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Status Updates posted by Rumor

  1. no it's only avaliable for download from BZP check the home page

  2. Nothing much, man it's been for ever since we talked this way, how you doing?

  3. oh dear how is your brother?

  4. Oh great lewa krom, I have another query about voice acting,

    How does the auditioning go?

    and when will more characters be avalible to auditon for?

    Thank you for your time

  5. oh sorry i don't think i canhelp you there, try asking somebody you know who know about computers to help

  6. oh well, i think i owned my creative writing exam this morning

  7. oh well... i have a a high metabolism so im about 90lbs but im only 4 ft 6in so... i have a healthy weight

  8. oh yeah an automotive class would work well with you

  9. oh, sorry ,well i may possibly be able to lend a hand Pm me with queries.

  10. okay, my newest is revenge of the fallen autobots ds.

    are you home schooled?

  11. so how do you do?

  12. so, how are you these fine days?

  13. so, hows it going?

  14. so... how about that weather?

  15. some Halol stuff, two TSO cd's other things, how about thou?

  16. soory been busy for a while I got 4 bionicles 3 wii games 2 or 3 movies 2 DS games, clothes, pringles, Ender's Game book series, game guide and mythbusters DVD's and I think that's it

  17. sorry by alter i mean deepen it just a little bit

  18. sorry i haven't commented i forgot :P is you all muscle then?

  19. sorry that is supposed to be snow instead of so

  20. sorry that's supposed to say I hope you fare well

  21. sorry their in brawl

  22. sorry, but have a look at some of the other entries, their is a devastator thing from transformers and it is very good

  23. sorry, perhaps you could ask you parnets or something ,I finshed my exams today

  24. thank you for welcoming me to bzpower

  25. thank you sir

    did you see 9?

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