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    Lets see...<br /><br />Stopmotions are cool (though I can't seem to find the time for them anymore...). <br /><br />I like House! That show is awesome! And I like the Star Wars Clone Wars series. That show is also awesome!<br /><br />I love playing piano. Seriously, I get high off it. I am trying to learn a bunch of Billy Joel songs, plus One Final Effort (Halo 3), Root Beer Rag (another Billy Joel one), and some Linkin Park ones.<br /><br />Oh, and I'm a Republican (that's you Democrats que to gasp). In my school, I am the sole voice of the GOP, with the exception of this super smart physicist named Mr. Maas. I also learned the Palin rap, just for fun.<br /><br />Obama is the President now, and I think that he will do a good job, so please, no comments about how "stupid and old" John McCain is, because it doesn't matter anymore!<br /><br />If you're wondering about my display name, its the name of one of my main characters in my fanfiction called 'Temptation." Its pretty sweet. I'll put it up when its done.<br /><br />That is all. You can all go home now.

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