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Status Updates posted by E(rik)

  1. Please come back. Lots of people here have been drooling over your stuff for a long time.

  2. Woopers do rock hard.

    P.S: I like your new avatar.

  3. I think you mean "The quote in your sig". Silly TMH.

  4. Nuparurocks made it.

  5. Do you actully know about your banner and av, or do you just think it looks cool? :P


  7. Come back. NAOW.

  8. ... and you tell us this over fourty days since you said that. :P

  9. Awww, what a cute, innocent picachu...

  10. Expect something awesome soon!

  11. I cant belive you like coheed and cambria. I looked up the lyrics for one of there songs ( the song was called welcome home)and It gave me nightmares for a week.

  12. @OhSnap: I'm an awesome guy, thats who. :P

  13. Yeah. Those Jackrabbits and Mr. Python never believed I could escape my pen with some vines and some shards of a broken food bowl.

  14. Go listen to burn it down and alomst easy by A7X, or i'll eat you.

  15. Your name is wesome.

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