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Year 15

About romansoldierdude

  • Birthday 08/25/1994

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    The better side of the fence. My grass is WAY greener
  • Interests
    Um...being...roman?<br /><br />No. I'm not italian. Sorry, guys. I think you should be able to deduct my interests from my being on this site. And my playing video games. And from the fact that I wrote a bunch of stuff here. And- aww, darn...I gave em away already.<br /><br />All right, maybe I'll be one of dem folkers that has a way too long interest page that could be an entire blog. Like, every single year, piled up.<br /><br />Maybe I could be like rock559. He used to only be 14, but when I passed him in post count he retired and is now 98 and one of those old people who "mows their lawn all day, every day."<br /><br />So first up are my favorite V-games. Sorry, homestarrunner fans, that doesn't stand for Videlectrix games. But I will tell you that my favorite Videlectrix games are Hallrunner, Dungeon Master II, "Where's an egg?" and of course, Stinko Man. Back to the Video Games:<br />Metroid Prime (One, Three, and Hunters. Two was simply awful. Or as my English teacher would hate me for saying, "bogus.")<br />Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Way better than the other ones.<br />Golden Sun. That was a fun GBA game. Even with all the ridiculous explosions that somehow only attack one enemy.<br />Soul Calibur II. Not III. That game was...disgusting...to say the least...<br /><br />Next up are my favorite movies. Number one might be Princess Mononoke. That movie was...i dunno...better than normal anime. And I know Cap'n Bionicle and rock559 agree with me. And Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy was pretty awesome. Same with Monty Python and the Holy Grail.<br /><br />Favorite Bands are up to bat now. First up is Julien-k! That band is pretty awesome, even if they deny their awesomest song (Waking Up) exists. They did a song for Transformers, too.<br />Disturbed is also cool, when they're not creepy. Sons of Plunder is my favorite song of theirs. Now it's time to pollute this interests thing with Disturbed laughs! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! Ow-Wha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!<br /><br />Yeah...that was...uncalled for...<br /><br />Oh yeah, and my favorite TV shows are:<br />Xiaolin Showdown. Purely hilarious.<br />Heroes: Cool show with aweomse people with ridiculous abilities.<br />Lost: Kinda creepy, kinda awesome. But I hate how late it's on; my dad doesn't let me stay up to see it so I'm behind like five episodes.

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  1. Actually my favorite one is Never Turn Back. Waking Up was decent though.


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