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Posts posted by Haotaus

  1. Entry #1

      Name: Daemun

      Entry Pic

      Gallery Link

      Bio: She is the leader of a crime syndicate within the Hero Factory Universe, and she was only caught by walking into the Makuhero tower and announcing who she was.

    Entry #2

         Name: Relincur

         Entry Pic

         Gallery Link

         Bio:  Relincur is a scougre from the Brotherhood of Makuta, he can wield fire, craves destruction, and loves to toy with the minds of his enemies.  Relincur can speak, emit fire from his hands and mouth, and create an explosion of fire.

    • Upvote 1
  2. This thing takes the prize for aggression, its certainly the scariest looking entry I've seen so far. I've been staring at this for 5 minutes wondering if there's actually anything helpful I can say, and I spotted the glatorian head in the legs. So some unusual parts usage going on, but it obviously blends in well, or I wouldn't have taken so long to spot it. :P

    Good luck with the contest, I'd expect to at least see this in the finals, and it could be a winner.


    Thanks I like the way it looks and I wasn't planning in the trans-orange but since I decided to use a Hero Factory chest piece I only had the trans colored Hero cores (Never got my hands on the silver one.). So I tried to spread out as many trans-orange pieces as I could and the heads seemed like they could work.


    Thanks for the luck but I'm sure that Sparky's entry may trump mine. :)


    I agree with Taips, not much to say. It did take me a few seconds to realize what I was looking at- I initially mistook the tail for a single poorly-placed wing- but I've got to say, this is awesome.


    Yeah I was having trouble with the tail design I even had two designs at one time. And thanks. :)


    Well this is just amazing. I mean i can not add much more to what has already been said. The design is amazing. In all honesty it reminds me of a skarmory.

    I guess the only thing i can say is the wings seems a bit small. I mean this just goes from experience for i had a family friend (at the time) who was a professional falconer.. And considering your bird seems like it would be a bird of prey the wings should be quite a bit larger for realistically the reason birds of prey have such large wings is to gain the lift necessary to not only support them selves but their prey as well.

    Of course this is more just me being nit-picky. But i really do love it. Unless i see an entry that tops this you have my vote for sure.


    Thanks and yes! Someone spotted it! :D Skarmory was part of my inspiration. :)


    And yes it suppossed to be a Bird of Prey but not the flying species more like the prehistoric Terror Bird or the Phorusrhacidae also like today's Greater Roadrunner so the reason I did small wings is becasue I couldn't think of how to do large wings so I decided to so a flightless bird. Besides if I did do wings proporsional to this body it would be the size of a Hawk.


    Edit: Wording.

  3. I have some questions:


    Okay so it is okay to do a flightless bird right?Is it okay if I give it a saddle I won't put on a rider but I want it to look like it is a mount of sorts.

    When would the MOC need to be sent in order to make it in on time for the BrickFair/thing?

    It is okay if it is a big metal looking bird right?


    Sorry for all of the questions but I suddenly have a busy week that I didn't hear about fully until recently..

    And my bird I plan to make is in the style of a Roadrunner like this for example

  4. That's very big. I like his tusks and elephant nose, though where are his eyes.


    Well I was going to do eyes but they proved to difficult so I decided not to add them besides I didn't think he really needed any because He seems to have them already.


    woah....that thing is HUGE. I really like how you got in the elephant-ish look to him. like dual matrix said though, where are the eyes? and a last bit of advice, you might want to make the legs bigger in contrast to his body after the contest. that's all I got for now.


    Thanks my favorite part to make was his head, and on the eyes I didn't think he really needed any because you can see where the head is. And I agree on the legs but I was just in a hurry and out of ideas, and wanted him done.


    I may downsize him because that is what I like to do I like canister and titain sized MOCs not really huge MOCs like this. And the only reason he is so big is because his head was made first.

  5. Well here is my entry for the BBCC#64 Ezmodian now I haven't really been MOCing much but this sparked my interest.


    Entry Pic:Link

    Gallery: Link


    Now until public here are some pics I downsized enjoy. ^_^




    His 'bling' I guess.




    For an idea on size I decided to put a Gahlok nearby.




    Okay so I did create a back-story for him even though it isn't needed. >w<


    Bio: Ezmodian is of the Elephant Tribe in a parallel dimension where all of the Chi in Chima was used up and fought over. Ezmodian while fighting was kidnapped from his world by 'scouts' for the Shadow Coliseum which was run by the Brotherhood of Makuta where spoils of war and conquest were pitted against one another and even the armies of the Brotherhood.


    Well he is still assembled for the most part so please some constructive criticism is very much appreciated. ^_^


    Edit: Fixed some wording.

  6. My apologies but I have another question. >_<


    Are the Hero Factory parts/pieces considered Technic or system I think this may be a silly question but my warrior's head is done and I suddenly got worried about the amount of bionicle pieces I may need in my build/MOC.

    They're in the same section, if you will, as Bionicle and Technic parts. ;)


    I thought as much but I wasn't entirely sure so I just wanted to make sure.


    Thanks! :D


    Edit: Now time to finish my entry.. ^_^

  7. I would like to enter this contest but just one question to verfiy my understanding of the rules.


    Question: Would it be okay if I simply made an Elephant head and put it on a humanoid being?

    I mean, yes? But you know, making the whole MOC look like an anthropomorphic elephant is probably going to be more successful.


    True but I was just wondering essentially because I do plan on making it look like an Elephant thoroughly. ^-^


    Edit: regardless my question was answered thanks.

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