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Status Updates posted by Rumor

  1. huzzah he has returned

  2. Hydraxon is cool

  3. i also like sleds

    i want to run a snowball war commando mission

  4. I am indeed christmas is only meer hours away!

  5. i can't enter, i'm not good at mocing and i just broke my scabulla and knee, i break bones easy

  6. I didn't know ps2 could go online :P

  7. i don't know, i think he's... 140ish, he runs track so maybe lower

  8. I don't think I'll get them but I may follow the story a bit

  9. I get hurt easily, why did you jump over a wall?

  10. i hate math too. but i'm good at it

  11. i hurt my back in some bizzare way and couldn't go to school have you ever hurt your back

  12. I intercepted your PM

  13. i know isnt it my left arm was geting tired

  14. I like fox and sonic and ike

  15. I like it well enough if I'm writing about what I want to Did you try Glatorian Arena 3 yet?

  16. I like your avatar

  17. I like your name

  18. i mean thursday

  19. I never ever scored a point in one of those things never ever ever.

  20. i saw it yesterday boy THAT was an epic tale...

  21. I saw percy jackson and it was nothing like the book at all

  22. I sent the takanuva one on the 25 of january and teridax and rahkshi together on the 28 and terridax is misspelled

  23. I shall leave your first comment!

  24. i think i needed more depth to it a little better story, i remember liking the book

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