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Blog Entries posted by Chols

  1. Chols
    I really shouldn't be blogging with all the stuff I need to get done, but OH WELL.

    It's a cell wall. This seems to be a part of the Police Station model, with other parts coming on later days. (Note those binoculars are not included, I added those).
    Mr. Cop won't let Mr. Robber get away! He has a plan to stop him...

    It looks like felony...

    Doesn't fly in this City.
  2. Chols
    Welp, ONCE AGAIN, I am out of space on my hard drives, and cleaning everything up,
    I just all the files in my Downloads holder for the first time.

    I really need a new computer. Preferably one that doesn't have 8 years of junk on it.
  3. Chols
    The hoity-toity Frenchman stereotype robber is wreaking holiday havoc! WHO WILL STOP HIM!?

    It's a holly jolly policeman! There's nothing too exciting about this set; it's a pretty standard policeman figure. I was surprised to see that he had a print on his back, though. I guess all the new torsos have that? Also spare handcuffs are always nice.

    Mr. Cop chases after Mr. Robber, but Mr. Robber has a surprise up his sleeve...

    ...and makes a daring getaway! You may have gotten away this time, Mr. Robber, but you can't escape justice forever. >
    (also lookie there I found a use for that clear headlight brick)
  4. Chols
    (Pardon the delay. I'm lazy today)
    It's the second day of December, so here's the second set in the advent calendar. That's pretty self-explanatory, isn't it?

    It's a snowball catapult! I really love this idea. Not only is it creative, but fun to play with too.
    So now our robber hoity-toity Frenchman stereotype has more snowballs and improved range. Who can stop him now!?

  5. Chols
    Aw man, I nearly forgot I had this year's city advent calendar o_o
    Well, since I do, and should still have my blog for the rest of the month (thanks bloggies :3), I figure I'd do another daily review like last year.

    The box is pretty similar to previous years. There's a preview of the contents on the front, and another lovely diorama inside.
    Now for today's set.

    It's a burglar, carrying his weapon of choice: a snowball. Nothing special here, he's very similar to the other burglars in this year's City sets, but he's great to have. Think the cops will notice his prison uniform under that coat?
    Also, Kaxix is doing his own review of the City Advent Calendar. You can check out his pictures here!
  6. Chols
    Just completed this album. It's definitely Daughtry's best album yet.


    I was a bit disappointed that most of the album wasn't like the opening song, Renegade, which was totally awesome. Even so, there's a number of great hard rock and soft rock songs in the album.


    I got the deluxe edition. Normally I don't like bonus tracks, as they tend to detract from the end of the album, but I feel this album is even better with the bonus tracks. The four added songs are great, and Lullaby makes a much better ending to the album that Spaceship.


    So yay music. c:

  7. Chols
    I am officially addicted to this game.
    It's sooooo much fun, but I keep having to put it down to try and get work done. D:
    digdigdigdigdigdigdigdigdigdigdigdigdigdig :3
  8. Chols
    So Grant-Sud just gifted me Terraria because he's AWESOME and Steam has AWESOME sales going on right now and STUFF.
    I begin playing, and neglect Grant's warnings to build a house before sundown, then this is what goes down:
    Now to build a house... ._.
  9. Chols
    You know how LEGO shipping boxes come with those air-filled bags to protect the contents?
    I just found some before. They are incredibly fun to stomp on.
    And they sound like a freaking explosion when you do. My ears were ringing like crazy. @_@
  10. Chols
    That actually sort of makes sense, given Bionicle's names were originally inspired by pacific island languages and all.
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