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Yagami Kumi

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Status Updates posted by Yagami Kumi

  1. Remember to take the god-modding reflector into battle with Levacius!

  2. *sighs*Are you sure you ate him?

  3. oops...

    I tried....

  4. and they dont have aunties.


  5. you can be co author for the ridiculous life of toa.to find out more,post in my comments!

  6. Nice teddies.

    *hands more cookies*

  7. welll i lll make you more pain.....

    *shoots,kanoka,zamor,rhotuka,shadow leeches,midak*

  8. It cant be...But arent you a singaporean!


  9. I like your new name.

  10. Any ideas for a new name?

  11. I'm guessing 6 and a half.

  12. Whatver.I knew it in the first place when Phov joined.


  13. shadow has taken over light..Now i am evil.ps:changed my name

  14. Oh uhm hi. Something something etc.

  15. read the comedy in the ridiculous life of toa.there is a suprise for you....

  16. Just being crazy and all.You?

  17. what's with Avohkii thing?

  18. Happy last day of the year!

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