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Yagami Kumi

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Status Updates posted by Yagami Kumi

  1. hey iranu want to join my game in the bionicle game in the bionicle games and trivia section called Quest for Makuta?

  2. Eh its Takhan not Tahkan.And you spelled Phantoka in your display name wrong.

  3. Happy birthday!ps-i am one of Iranu's friends.

  4. what about my comedy?want to co-author?

  5. you can be co author for the ridiculous life of toa.to find out more,post in my comments!

  6. just change your display name.

  7. chapter III part III of the Ridiculous Life of Toa Is up!

  8. did you get the idea from me changing my name to Toa Takhan Phantoka?

  9. can you enter "The riduculous life of Toa" and "hopeless" in your library

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