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Status Updates posted by The_Great_Masks

  1. Cool! I cant wait for the other games to come out! Birth by Sleep looks good. =)

  2. Course i do! i just havent seen that keyblade before

  3. Hey and welcome to BZP! Hope you have a fun time here. Any questions just ask away!

  4. hey dude if you need a hand, im here!!

  5. hey i see your new here if you need a hand im right here!

    --Toa Of Mercury--

  6. hey ill get you a text format on into the darkness, well, ill try!!

  7. hey, another BIONICLE fan from NI! (who was born 1 day after me btw)

  8. Hey! How are you? Hope you are having a good time at BZPower and if you are having any problems feel free to ask. Your Friendly Neighbourhood Great Masks

  9. I have no idea, but he will prob be a new character. Do you play final fantasy games?

  10. I know im really annoyed

  11. I play it too. and ff xii! =)

  12. Ive added a lot of content to my epic now, Dark Cape.!

  13. Just thought I would pass, leave a comment and say hiya.

  14. Name change? Nice one. I changed mine within like a week of joining! Anyway your interests still say you name is tahakki-nuva.

  15. Read first post, and it's very good! The Sorkal are great characters. By the way, my epic is not about bionicle, its just sci fi =)

  16. reminder hydraxons master

  17. Soz, just realised you're female. So sorry =(

  18. Sure, but where can I find it?

  19. Thanks for adding me!

  20. to answer your question, no it isnt

  21. Well, apart from what I said, I like stop motion and writing. I've started an epic now, check it out if you want. =)

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