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Blog Entries posted by Chols

  1. Chols
    I had a fun discussion about this with the BS01 staff last night. I figured it would be fun to open discussion to BZPower too.
    Basically, what kind of animal do you/would you associate with your own personality and why? I don't mean anything serious like identifying yourself as another species, but rather just a simple comparison between yourself and a type of animal. Also, no need to over-think the comparison, as any such comparison is a generalization anyhow.
    Obviously I associate myself with wolves, and even go so far as to identify myself as one from time to time. I tend to show respect to worthy authority, and my own life is rather similar to the concept of a beta wolf (an adult wolf who sticks with its pack, biding its time until its ready to live on its own). The comparison pretty much stops there though.
    So yeah, what about you guys? :3
  2. Chols
    Is it just me, or have zombies killed me more times than any of the competitors?
    Not mad though. I needed to finish early to get some work done, so that worked out.
    Wish I could have been there for the final kill but ah well. Congrats LM. C:
  3. Chols
    We have a visual on the Sumiki. He is hiding among the group of "AFOLs". It is absolutely critical that we remain unseen and do not interfere wit--

    Oh deer. The Sumiki has spotted us. We will pretend this never happened.

    The Sumiki is gazing at the art all around him, seemingly fascinated by the cultural aura they emit.

    Snap. Spotted again. It seems to be showing us something. Could this be the Sumiki's way of understanding Bionicles? Quite a perplexing-- MEIKO NO

    Oh what's this?

    the local AFOL fauna are gathering. They are proceeding to remove their headdresses and stack them all atop the Sumiki's head.

    The ritual continues. Is there no end to this astounding pile of headdresses?

    The tower is complete and the clan groups together in celebration. Onlookers from behind the veil gaze at the splendor of this beautiful creation.
    Stay tuned for more more enthralling installments of Sumikiwatch (but not really).
    (Was originally going to post this in Xaeraz's entry, but it was too long so I made it a new entry.)
  4. Chols
    That's not me I mean how could that be me I don't hav--

    (Also I cannot draw wings to save my life)
  5. Chols
    Whoop, got time to figure out the new system. Apparently all content block images are now resized to 222px wide.
    Anyways Okami theme is GO.
    Maybe I'll figure out a categories block at some point, but I'm still trying to figure out how categories/tags work. Also debating whether or not to keep the quotes block. It's gonna need some serious reformatting.
    Also, anyone else glad that blog comments no longer have signatures? Now you can have content blocks on both sides without fear of overflow from banners. It's quite convenient.
  6. Chols
    I'm cleaning the music files from my old iPod Nano (no longer need it so I'm handing it down to a family member). As this was my first real music player, I can see just how my taste in music evolved over the last few years.
    I got the device for Christmas in 2008. On that date I added some BIONICLE music and an old Pokémon album. this was pretty much the entirety of my music collection at the time; surprisingly, I didn't like a lot of music then.
    During 2009 I added a few video game soundtracks (Cave Story and World of goo specifically). I love both of these soundtracks even today. I enjoyed video game music greatly at the time, but I had no interest in any specific music artists. 2010 wasn't much different, with various video game remix albums added (mostly for Zelda music because Zelda has the best music).
    2011 was when my music tastes began to expand greatly. I acquired two albums inn February: Daughtry by Daughtry and Pulse by Pink Floyd. These were the first albums I owned that were not promotional compilations or soundtracks/remixes, and subsequently developed a taste for rock music. For a while I stuck to these two artists, acquiring Leave This Town and Dark Side of the Moon the next month (by Daughtry and Pink Floyd respectively). By April, I took a liking to some other artists, such as Evanescence and Kasabian. I've since grown out of Evanescence since then, but Kasabian remains my favorite band still active, and I now own all of their studio albums. I also expanded my Pink Floyd library with The Division Bell and Animals by June. In August I took a liking to Daft Punk and purchased their live album Alive 2007, which was instrumental in developing my tastes in electronic music. Throughout the year I also collected a number of soundtracks (mostly from Valve, as well as the Okami soundtrack which is still the best thing ever), and some albums from David Gilmour and Cage The Elephant.
    Unfortunately the collection ends there, as I replaced my iPod with a new iPod Touch on my birthday in October, but since then my library continues to expand. I still mostly listen to various forms of rock and electronic music, though I've begun to take a liking to other genres such as hip-hop (I currently enjoy Gorillaz and Massive Attack a lot, though I guess the latter is more trip-hop but whatever). I've also expanded my library for many other artists this year, including The Beatles, Billy Joel, The Glitch Mob, Justice, Kraftwerk, M83, The National, Of Monsters and Men, and many more (just naming some favorites).
    Yeah, I just wanted to publish this somewhere before I have to go wipe my old iPod. It's been fun looking back and seeing how I've grown.
  7. Chols
    So I started one of those quote block thingies a while ago, but never really scrounged up enough good material to put in it.
    That's where you come in.
    Gimme a link to some funny (but brief) BZPower conversations involving you and maybe I'll put it in the block.
    Deal? Deal.
  8. Chols
    I do this all the time.
    Except with less beer and more beard.
    Got a final paper due today and have hardly begun preparing.
    Bad habit bad habit bad habit
    But heeeeeey I'll be done with this summer course soon.
  9. Chols
    Yayz! :3
    This bundle is even better than the last one. LIMBO and Amnesia and Psychonauts and Bastion and more OH MY.
    There's only one day left on it, so if you'e looking to buy, now's your chance.
    Also, I'm giving away my activation code for Lone Survivor, Braid and Super Meat Boy, as I already own two of them. Does anyone want them? Note that all three have the same activation code, so I cannot split them. thus I only recommend it for someone who wants all or most of the three games. Oh, and you'll need Steam installed, of course.
    EDIT: On second though, I am currently considering giving the code out as a prize for an upcoming BZPcraft event, so you might have a chance to win it there. Still, let me know if you're interested.
  10. Chols
    Goodness am I really 21 already.
    Thanks to all my friends you are all wonderful people. <3
    I think I'll spend most of today just chillin'.
    Oh also party's over here yo.
  11. Chols
    Playing though Ravenholm at 2 in the morning is never a good idea.
    Let this be a warning to everyone.
    I think I'll be sleeping with a crowbar under my bed from now on.
  12. Chols
    So I've had this weird problem with my laptop since I bought it. It seems that every time the cooling fan turns on, my computer freezes for a second. Now I expect computers to freeze occasionally when loading something heavy, but when it happens on this machine, it causes audio to glitch and play slowly until it unfreezes. It's extremely brief, but annoying nonetheless.
    Problem is, I can't figure out the cause. It could be the sound card, the switchable graphics and either of the two GPU's cards (Intel HD Graphics 3000 and AMD Radeon HD 7650m), external interference, I dunno what. I do not believe I have installed any driver updates since purchase. Model name is Acer Aspire 7750G, if that helps any.
    Any ideas on how I could solve this?
  13. Chols
    In some amazing alternate universe, this was the Slizers gimmick in place of disk-throwing.
    Inspired by a comment by Disty on Flickr:
    I have no idea if that's legit, but either way it is awesome to think about.
  14. Chols
    Most of my contacts (all great guys ) are mainly from BS01. I feel I need a few more BZPower contacts....
    If you want to add me on any of the aforementioned clients let me know via PM and I'll give you my name. Just understand though that I don't add anyone I don't know well so please don't be offended if I say no.
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