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Blog Entries posted by Trevsky

  1. Trevsky
    K-On! ^^
    K-On! is a awesome anime with sweet music! (And really cute girls ^^.)
    Despite my rap, metal, and alternative interests, the Japanese "light music" has gotten me addicted to this show, amazingly. =O
    Please don't say you are lazy,
    Cuz I'm actually crazy,
  2. Trevsky
    Hello all! Welcome to ma blog! =D For anyone who wishes to know, I'm that guy who's snipering you right now. =0
    Now with that out of the way, here's what you can expect in this blog
    - Uttermost insanity. It's in my nature. =P
    - Projects of mine, such as AMVs, SS's, Epics, etc....
    -Thoughts and opinions on stuff.
    - Weird/Humorous Stories
    -Contests =0
    - Bloggy sthuff.
    - And much more!
    Annnnnnnd yeeeeah.
  3. Trevsky
    After two months of hard work, I'm going on April Vacation! =D
    I'm heading off to Orlando tomorrow, so I won't be active as much and when I am, it'll usually be on my iPod. ; )
  4. Trevsky
    For anyone who wants to play, but wants to know the previous events or wants to jump back but needs to know what was missed. ^^
    Chris Daniels and his team discovered Ashley Fairchild hiding in an Abondoned Building. After an intense but brief fight, Ashley was knocked out with the aid of Madeleine Usher [The Power that Is], and Nikola Tesla [Xomeron], but at the cost of Chris's team and burning down the building. Chris and Madeleine (Nikola fled the scene) took Ashley to Buckingham Palace for interrogation, where they were grudgingly accepted in.
    After some small quarrels in Cairo, Egypt, a Vampire known as Leo entered the Pyramid along with an Emissary, Marrissa, [Altues Menoa], a Phoenix, Pyralis, [inferna Firesword], an Anuibt, Paul, [Rockhound], and unknownest to the group, a Vampire named Brutus [TPtI], in search of powerful artifact rumored to be powerful to kill every living being on the planet save the user.
    In London, two dragons met [sora and Kahranax/ Darren, Inferna and Half-Dragon] and began to interact with each other. They were sighted by a pair of hunters, whom attacked them. After beating the two survivalists in combat and questioning them, they left. Recently a third dragon, Vestus [Rockhound] has entered the scene and has begun flirting with Sora. The two were recently sighted and attacked by a Vampire.
    Also in London, The Wendigo [High Strangeness] and a Vampire named Albert [Albert Wesker] recently killed two humans in cold blood.
  5. Trevsky
    Thanks to the Wii's motion controls, I have accidentally deleted everything on my Conduit's save file. >,<
    Since I wasn't having that much fun with the campaign, I'm quitting that, but I'm taking my $50 bucks worth out of it from the online. ._.
  6. Trevsky
    ......Got kicked in the shin.... got a ball kicked at my neck..... somebody ran into me as I was trying to head the ball and and accidently elbowed me in the nose....
    And for some reason, I just kept playing....
  7. Trevsky
    Just letting you guys know I still am alive and well, in case you forgot.
    The zombies can't kill me!
  8. Trevsky
    I'm in Orlando, waiting for some pizza! >=D
    Plane ride went well. The three hours were consumed by a WWII movie called Defiance, which was based on a true story about Partisans. It was a pretty good movie. I recomend it to any of you WWII freaks out there. =P
    The drive from the airport was a mess. ><
    Sorry for any spelling errors and the lack of BBC. On my iPod =)
  9. Trevsky
    I had a dream that I went down to New York City and weird stuff happened. Liiiiiiiiike
    -Randomly meeting a ton of my friends...
    -Seeing a presentation about 9/11 outside after dark...
    -The Hudson (?) River being like that river that people use for transportation, except the boats were huge and insanely modern...
    -Going into this skyscraper that was owned by this rich artist dude and he had some awesome art..
    -Seeing this street performance where people threw babies into the river and they magically floated up to surface...
    And I think other stuff happened, but I can't remember what. I wish I could rent my dreams at the video store. =P
  10. Trevsky
    I'm back the grave! And ready to eat flesh! =D
    So what happened? Well my computer broke down, so when one starts it up, instead of that apple you get a flashing vanilla folder with a question mark on it that doesn't leave... And then nothing happens. Flash. Unflash. Flash. Very unacceptable. So we took it to the SmallDog semi-local Mac store and left it there to be repaired.. All I know is that its a hardware problem (Take that Microsoft!) and that its not fixed yet.. Imma at a different house and different computer..
    So what did I do, without much people around, no computer, no video games, and no TV?
    -Prepared for Boarding School. >>
    -Reread World War Z
    -Bought Death Note volume nine, read it twice
    -Started to reread Watchmen
    -Went one the longest bike ride yet within my area, still less exciting than other bike rides in Paris, Montreal, Nantucket, and well... even Burlington...
    -Went to the eye doctor. I hate eye doctors. They know how to lie. And come up with the most evil and torturous tests. And stuff
    Also dreamed three times in one night, which if you combined, you'd have a Simspons like feel and humor, Death Note characters, a James Bond reference, a Simspons like parody of Star Wars (With scenes that never happened as far as I know) zombie apocalypse, part of my real life, and political shenanigans. All wrapped up in a way that makes sense at first, cuz, well its a dream.
  11. Trevsky
    Take a second to look at it. Yeah it is awesome. Yeah it'll change every once in a while. Yeah I'm not awesome enough to come up with the idea myself. Yeah credit goes to Diski. Yeah she copyrighted it. Yeah I got written permission. Yeah Diski is awesome. Yeah I'm going to be more awesome and created more original content blocks. Yeah this is the end of this blog entry.

  12. Trevsky
    So I was playing this free online zombie shooter game that I play every once in a while that I am awesome at but gets really hard, right? So, I was playing for a hour till I got liek, at level 19 (No small feat) and kicking butt, and I got pinned to a wall by ten hard-to-kill and one giant zombies and I'm frantically hitting the keyboard, throwing tons of grenades (Somethign I rarely dude) and hitting the trigger button like crazy, and running around and surviving sthuff. And then the "YOU GOT PROMOTED: PRESS SPACE" screen popped up and I got mauled to death while standing there reading it. Back to round 1. ;____;
    And the game told me "YOU FAILED AT LIFE" ;______;
    Oh and the blog theme is unfinished, pay no attention to it.
  13. Trevsky
    The ending of K-On! was anticlimactic. Fortunately, it was aired relatively recently in Japan (April 09, or so I've heard), so a season 2 is likely enough to hope for. ^^
  14. Trevsky
    this is a font test
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    Well, it's BZP Anniversary's Week, and I now have a free blog like everyone else. Now you don't care. You don't even know who I am, do you? Why are you reading this anyway?
    Thy name is Leada, I've been on this site for almost three years. I thrive in COT only, and I basically only play RPGs. The only RPG I am active in is FotT. I have bought two Premier subscriptions, but they ran out and I don't want to buy a new one.
    If I can get my computer operational, I will make a nice lil theme for the week. The question is, how do I make my blog unique?
    You tell me. ._.

  15. Trevsky
    Man this condominium is sweet. Its three stories, has three bedrooms, four TVs, a PS2, and free Wi Fi! (^^)
    And the place itself has a movie theater where you can watch any movie, a pool, four half hour use computers, a game room, pool, and basketball courts. =O
  16. Trevsky
    For anyone who wants to play, but wants to know the previous events or wants to jump back but needs to know what was missed. ^^
    This is covering everything that has happened since the last recap to here (Will insert link soon). Please read previous recaps for full comprehension.
    Ashley was brought to a cell in Buckingham Palace for questioning, while Chris and Maddy got permission to be in part of the interrogation. Ashley broke free of her bonds and killed the guards, escaping the cell and locking Chris and Maddy inside. Chris used a key previously given to him by the guards to escape. The pair began pursuit on the Preastran, but were too late to save the King from getting murdered by her. Chris and Daniels opened conflict on the Vampire, who recently succeeded in escaping the room. Pursuit from the two hunters is too be expected.
    Leo and the others reached the tomb, to be met with a Vampiric mummy. After Marrissa's killing of the mummy, Leo was discovered to be copy some Hieroglyphics into a notebook and fled the area. He was killed by another Vampire whom was also looking for the same thing Leo was. The vampire stole the notebook and slipped out, while a few members in Leo's party engaged in open conflict. The Vampire exited the Pyramid successfully and began to build a fire outside for unknown reasons.
    Recently Darren/ Kahranax traveled to Buckingham Palace with the idea of working with the local military. After some bitterness, he was accepted, and was put into an a small search and destroy unit. They staked out a building and was attacked by a small group of Vampires, and have been engaging in a small battle since.
    The Wendigo and Albert went their separate ways, the Wendigo getting sighted by a human who shouted its position to everybody in the area. Albert had a run in with a Vehronicaan named Alexia Trevor [Albert Wesker], facing a heated discussion and some violence.
    Johnathan Redstone [Leon S. Kennedy] met a Vampire kid named Allan [Carnival] who was being attacked by a fellow Vampire. Allan saved John's life, earning a limited extension of his trust. John took Allan vampire hunting , where they discovered a Crusnik named Alice [Leon]. They are currently debating on what the heck she is.
    Johnathan Weathers [King Of The Vahki] recently hired a man named Mike Walker [NPC, Leon] to "secure his business interests" in Egypt and is looking for more.

  17. Trevsky
    Today the lake brought some heavy winds, make the cleating tests and races difficult as it forced fast and swift cleating, quick, reflexes, and constant leaning to prevent capsizing. Regardless it brought plenty of exciting and frantic moments, and was one of the most fun sailing experiences I've had yet. We placed first and third in two of the races but our rudder broke off and we hit another boat and we capsized. Got a bit wet, but we got the boat upright and back to shore quickly. Awesome day.
    Leada's sailing log, 9-24-09
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