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Status Updates posted by Sarracenia

  1. Lol I'm so awesome. I'm one of the bazillion people that can read your avatar.^_^

    And probably one of only a handful that taught myself from Pokémon, rofl.

  2. Yes, but I meant that I never even dreamt that LEGO would fully be present on a site like that. Also, you are correct, I hardly ever visit the boards that often.

  3. Lol, interesting name. It's odd to see LEGO on places like /toy/, but I suppose that's what it was made for.

  4. Hi. :P

    Is it OK if we could talk tomorrow, as it's 1 in the morning here. XD

    I'll try to tell you what everyone has been up to tomorrow.

  5. In for a battle some time soon? I need to get something new and incredibly nice EVed (shiny max stat best nature w/ good secondary stat IV). Last time, you had a power level of "OMG OVER 9000!", so it'd be nice to have another. One with the lulz am I, and one with the lulz are you, it seems.

  6. Wow, another veteran to get banned. Strange.

  7. Weird, I didn't notice any new comments. And I'm not actually sure...

  8. If you'd like me to be, then I would be a guest star. However, I just noticed that your topic has been closed. I think that it was in the wrong sub-forum. Stories usually go in Fan Fiction sub-forums, I think. And in-case you didn't realise, if you have 10 or more posts, you can talk via the PM system.

  9. I'd probably say Giant Cresties or a Shingleback, although they are possible to keep in captivity relatively easily.

  10. No, never had one, quite like them though. I have several favourites really, for different things. I think Blue Tongues are extremely good for cuddly and hardy pets, and cresties for looks, hardiness and being different. Overall, I'd probably say Blue Tongues are one of the best.

  11. Oh, and Crystal the snow corn and Agate the Californian Red-sided Garter.

  12. I have: 6 Leopard Geckos, 1 Fat Tail Gecko, Ehlek who you've seen, Iggy my Blue Tongued Skink (in the avatar), Pudding the Horned Frog, Chubby the Green Toad, Ruby the Mexican Red Rump Tarantula and several other cute inverts like baby cockroaches and millipedes. Was that a lot? :P

  13. No, I left my laptop on again. School is hardly ever off for me. Out of interest, what reptile/amphibian pets do you have again?

  14. I guess so, as I noticed it a few months ago. It's not often I see anyone else who has pet herps.

  15. Yes, he is my Crested Gecko, called Ehlek.

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