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Blog Entries posted by ~Allegretto~

  1. ~Allegretto~
    Of course, it was Power Slayer, so I got an extra 2 rockets, but still. I normally blow myself up with rockets too, so the fact that I got this because of a last-second rocket Double Kill makes this even better.
    I think this is the first time I've actually gotten a Perfection legitimately...
  2. ~Allegretto~
    d.notive is going...
    Aviators is going...
    Speccy is going...
    Rai is going...
    Makkon is going...
    Jeffthestrider is going...
    Mic is going...
    Jackle is going...
    Ego is going...
  3. ~Allegretto~
    So my dad took it upon himself to buy me a new pair of earbuds while I was at prom last night/this morning, so when I got back these were on the table.
    Pretty much used them for all of today; the right one doesn't seem to want to stay in my ear for some reason, but that's really my only problem. The volume control thingy is really convenient too, even if it's a bit sensitive.
    Also they're absolutely beautiful.
  4. ~Allegretto~
    So my old pair of earbuds broke a while ago, and I need a new pair. I have no idea what to get, though. Could someone help me? I need a pair that's durable and not too expensive, preferably under $40.
  5. ~Allegretto~
    That awkward moment when you look back 3 pages for your blog only to realize it was halfway down the first page...
    Anyway, got that Achievement, somehow. 1 Flag, Highlands, I knew absolutely no one, and no one was talking at all. It helped that the other team was kinda bad and my team had all the people from the past 3 games that had been destroying my team, though.
    3 more to goooo... Somehow have to get Infection on Condemned and in Anniversary FFA, and I have to learn how to stick.
    Also no Korra spoilers please still waiting for it to show up online at a decent resolutuion
  6. ~Allegretto~
    Don't Touch That! - 25G - Prevented the attacking team from touching the flag in a matchmade 1-Flag CTF game.
    Got 1 Flag twice in a row...
    And both times someone grabbed the flag ONE TIME in the last round.
  7. ~Allegretto~
    I have to play the first movement of Mozart's Concerto No. 2 in D in front of an auditorium full of people.
    kill me now please i'm absolutely terrified
  8. ~Allegretto~
    >MG Zaku II Crystal Version
    >Released October 1996
    Well then how the heck did I get one of these? O_o
    My UC shelf is kinda getting full, too... I kinda want a Trans-Am Raiser just to go with the regular 00 Raiser and the Condenser Type that I have, but I also really want an MG Wing Zero Custom, Deathscythe, and Heavyarms...
    And Borderlands 2 and ACIII preorders...
    And I need a laptop...
    And I need to pay for all the stuff I borrowed money from my parents to buy, and then there's prom...
    Dangit I am going to be so broke by the end of this year.
    (Where the heck did my train of thought go?)
    (inb4 derailed)
  9. ~Allegretto~
    So Zatth's friend dug up a huge cave, and I went to go help him mine stuff since he didn't spawn with anything. We asked Zatth to quickly just get some food and torches and bring it over to us, which should have taken just a day...
  10. ~Allegretto~
    So I've had a project over the last 3 months that is due today and if I don't do it I'll fail.
    Naturally, I started last night. Finished at 4 AM. XD
    Didn't come out horrible, either... I just need to figure out sound editing and I'll have a nice flute cover of Pinkie's Brew.
    Also after today I'm not going to be doing anything in school for the rest of the year basically so Minecraft woo.
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