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About SnowstarX

  • Birthday 08/31/1995

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  • Interests
    I love First-person shooter games, like Halo, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 4, and Gears of War 2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a great game too, and so is Okami. Scratch that- Okami is an AWSOME game. Spore is fun too, but I like Creature stage best.<br /><br />I like reading too. I mainly read fantasy/fiction, like the Warriors series, Gaurdians of Ga'Hoole, and the Bionicle books (of course). The Halo and Mass Effect books are well writen as well, and I think anyone that play the games should at least look at the books. You'd be surprised how well they're writen!<br /><br />Another big thing I'm into in Anime and Manga, mainly Shonen. I both read and watch Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, and Fullmetal Alchemist. I just watch Wolf's Rain and right now I'm trying to expand my horizons by watching other stuff, in Japanese of course. I'm currently trying out Lucky Star, The Melancholy of Haruhi [insert really long last name here], and Elfin Lied.<br /><br />I'm also a huge Mortal Kombat fan, even though I just became one after renting Mortal kombat vs. DC Universe. Yes, it has desparation dripping from the letters, but the voice acting and graphics had me drooling on my controler. Not to mention Sub-Zero is curently at the top of my Glomp List.<br /><br />Some Bionicle related interests? Well, Im a big fan of Nidhiki and Lariska, and is it just me, or does Lariska seem awfully friendly for a Dark Hunter? I like the sadistic, maniacal types (who doesn't), so Mutran and Vezon are also some of my favorites. And I don't care if this sounds girly, but I really want to see some more romance in the Bionicle story. I mean, we haven't had that since Matau had a crush on Nokama! Miserix is my newest favorite and curently on my Glomp List.<br /><br />Hopeless fan-girl? Yes. Do I care? No.<br /><br />Hopeless fan-girls- UNITE!

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