by Kyle Gabler, which shouldn't be too hard to find. There's an awful lot of awesome music that wasn't used in the game...the second, never-before-heard part of 'Jelly' is more epic than Mata Nui riding a herd of Kikanalo on stilts across the endless ocean with a dangerously pointy sword and a kettle on his head.
  14. Seranikai
    Bah. Delightfully shiny graphics, and lovely glowy effects and stuff, do not make boring character models look...not boring. I preferred the old movie style characters.
    Also, I started making an entry for the gun contest thingamajig, but I grew to hate it so I gave it to Makuta to play with. He still lives, just...in a delayed sense of the word.
    Also, hi.
  15. Seranikai
    Serenikiaiaikia left this for you, dears. x
    "Obviously I don't always look like that...but we had a nice little Matrix injoke going on at Uni, and we all know how much you love me, so yeah.

  16. Seranikai
    Mr. Fox says: (5:23:42 PM)
    ohai mistah gregf
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:23:45 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:23:48 PM)
    hows u todai?
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:23:53 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:24:04 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:24:10 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:24:17 PM)
    I has kweshchuns
    Mr. Fox says: (5:24:20 PM)
    can I ask dem?
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:24:20 PM)
    o rly
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:24:22 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:24:23 PM)
    is kk
    Mr. Fox says: (5:24:24 PM)
    ya rly
    Mr. Fox says: (5:24:27 PM)
    yay thnxes
    Mr. Fox says: (5:24:28 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:24:37 PM)
    ya get on wiv it kthx
    Mr. Fox says: (5:24:43 PM)
    what is math? wacko.gif
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:24:47 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:24:49 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:25:01 PM)
    how many marshmallows are in a bag?
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:25:11 PM)
    moar than 3
    Mr. Fox says: (5:25:19 PM)
    what if is special 2 pack?
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:25:25 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:25:46 PM)
    i refur u to the preevus arnser
    Mr. Fox says: (5:26:18 PM)
    but dat us rong
    Mr. Fox says: (5:26:25 PM)
    cuz 2 is less den 3
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:26:43 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:26:56 PM)
    Dus u has Myndstoarms NXT?
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:27:01 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:27:06 PM)
    it rites the bookses fur me
    Mr. Fox says: (5:27:13 PM)
    oo fancy
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:27:17 PM)
    u no, the bionikel wuns
    Mr. Fox says: (5:27:22 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:27:25 PM)
    dats handee
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:27:26 PM)
    o rly
    Mr. Fox says: (5:27:29 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:27:33 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:27:37 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:27:43 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:27:48 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:27:53 PM)
    so u no writes?
    Mr. Fox says: (5:27:54 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:27:58 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:28:01 PM)
    is robot shhh
    Mr. Fox says: (5:28:05 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:28:06 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:28:10 PM)
    *Puts in blog*
    Mr. Fox says: (5:28:21 PM)
    but not rly cuz too lazy to go to BZP
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:28:26 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:28:38 PM)
    awlso, robot hunts u down an kills u wiv marshmellowses
    Mr. Fox says: (5:28:44 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:28:46 PM)
    iz called tahoo
    Mr. Fox says: (5:28:52 PM)
    at leest is sugary deth
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:29:05 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:29:11 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:29:16 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:29:17 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:29:20 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:29:24 PM)
    nxt wun please
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:29:30 PM)
    i iz bizee man
    Mr. Fox says: (5:29:34 PM)
    uhhhhhhh whar u buy tahoo?
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:29:44 PM)
    frum intertubes
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:30:25 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:30:34 PM)
    i just fown him in a drawer at werkland
    Mr. Fox says: (5:30:40 PM)
    o handee
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:30:43 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:31:24 PM)
    so greg
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:31:28 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:31:30 PM)
    I has kweshchun for u
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:31:30 PM)
    dats me
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:31:32 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:31:41 PM)
    dus u has kweshchuns for meh?
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:31:44 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:31:47 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:31:52 PM)
    u no lieks meh? *):
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:00 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:03 PM)
    i haets u tbh
    Mr. Fox says: (5:32:06 PM)
    o kk
    Mr. Fox says: (5:32:10 PM)
    hates u too
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:12 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:14 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:32:17 PM)
    O gud gud
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:17 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:32:22 PM)
    luvs u den *happy.gif
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:26 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:29 PM)
    not too much tho
    Mr. Fox says: (5:32:32 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:35 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:50 PM)
    o sorree the book ritin robot go BOOM
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:32:56 PM)
    i has to goes
    Mr. Fox says: (5:32:56 PM)
    ohes noes
    Mr. Fox says: (5:32:58 PM)
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:33:00 PM)
    Mr. Fox says: (5:33:00 PM)
    bai greggy
    [mistergregpersun] says: (5:33:09 PM)
    you should so put that in your blog
    Mr. Fox says: (5:33:19 PM)
    ya rly
    Disclaimer: Maybe not the real GregF. Lol.
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