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Blog Entries posted by Essenger

  1. Essenger
    -[July 11, 2009]-

    My blog is back! And my fingers are killing me.
    I'm moving to the US, and today I had to take apart all my Bionicle sets, so of course my hands are full of dents

    I'll be writing entries regularly now.

  2. Essenger
    -[January 31, 2009]-

    Ok, Ok, my blog was overrun by the Vahki and is now back, hopefully for a long time.

    Why doesn't my blog be popular? You go to Turakii's blog and you look at: "Users Viewing Blog: and a list of members that probably goes as long as her quote block.

    At least *cough* Javi will read it.

  3. Essenger
    -[september 30, 2008]-

    I've been working really hard on the movie of the comics Stuck: A Journal, and it seems like I'm going to have
    some extras in the movie. If you want to accept and be in the movie, make a comment on this blog entry telling me what you
    want your sprite to look like (Rayg Sprites), and a really short description of personality.


    This movie is gonna be awesome!

  4. Essenger
    Well, today I started working on a self-MOC, Terakk, I think it looks awesome. I might need to borrow a few pieces from Dekarax tomorrow that I need to finish the MOC. When I'm finished, I'll put it up for all to see! The model is right now looking like a mix of Lessovik, Lewa Phantoka, and Tanma.
    No school Friday!
  5. Essenger
    -[October 22, 2008]-

    Yes!!! I passed the voting for the Aqua Blade Blaster contest! Now I can only hope
    that GregF will approve my entry, so I can move on to the ultimate poll!


    The final battle is about to begin!

  6. Essenger
    -[september 25, 2008]-

    Today at about 6:00 the power went out. It left the house in complete darkness until about 7:00. We lit a
    bunch of candles and stuff,
    but I went straight up to my room to find a light source. First, I got these pretend
    night vision goggles, which are really only
    two lights that strap onto the side of your head. Then I got out this cool thing I bought at Walmart for 88¢ that
    is like a glow stick sealed inside this thing that you put inside your mouth that
    attaches to the inside of your teeth/mouth.
    It makes your teeth glow green. With the head lights on and the teeth, I looked in the mirror
    in the dark and I looked like a Piraka!

    Then I went outside to creep around the neighborhood in the dark. Some people would look out their dark windows and see me, and get really
    scared. After I had my fun, I went back inside. I went back up to my room and lined my desks and shelves with glowing Kanoka disks.
    I ran downstairs with my Inika strobe light, and was about to look for batteries
    to make my head light eyes brighter when the power came back on.


    Today I made more of my sig pets, iRahi. Now they are being used a lot more.
    I hope something exciting happens to me.


  7. Essenger
    -[November 8, 2008]-

    I won the Aqua Blaster Blade contest!!!

    Aqua Blaster Blade


    No school Monday!
    (No, not because I won.)

  8. Essenger
    Well, I finally got to play the new Mistika Game, and I think it's great. I thought it was a racing game with the vehicles, though. They made a mistake in it-- they referred to Gorast as male. I hope in the final version they add more levels.
    There's nothing really interesting going on in BZP these days.
    No one reads my blog anymore.
  9. Essenger
    -[October 11, 2008]-

    Today I coated my Stratocaster in chrome duct tape. It looks sooooooo tacky.
    I 'm doing great in the Aqua Blade Blaster contest!


    Sorry, I don't have time tonight, so tommorow I'll post in my blog my adventure in the swamp-jungle with Dekarax. You won't
    want to miss it!

  10. Essenger
    -[December 27, 2008]-

    Tomorrow is my birthday!
    I hope I get Ignika. I got a $20 gift certificate for Amazon!


    I finished my new blog approval, I'm glad I have a few myself. So today I made a few sprites, I created a few animations, drawings, etc...

    Now it's off to hunt swamp lizards!


  11. Essenger
    -[september 29, 2008]-

    I have a lot of homework, so I won’t be able to get on
    BZPower a lot today. Yep, this has got to be my shortest blog entry yet.


  12. Essenger
    -[December 25, 2008]-

    Well, today is Christmas! We really didn't have time for Christmas shopping this year, but here's what I got:

    - A bunch of candy
    - A headset with a built-in microphone
    - An amazing $50 animation program (Sorry, I can't tell you what it's called, it's between me and Tohkann toa of arts)
    - A shirt

    And my birthday is coming up on the 28th, I'm hopefully going to get Toa Ignika and go see the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still, (and iz go to seez GUURAHK muuahahahahahaaa!!!!111one).

  13. Essenger
    My dad put different guitar parts together to make this cool electric guitar that looks like a Stratocaster. Some of them are actually Fender parts, and others mixed in. Then we printed out this decal Fender logo and stuck it on the headstock just for laughs.
    I'm thinking of painting it lime green and metru green. And yes, it's because of my favorite Bionicle colors.
    A few days I went into this river in the jungle and caught a vicious lizard which I named Fenrakk.
    It was actually a basilisk lizard (picture of the species):
    But this one was crazy, biting and scratching and attacking.
  14. Essenger
    I'm sick with this sore throat virus thing. Many people I know at school and on BZPower are getting it. Like I said, I missed school today because of it.
    This might be one of my last blog entries.
  15. Essenger
    -[October 5, 2008]-

    Yesterday I filled a huge Ziploc bag with water and in it I put a squid, a Krana, and a Kraata. I put the whole thing in the freezer
    Today I opened it, and they were frozen inside. Parts of them were sticking out of the water. I thawed them thing out
    with water until they came out. The squid slipped right out, though. I took the massive ice ball and smashed it in the middle of the street.


    I passed to the secondary polls with my Aqua Blade Blaster!

  16. Essenger
    Well, It is great to say that my sprite kit is almost finished: Terakk's Ultimate Sprite Kit.
    Other than this, there's not much to say. Tomorrow I'll probably spend a long time on BZPower.
    I just noticed Tanma is on my desk, staring at me while I'm typing.
  17. Essenger
    It's great to finally have premier membership. It came so fast, too, the day after I paid for it!
    Now I can waste countless hours writing blog entries. Well, this is my first entry, so there's not much to write about except that
    Yesterday I got my friend to join BZPower. Oh, man was it funny! The first time I made him an account it was on my computer,
    and it was immediately deleted. I'm going to have to help him out a lot at first so he won't lose proto or get banned. He's only been a member one day and already he's planning to buy lifetime premier membership!
    I bought a few Mistika, Onua and Krika, and they aren't at all as bad as everyone says they are. I think they're awesome! Very useful too— I've used Krika's blades as combs when I can't find any, and the Nynrah Ghostblasters are fun to stick to your face!
    I hope this first blog entry was ok.

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