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Just A Dot

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Posts posted by Just A Dot


    Does it? I only searched the GCN version of that (and not incredibly well), so it's possible. I should try to get in contact with him!


    I think it's only hidden in the PS2 version.


    Well from what I've heard half the game's content was cut to meet the deadline so there's bound to be something left of that unused stuff in the game.


    There were originally going to be six Mata and six Nuva levels... I think it was going to be canon too.


    Luckily, I also own the PS2 version and have a pretty good idea how to rip apart/edit PS2 ISOs, so I'll probably get on that!

    • Upvote 2

    Also, this is super cool stuff. How precisely did you find it?


    Just looking around the ISO. I extracted some logs the devs left in, and used a solid amount of the classic "Guess, check, and revise!" method to get stuff working in-game.


    (Shamelessly plugging my favorite wiki)


    Could you maybe consider adding this to the Bionicle Heroes page on TCRF? https://tcrf.net/Bionicle_Heroes


    //shameless plug

    Eh, I'm lazy. Someone else could do it.


    While you add it, create a page on Scooby Doo: Night of 100 Frights, since I've been tearing apart that game, too :P


    Never played Bionicle Heroes but thought about getting a copy awhile back. I just don't play on my console enough though and I hear Heroes doesn't run well if at all on Windows 7 machines.


    Anyway, this is a great find! It makes me wonder what other hidden secrets can be found within the game and even if there are any hidden secrets in the original Bionicle 2003 video game as well.

    I've looked through BIONICLE: The Game. Not a whole lot. I got Lewa Nuva to load in Tahu Mata's level (works well enough, but the framerate for that game on Dolphin is abysmal), and he flies and all, I got Tahu to spawn right at the end with the Bohrok in his level (complete with the cave behind him ending in a void), and I got Tahu Nuva to load in an endless void with the Le-Wahi backdrop (he has weapons that he only uses for a split second in the opening of his level. I'd love to get him to load in another level if I had more free time, to see if he can Nuva Blast or anything. Same with Kopaka, who uses an idle animation for standing before one of his cutscenes because that game is horrible, so I suspect he can probably walk and such too.)


    I also found it funny that Tahu Nuva's level is internally referred to as "takoro adrenaline" or something similar.


    So any luck finding anything else? 

    Haven't even looked, sorry! I'd love to look whenever I have more free time. I'm done with finals after Wednesday, and I'm fresh out of a job, so I'll probably have some free time within the next five weeks or so.

    • Upvote 2
  3. The searchlights and matoran seem to suggest the game may have been much darker during development. I wish the person who found this the best of luck in finding more unused content. 

    I do wonder if it was originally going to be a semi-canon game or something of the sort.


    Really neat! I do believe that someone did find and try to explore this level before, but something about how they were doing it locked up their character from navigating beyond the first hallway in a rather strange way.


    Would definitely be fun to see some more.


    Some of the folks on Rock Raiders United dabbled with this game a bit, you might find what they found useful: Link

    Ah, I am familiar with Vahkiti and have briefly conversed with the man before. If I were to make a guess as to why the game locked up, it could be due to him using original hardware instead of Dolphin - some things have different breaking points on the Wii/GCN hardware than they do in emulators, as I've discovered with Brawl modding.

    • Upvote 3
  4. Wow, this is really cool! I'd definitely like to hear about anything else you find in the games, especially seeing the Matoran and their death animations. Seems pretty weird that they'd be enemies, but, well, this game definitely isn't canon. XD

    Thanks for posting this!

    Purely speculation, but they could have been Zamor'd slaves or something :P


    just last year i realized the VN i pictured and loved was a mix of the five (dubiously canon) games, and a buncha stuff i made up in my head completely!


    I don't care if VNOG wasn't canon, I take it as 99% canon in terms of geography.


     I also said Borok instead of saying BOHrok.

    I still say "Borok".

  6. Alas, Teridax... you could have been such a great villain...


    That's one of the reasons I REALLY love MNOG.  At that point, Makuta was still Mata Nui's brother, story wise.  I could easily see Teridax getting jealous of his brother and lashing out at him and his creations.  To me, the whole fight between Mata Nui and Makuta was a sibling rivalry between gods, spun horribly out of control.


    (Come on, don't act like you haven't wanted to completely and utterly beat the turducken out of your siblings once)


    Then we had the Phantoka where we learned there were actually tons of Makutas, and Teridax seemed to have been reduced to this petty schemer wanting to take over the world.

    I find it very interesting that a flash game that was only semi-canon developed outside of LEGO had Terry written better than, well, pretty much anything else.

  7. With the announcement of The Last Guardian, I bought myself a PS4 on last Saturday. Along with it, I got PS+, and received MGSV: Ground Zeroes (which, if I understand, is a prologue to the real MGSV).


    Thus far, I have used PS+ primarily to transfer saves between both of my PS3s.


    Also, Code Name STEAM is amazing. Why did that game not sell, and yet, Splatoon managed to fly off the shelves? (To each their own, but I couldn't find enjoyment in Splatoon. I really tried with it.)

  8. The Last Guardian

    Well then, looks like for next gen consoles, I'm going to end up owning a Wii U and a PS4  eventually.

    I am perfectly okay with that, mostly because I'm kinda looking forwards to No Man's Sky for PS4 as well, so that's three games (Including Fallout 4, which of course i'm getting if i have a console capable of playing) minimum I will play on it.

    Good. Very good. 2016 is good, too, since I certainly won't be getting a PS4 this year.

    I've decided I'm going to buy a PS4 after my next paycheck.



    nintendos been rereleasing the same games for years whats the surprise

    They kinda only started that a few years ago.
    Well, Nintendo's rereleased Super Mario Bros. in some form every generation, the N64 Zelda games have been on every home console since the 64, and they've been pushing rereleases of their old NES games since well before the Wii VC days. If anything, they've at least been doing this (and doing it successfully) longer than anyone else.


    I did forget about the Classic NES series, but I'm not really counting Virtual Console as quite the same thing as Hyrule Warriors 3DS. But point made.

  10. nintendos been rereleasing the same games for years whats the surprise

    They kinda only started that a few years ago.



    And while we're still on the subject of games that are too easy....


    Hyrule Warriors is apparently getting a 3DS port. Kinda surprised, since it's still pretty new on the Wii U, however, Zelda ports seem to be the big thing on it now.

    *sniff* I think I smell a cashgrab...


    I'm not too crazy about this, unless it's discounted for people who own the Wii U version or something. Or you can purchase the new characters/content as DLC in the Wii U version. On-the-fly character switching should be a free update.

  11. @Ghoti; The castle in the story looks similar (and are the only two castles in the Mario universe to share such a design, if I'm not mistaken) there are very few humans in the Mario universe (Mario, Luigi, E. Gadd, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Jumpman (yes, I count him as a seperate person even before the GT episode) and Pauline), therefore your argument about how infinite the universe is is irrelevant (especially since the odds of any alien life looking even remotely human are (pardon the pun) astronomical) and even in stories where children are brought by storks, they'll still resemble their parents.


    Plus, while we do know the reproductive cycle of humans, do we know how it works for Koopas? In the main series of Mario games (I.E. the platformers) I think we see a grand total of 1 female Koopa, and she looked very similar to a male Koopa. For all we know, Koopas are like the dwarves from Once Upon A Time, where they grow eggs that hatch into dwarves.


    Also, from the Mario wiki;


    Rosalina was actually born in the Mushroom Kingdom, and that is where she was raised as a child.


    Unless the current regime is the result of an old one being overthrown after Rosalina grew up, the only occupants of the only castle that looks like the one in the storybook in the Mushroom Kingdom were, for lack of a better term, the Toadstool Dynasty. This means that somewhere, Rosalina and Peach share a family tree.

    Castle looking similar isn't proof since there are most likely other castles in the whole universe, and is hurt by the tree being completely different. Heck, should the different tree more or less disprove that entire point of the theory? I wasn't sure what to think when MatPat drew attention to that, since I felt it shot the entire theory down the drain.


    Doesn't matter how few humans we've seen, 100% of them share the same eye color and earlobes. Does this mean Daisy is also related to Peach? It's not "proof" she's related, she could just share those similar traits. Also, considering how the aliens in Mario Galaxy were giant bees, I think humans are a possibility. Yoshi's seemed to exist on MANY different galaxies in the second game, so shouldn't humans be possible too?


    Valid point on Koopas, but the genetics thing still seems to baseless to me. EVEN if they were the only characters to share an eyecolor and earlobes, that hardly proves them being related. The only point he made that I feel has an ounce of credibility is the mustache, since that's an odd detail to throw in, but I still don't see it as evidence.


    Does Mariowiki have a source for that? NONE of the Mario games I've played mentioned that at all, and I'm very tempted to say it's false. Also, the artbook. Word of God. They aren't related. End of story.



    EDIT: Also, I like Game Theory. They've made mistakes (10ft tall Wario, tsk tsk) but they're still fairly reliable.

    After the Rosalina theory, I lost most respect I had for Game Theory. MatPat's very good at not thinking things through. To his credit, he has had some pretty interesting and even well supported theories, but for every good one, I feel he has one just as terrible.

    Really? Now, explain to me why you think the Rosalina theory went hooey. I thought it was one of his better ones.


    better than a freaking 10 foot tall Wario, that's for sure.


    The only theories I can think of that I disagree with were the "Potions and Power Bands" one and the first FNAF theory.


    Oh, and aspects of FNAF 3, but most of it was pretty solid.


    His whole bit about genetics was downright nonsensical. This is a world where the STORK brings children to their parents. Therefore, aren't genetics irrelevant? Bowser's unmarried as far as we can tell, but he as a kid, because the bloody stork exists. Even so, he hardly "proves" genetics. They have the same eye color and earlobes (which happen to be shared by EVERY human in the Mario world, so irrelevant again), and even if they were unique to them, it doesn't count as proof of anything. There were two people at my highschool who had blue eyes, attached earlobes, and were both lefties, AND actually looked strikingly similar, yet were not related, since one moved in from across the country. That's just within my small district (and I live in a village, to give you an idea of how small my area is). Now we are talking Super Mario Galaxy. GALAXY. As in, space. You visit several galaxies. So a few similar traits means they are related somehow? In a nearly infinite world? His genetics theory is ridiculous. Other than that, he had nothing. He tried to prove the tree in the end scene as being the tree from the story book, yet the art in the book doesn't resemble the other tree at all. He tried to cite Luigi using a telescope once as proof that he is her father, despite the telescope phasing out of existence shortly after you use it in a mansion that has been established as a mere illusion.


    At one point, the two characters WERE planned to be related. The Super Mario Galaxy artbook had a design for Rosalina that looked similar to Peach, but they scrapped it when they decided against the two being related. That right there shoots down the entire theory, word of God. The traits they do share are likely just leftovers in her design from that phase of the game's development. 


    I don't feel like rewatching his video again, but I bet I could debunk most of his other points, since I seem to recall the only point I couldn't really argue against was the tidbit about Rosalina's father having a mustache, which I will admit to being a really interesting thing to add, but still not proof. That whole video was painful and cringeworthy, and I'm shocked how many people seem to think it's one of his better theories.


    I disagreed with the first 5 Nights theory, but it was cool and supported well enough that I wasn't annoyed by it. I agreed with his second theory, and don't agree with his third, but again, it's not trash like the Rosalina one, I still think it's viable.

  13. EDIT: Also, I like Game Theory. They've made mistakes (10ft tall Wario, tsk tsk) but they're still fairly reliable.

    After the Rosalina theory, I lost most respect I had for Game Theory. MatPat's very good at not thinking things through. To his credit, he has had some pretty interesting and even well supported theories, but for every good one, I feel he has one just as terrible.



    As for my Egoraptor comments, the majority of the man's arguments in that video are nitpicks about the game- and while he does have a handful of legitimate complaints (such as the combat being slower), they're mostly drowned out by his bias against 3D games. I wasn't expecting a Matthewmitosis video or anything, but I still think the majority of arguments presented in the video weren't very solid.


    I've sat through the Ocarina of Time sequelitis video several times, and, while I think Egoraptor sucks at video games and hates Ocarina of Time for no good reason at all, I agree with a number of his criticisms of the game. I think he completely ignored everything the game did right, but it was nice to see some solid criticisms of the game, since I feel OoT is pretty overrated.

  14. i'm of the mindset that if you're complaining about the dashboard or interface of a video game console, you're not playing enough video games on it.

    Perhaps, but my second PS3 (the one that I have easier access to) overheats when running games, so all I can do is stare at the dashboard :P


    Gonna fix it up this summer.

  15. How does 14 days of gameplay (as in 336 hours, good grief that's nuts) sound for time spent grinding? (ok maybe it wasn't all grinding but you get the point. Admittedly psyched about new upgrade paths though

    Doesn't impress me. I've spent about 500 hours grinding in SSB4 for the garbage custom moves and hats. STILL MISSING ONE HAT.

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