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Sharnak the Bohrok Lord

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Blog Entries posted by Sharnak the Bohrok Lord

  1. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    Well, the forums are back up after these many months. It's a bit odd seeing such a huge change and being here again after so long. Well, don't expect many blog posts from me, seeing I've never been active with it. I might get that comic series up and running sometime, who knows?
    Also, a heads up. While BZP was gone, I caught the brony disease. So if I start posting ponies.... well, you know.
  2. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    Welcome to our new segment of the Bohrok Blog. In this blog segment I will give my opinion of recent events. Of course you don't have to agree with what I say, we all have different opinions. However, sense this is my blog, my opinion is superior to yours.
    This time I shall talk about BZPower's change in signature and avatar guidelines. In case you haven't heard, the new size restriction is 800x300. This is a MASSIVE boost compared to before. While many BZP member are rejoicing this new change, I am reacting differently. Maybe Darth Vader can sum up my reaction. Darth, may you please?

    Thanks, Darth! You did an excellent job.
    While members are pleased to have freedom of having more space, this is also has a negative side effect. Not about 89% of people will have gigantic avatars that will distract the eye from the main post. Like an administrator once said (I forgot which one), if you signature is bigger than your post, then there's a problem. And, more than likely, every one will ignore this and their posts will look something like this:

    This is the Bohrok Lord and I just told you what to think!
  3. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Well, my great aunt had her birthday yesterday and we went to my grandparents to celebrate it. It was fun until the way back. You see, they were repaving the highway and the detours made no sense whatsoever.
    On the way there we stopped by one of Columbia, SC's wall*marts. (They have a way better selection than the local one near us!)Well, my dad got some stuff for the flooring(that's another story) and I got TWO NEW TOYS! I got Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Ravage and a BIONICLE Star. Now despite the fact that I dislike the stars, I thought I might as well just get at least one. They had all the Stars except for the most popular one, Tahu. So it was a choice between Skrall, Nektann, Takanuva, Gresh, and Rahkshi. The Skrall is garbage, I already have Glatorian Gresh which is far much more better, I'm tired of Takanuva, so it was between Rahkshi and Nektann. Both the piraka and the rahkshi were awesome, both set-wise and story-wise, but I decided on getting Rahkshi. (You could say that I could have gotten both, but I already got ravage so I had to get one Star.)
    So, now that I'm home, he needs a name and not just "Rahkshi". I could just call him by BinkMaster's name for it, Zirahk, but I decided to be silly and name him George.
    George is a cool toy, the head and arm articulation is limited, but I've found ways still to work with it. George does make a cool desk toy and if you want to take a small toy with you on trips then I would recommend him. He can even fit inside his canister well, but you have to detach his head/spine and take apart his staff, but seeing the simplicity of the build, it is easy to put it back. (Also, if you can't find a use for the shield, you can use it as arm armor, but you've already figured that out by now, eh?)
    That's all I got for tonight, but I'll be sure to give you updates... if any. He's just a toy. Though it would be cool if there was a kraata that came with him.
    - The Bohrok Lord
  4. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    Okay, I want to show people my art, but my scanner won't work. Can any one help me out?
    EDIT: Well, I never was so I'll explain. Well, I got it plugged in, hooked up to the computer, turned on, but the computer will not recognize it and I don't know why.
  5. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    I have a planned comic series about a planet called Zara Igna. It is very similar to the Matoran universe. They even have similar species only with slight differences. There are many continets, each ruled by an element minius air and water. (Air beings live in the sky while water being live in bodies of water. Water being prefer the ocean, but some can be found in lakes and rivers) You can tall it is a HUGE planet.
    Zarna Magna can be concidered a parrel universe in some degree so a version of you can be there.
    So, what do you think? Why or why not?
    - The Bohrok Lord
  6. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    I will be making a new comic series (see my sig.) and I shall reveal what's going to happen. Do not click the spoiler tag, if you do not wish to be spoiled.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Every hero has a destiny. Every destiny is a journey. Every journey is a legend. Every legend must have an end. You will about to find out secrets thought of, and never imagined. This where the future, the past, and the present merges into one. You will find out that the darkest shadows can be found in the most warmful hearts. You will see many characters changed into the most horrible creature known to the BIONICLE planet, and some beyond. You will want to fight the enemy, but can you do it when it's right in front of you? Your enemies can be your closet friend, or it will be you. In The Shadow Legends all these things will happen and so much more. You may wait, but it might be closer than you think... especially the slaughter.
  7. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord

    2001 It all started one day in 2001 (yes, I've been a fan that long). I was young and watched TV... too much. It was a boring day and I decided to pat attention to the commercials! (gasp!) Then I saw one about THE Bionicle. My first thought: Wow... I must have them! All I knew was two things: The name, and they're toys. I didn't know anything about the story line or that there was a storyline! Plus, I didn't know that there where other sets besides toa. I just thought they were other non-bionicle toys. And worse of all, I thought they were robots. Bad fan, huh?

    2002 I was stunted when I saw the new bionicle toys, the... new bionicles? That's right, I didn't know what the bohrok were called. All I knew was they were new, and I wanted them just as bad. The rest repeats, but unlike before, where I got them all, I just got a few: "The red one", "the black one", and maybe "the green one". When the Toa Nuva came out all I new came from the commercial: They were the "old ones" and they got new armor and cooler.

    2003-2005 Those years changed my life. I was some-what aware of the storyline (thanks the movies), I became aware that there were bigger and more complex sets, and they were not robots.
    In early 2005, I got a computer that had the Internet. I went to many sites, including bionicle.com. It was awesome.
    In late 2005, some one mentioned a site called "BZPower". I was too quick too judge, looked at it for a split second, then left.

    2006 At first I thought the "toa" were cool. Then I discovered they were the bad guys. The villains come out first this time. I. Was. Shocked. I let the comics be my entire source of the storyline info.
    Late 2006/Early 2007
    In that time I looked up Bionicle on Wikipedia (hint: more info then than today). I then became almost completely aware of the story line.

    2007 I decided to give BZP another look. I saw that it was news site and checked it out EVERY DAY. Months later, I discovered that it was a forum site too! I mostly spent my time in the comic section. I licked three comics: Dark709's comics, The Tales of Idiodicy, and Moronicle. When the Toa Mahri came out, I didn't like them, but then grew fond of them.
    In November I decided one thing, I was ready to join BZPower. Later I made my own comics. They were great. I spent most of my time there to give it life and tend to it.

    2008 I was happy when I got to see more of the BoM. Before then all knew of was The Makuta (or Teridax). I wanted to get them all! Same for the Mistika. I was outraged that the matoran sets cost more. If they had the same nuber of peices of 2001, then they would cost more that the toa/makuta!

    Current coming soon
  8. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    This was I a ditched script I wrote a few years ago. The breaks indicate when a comic would and where a new one would begin. I write long, continuous stories which I then break up, not as individual serials.
    (marked with spoilers to condense text)
    This script was scrapped due to a variety of reasons.
    1. Sharnak came across as too insane and violent than I wanded and I wan not satisfied Ansark's portrayal. Ansark's new characterization is that he's what Sharnak could become, not his total opposite.
    2. Writer's block. I had no idea how to continue the story where I left off.
    3. Lack of time to begin artwork.
    If I return to comics expect element of this scene to carry over but played seriously.
  9. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    For those who do not know, a few years ago there was a comic series called Civil War. This was a big event as it featured many authors fighting each other in a war. Each author belonged to one of two sides:
    PASS, lead by Gavla, who discovered a great source of power, one once wielded by Hapori Tohu himself, that they could use to make a better world.
    RIGOL, lead by Venom, who believed that such power should not be used, either out of respect or loyalty toward Tohu or out of fear of the repercussions if Gavla succeed.
    It was a great idea but what killed it was authors not making comics for the series, either due to time or a lack of interest. Unfortunately, I was one of the people. I had a script ready that went through several revisions, but I was not able to move onto the artwork phase. It was a shame as I thought the series had a lot of potential. But without further due, I decided to post the script I made for it!
    (See the bottom for extra details.)
    Well, there you go!
    As I said earlier, the script went under several revisions. In a first draft there was another elaborate fight scene. In it, the giant helicopter would have either fired at the building or crashed into it, causing the already weak structure to topple over. The squad managed to survive either by jumping on the copter and riding on its slower decent or, if they stayed in the building, by miraculous luck. There, one the turrets ejected, revealing spider-like legs and fought them on ground. They defeated it by taking out the legs but Oni was severely injured in the process.
    This scene was cut due to time and because I couldn't get the comic to flow right. It caused most of my writer's/artist's block so I had to scrap it. The biggest drawback of its removal was that the rest of Venom hogged the fight scene. Had it been kept, everyone would have gotten a chance to participate.
    Oni's absence would have also been more believable. He decided to leave the series and his injuries would have provided an in-story reason why he would no longer be seen. I didn't want to kill him off, like what they did to Vahkoro, in case he wanted to return. Since the seen was cut, I had to make him suddenly leave off-screen for no good reason.
    Another major change was the ending. In my first draft, Venom did not leave for a rescue mission; we went to meet with the BZGuard. (In most comic land stories, the BZGuard were the protectors and servants of Tohu and were also the law enforcers and military of the comic land.) It would make sense that while they would try to not officially picks sides in order to prevent escalation of the war, they would be sympathetic to RIGOL's cause and secretly support it. With RIGOL is on the losing, Venom would demand/persuade them to fully join his side. If he succeeds, it would be a turning point in the war. However, Venom would be out in the open and PASS forces would be out to stop him, no matter the cost.
    I loved this idea, (which included a high speed chase scene), but I decided to save it for later, hinting at Venom's plan for the guard instead. It was changed where Venom would go on a rescue mission to save his friend, Vahkoro, only to find him dead. This was changed after Eljay's comic, which depicted him dying in the logistics center instead at a PASS prison or base.
  10. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    Hello, people of BZPower! I am back for real this time.
    I'll admit that I lost interest in BIONICLE but now I think I'm starting to get back into LEGO again. I'm not sure how active I'll be, but I'll try not to be too much of a lurker.
    I also changed my screen name. Most people here know me as "The Bohrok Lord" but I don't really go by that name anymore. "Sharnak the Bohrok Lord" seemed like a good compromise.
  11. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    It's been months since I posted an entry, and I'm sorry for such a delay. I've been at deviantART, and I've kind of forgotten about this place. It's such I shame, I did pay for this thing. I'd just like you to know that I'm back.
    After so long, I might as well have some news. In comic making industry, I will (hopefully) begin writing the script for my upcoming comic series, Comic Archive. I plan on there being thirteen comics for each season (if it can last for one), or maybe more if the season finallies can't be in two or three comics. You maybe be thinking, "Wow only thirteen comics per season? Looks like the series is going to go by fast!". I know most comic topics have twice if not three times as more comics per season than 13. But here's the thing: My comics will have pages, like real comics do. That's right, pages. This makes the comic longer, hopefully more enjoyable, and easier to read if you are busy. Not all comics will have the same pages though. Some might be three to five, while others could be twenty to twenty-five. But seeing as this is shifting into production, I might as well start talking about it.
    Production will start after the scripts are completed, which I hope to begin in the end of my school year/early summer. Like I said before, they will be pages rather than just one page for a comic. I guess production has started, but only the main character sprites are made, so nothing much. If you wish to contribute to the production, then your help is always welcomed. Just send me a PM on BZPower or a note on deviantART and we shall discuss things further.
    I hope that you enjoyed the announcement and forgive me for my long absence on my BZPower blog.
  12. Sharnak the Bohrok Lord
    Once I was starving at school. Well, when it was luch I got alot of food. (My school has great food. ) Then a kid came by and sneezed on it. I was sick the next day.
    - The Bohrok Lord
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